
Dr. Fabiano Rodrigues

Dr. Fabiano Rodrigues is leading the research efforts of the Upper Atmosphere Remote Sensing Lab within UTD’s Center for Space Sciences.


BSc in Electrical Engineering, 2001
Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

MSc in Space Sciences, 2003
National Institute for Space Research, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008
Cornell University, NY, USA

Graduate Students

Josemaria Gomez Socola

Electrical Engineering

Bio: I completed my undergraduate studies at the Peruvian Applied Science University (UPC) in Peru, where my interest in signal processing started. After finishing my bachelor’s degree, I worked at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory, which is a facility dedicated to the studies of the low latitude ionosphere using various instruments including radars. I am now pursuing a doctoral degree with the aim of specializing in advanced digital signal techniques and developing low-cost instruments for ionospheric measurements.

Alexander Massoud


Bio: I am a 2020 alumnus of Ithaca College where I earned a B.A. in Physics with minors in English and Mathematics. I expanded my undergraduate thesis-work as a post-baccalaureate researcher after graduation. In 2021, I became a candidate in the PhD program in physics at UTD. Since then, I have applied my experience with spectroscopy and computational modelling to new work in the low-latitude ionosphere. Using my personal background and perspective, I energize myself to pursue challenging opportunities and make physics a more accessible discipline.

Isaac Wright


Bio: Having completed my B.S. in Physics at UT Dallas in 2022, I am now pursuing a doctoral degree in physics. Building off my work as an undergraduate student in the UARS, I was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under a proposal to deploy low-cost monitors to study the equatorial ionosphere at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory in Peru. As part of this, I am modifying the sensors to be more resilient to given campaign conditions (no wifi, no power, etc.). Also a Eugene McDermott Graduate Fellow, I enjoy the opportunity to mentor and engage in the broader space sciences community.

We are often looking for motivated students interested in doing research in the areas of space sciences, software defined radio, signal processing, and data analysis. Programming experience is required. E-mail us if you want to know more.

Former Lab Members

Samuel Shidler (PhD), Physics [Applied Research Laboratories, ARL:UT]

Weijia Zhan (PhD), Physics [Clemson University]

Jessica Smith (PhD), Physics [Texas Instruments]

Kelly Jackson, Graduate (MS), Physics

Gebreab K. Zewdie, Graduate (MS), Physics

Aaron Barbosa, Undergraduate, Physics

Joselyn Narvaez, Undergraduate, Computer Science

Martha Bridges, Undergraduate, Software Engineering

Patrick Koch, Undergraduate, Physics

Zain Merchant, Undergraduate, Computer Science

Pedro Brea, Undergraduate, Physics

Logan Fox, Undergraduate, Physics

John Nguyen, Undergraduate, Physics

Christopher Keele, Undergraduate, Physics

Alex Eddy, Undergraduate, Physics [University of Oklahoma, School of Meteorology]

Michael Amaya, Undergraduate, Electrical Engineering

Matthew Henderson, Undergraduate, Physics [Texas A&M, Computer Science]

Andrew Koenig, Undergraduate, Telecommunications Engineering

Veronica Rodriguez, Undergraduate, Clark Program, Physics

Mario Martinez, Undergraduate, Physics

Taylor Hoffman, Undergraduate, Physics