Diversity and Education Publications


Upadhyayula S, Pemberton EJ, Burton MD. Getting to the bottom of Cancer Treatment Pain: Can the way our cells talk to each other make a difference? Frontiers for young Minds. Provisionally Accepted.

Letzen, J.E., Mathur, V.A., Janevic, M.R., Burton, M.D., Hood, A.M., Morais, C.A., Booker, S.Q., Campbell, C.M., Aroke, E.N., Goodin, B.R., Campbell, Merriwether, E.W. Confronting Racism in Pain Research: Reframing Study Designs. The Journal of Pain epub 26 Feb. 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpain.2022.01.010

Alexander SN and Burton MD. The damaging effects of stereotypes and implicit bias in science. OSFPreprint/Molecular Biology of the Cell Submission. Voices 2022

Etson CM, Block K, Burton MD, Edwards A, Flores SC, Fry C, Guillory AN, Ingram SL, McGee R, Neely-Fisher DL, Phelan L, Paxson S, Phelan L, Primus C, Suggs K, Vega L, Vuong E, Hammonds-Odie L, Leibowitz ML, Zavala ME, Lujan LJ, Rameriz-Alvarado M, Segarra VA. Beyond Ticking Boxes: Holistic Assessment of Travel Award Programs is Essential for Inclusivity. OSFPrePrint/The Biophysicist. 2021-10 DOI: 10.3549/tbp.2021.000195

Primus C, Zimmerman AN, Terovolas AK, Block K, Brown KG, Burton MD, Edwards A, Etson CM, Flores SC, Fry C, Guillory AN, Ingram SL, McGee R, Neely-Fisher DL, Phelan L, Paxson S, Suggs K, Vega L, Vuong E, Lujan JL, Rameriz-Alvarado M, Segarra VA. Scientific societies fostering inclusivity in the life sciences through engagement of undergraduate scientists. OSFPrePrint doi 10.31219/osf.io/3xayf/Frontiers in Sociology/Education in review.

Segarra VA, Primus C, Unguez GA, Edwards A, Etson C, Flores SC, Fry C, Guillory AN, Ingram SL, Lawson M, McGee R, Paxson S, Phelan L, Suggs K, Vega LR, Vuong E, Havran JC, Leon A, Burton MD, Lujan JL, Ramirez-Alvarado M.  Scientific societies fostering inclusivity through speaker diversity in annual meeting programming: a call to action. Mol Biol Cell. 2020 Nov 1;31(23):2495-2501. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E20-06-0381.