Catch members of the NIB Lab at ABRCMS 2022 in Anaheim, CA & at SfN 2022 in San Diego, CA.
Melissa Lenert – SfN – DSPAN Scholar and presenter
Shevon Alexander – SfN – NanoSymposium Oral Presenter Invitee
Zachary Castillo – ABRCMS
Calvin Uong – ABRCMS – Travel Scholar Award
Hanna Abdelhadi – SfN – Trainee Professional Development Award – Larry Cauller Awardee
Jackson Trotter – ABRCMS – Travel Scholar Award – E.N.S.U.R.E. Fellow Support
Olivia Reed – SfN
More on their Twitter and Social Media Pages!
Dr. Burton is making changes for future NIH F- fellowships as a member of the: CSR Advisory Council Working Group.
Strengthening Fellowship Review https://public.csr.nih.gov/AboutCSR/Organization/WorkingGroups#6 Charge To advise CSR on changes in language of the fellowship review criteria that would ensure the most fair, objective and rigorous assessment of the candidate and his/her potential to become a well-trained, strong scientist to address our nation’s biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs.
New Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program
Dr. Burton is one of the co-directors of the newly funded Enhancing Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Experiences (ENSURE) Please read about it and be prepared to apply if you are currently a Freshman or Sophomore! Scholarship Program Expands Access for Undergraduate Neuroscience Researchers