Silicon surface modification and characterization for emergent photovoltaic applications based on energy transfer, W. Peng, S.M. Rupich,, N. Shafiq, Y. N. Gartstein, A. V. Malko, and Y.J. Chabal, Chemical Reviews, 115(23), 12764 (2015)
Low temperature synthesis of a TiO2/Si heterojunction, G. Sahasrabudhe, S. M. Rupich, J. Jhaveri, A. H. Berg, K. A. Nagamatsu, G. Man, Y. J. Chabal, A. Kahn, S. Wagner, J. C. Sturm, and J. Schwartz, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(47), 14842 (2015)
Frustrated etching during H/Si(111) methoxylation produces fissured fluorinated surfaces whereas direct fluorination preserves atomically flat morphology, E.S. Skibinski, W.J.I. DeBenedetti, S.M. Rupich, Y.J. Chabal, and M.A. Hines, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(46), 26029 (2015)
Role of alumina coatings for selective and controlled bonding of DNA on technologically relevant oxide surfaces, T. Calais, B. Playe, J-M. Ducéré, J-F. Veyan, S. Rupich, A. Hemeryck, M. D. Rouhani, C. Rossi, Y. J. Chabal, and A. Estève, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(41), 23527 (2015)
Ethylenediamine grafting on oxide-free H-, 1/3ML F-, and Cl-terminated Si(111) surfaces, T.P. Chopra, R.C. Longo, K. Cho, M. D. Halls, P. Thissen, P. Thissen, and Y.J. Chabal, Chemistry of Materials, 27(18), 6268 (2015)
Atomic Layer Deposition of Cobalt silicide thin films studied by in situ infrared spectroscopy, K. Bernal-Ramos, M.J. Saly, R.K. Kanjolia, and Y.J. Chabal, Chemistry of Materials, 27(14), 4943 (2015)
Enhancing the reactivity of Al/CuO nanolaminates by Cu incorporation at the interfaces, L. Marin, C.E. Nanayakkara, J-F. Veyan, B. Warot-Fonrose, S. Joulie, A. Estève, C. Tenailleau, Y. J. Chabal, and C. Rossi, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7(22), 11713 (2015)
Competitive Co-adsorption of CO2 with H2O, NH3, SO2, NO, NO2, N2, O2, CH4 in M-MOF-74 (M= Mg, Co, Ni): The Role of Hydrogen Bonding, K. Tan, S. Zuluaga, Q. Gong, Y. Gao, N. Nijem, J. Li, T. Thonhauser and Y. J. Chabal, Chemistry of Materials, 27 (6), 2203 (2015).
Controlling the reproducibility of Coulomb blockade phenomena for gold nanoparticles on an organic monolayer/silicon system, L. Caillard, S. Sattayaporn, A-F. Lamic-Humblot, S. Casale, P. Campbell, Y. J. Chabal and O. Pluchery, Nanotechnology, 26, 065301 (2015).
Hybrid light sensor based on ultrathin Si nanomembranes sensitized with CdSe/ZnS colloidal nanocrystal quantum dots, W. Peng, S. Sampat, S. M. Rupich, B. Anand, H. M. Nguyen, D. Taylor, B. E. Beardon, Y. N. Gartstein, Y. J. Chabal and A. V. Malko, Nanoscale, 7, 8524 (2015)
Structural, elastic, thermal, and electronic responses of small-molecule-loaded metal-organic framework materials, P. Canepa, K. Tan, Y. Du, H. Lu, Y. J. Chabal and T. Thonhauser, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 986 (2015)
Structural band-gap tuning in g-C3N4, S. Zuluaga, L-H. Liu, N. Shafiq, S. M. Rupich, J-F. Veyan, Y. J. Chabal and T. Thonhauser, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 957 (2015)
Water Interaction in Metal Organic Frameworks, K. Tan, N. Nijem, Y. Gao, S. Zuluaga, J. Li, T. Thonhauser and Y. J. Chabal, CrystEngComm 17, 247 (2015).
Morphology and chemical termination of HF-etched Si3N4 surfaces, L-H Liu, W. J. I. Debenedetti, T. Peixoto, S. Gokalp, N. Shafiq, J-F Veyan, D. J. Michalak, R. Hourani and Yves J. Chabal, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 261603 (2014)
Chemical nature and control of .high-k dielectric/III-V interfaces, W. Cabrera, M.D. Halls, and Y.J. Chabal, ECS Transactions, 66(6), 65 (2015).
Sensing the charge state of single gold nanoparticles via work function measurements, Y. Zhang, O. Pluchery, L. Caillard, A-F. Lamic-Humblot, S. Casale, Y. J. Chabal, and M. Salmeron, Nano Letters 15(1), 51 (2015).
Nanopatterning on H-Terminated Si(111) explained as dynamic equilibrium of the chemical reaction with methanol, P. Thissen, E. Fuchs, K. Roodenko, T. Peixoto, B. Batchelor, D. Smith, W. G. Schmidt, and Yves Chabal, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(29), 16947 (2015).
Surface and structural investigation of a MnOx birnessite-type water oxidation catalyst formed under photocatalytic conditions, B. J. Deibert, J. Zhang, P. F. Smith, K. W.Chapman, S. Rangan, D. Banerjee, K. Tan, H. Wang, N. Pasquale, F. Chen, K-B. Lee, G. C. Dismukes, and Y. J. Chabal, CHEMISTRY A European Journal, 21, 14218 (2015).
Surface Etching, Modification and Characterization of Silicon Nitride, Chopra, T.P.; Liu, L.; Cabrera, W.; Dick, D.; Michalak, D.; Hourani, R.; Chabal, Y.J. SRC TECHCON Conference Proceedings (2015).
Single Charge Electronics with Gold Nanoparticles and Organic Monolayers, Pluchery, O.; Caillard, L.; Rynder, A.; Rochet, F.; Zhang, Y.; Salmeron, M.; Chabal, Y. J., IMRC 2015, International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, 2015; MRS online Proceedings Library: Cancun, Mexico, (2015).