Research Associates/Post-Docs
Dr. Jinhee Kwon
My research focuses on characterization of thin film growth by atomic layer deposition (ALD). Knowledge of surface reactions and initial film growth mechanisms is crucial in controlling and optimizing film properties, and investigation in-situ during ALD processes is almost the only way to access those knowledge. We incorporated in-situ Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and mass spectrometry to ALD reactors which can be ultimately connected to X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and low-energy ion scattering (LEIS) chambers through load-lock systems. The films that I am studying include key materials for future microelectronics such as high-κ dielectrics (Al2O3, HfO2, La2O3, and LaxAlyO3), metals (Cu, TaN and Co) and silicon nitrides. In-situ studies of TANOS (TaN/al2O3/Si3N4/SiO2/Si) gate stacks are also one of my research interests; i.e., effects of thermal stress on interfaces, growth mechanisms of TaN ALD on high-κ dielectric, and annealing effects on metals etc. Information derived from the results of in-situ studies is complemented by ex-situ atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS).
Dr. Katy Roodenko
My MSc degree I obtained at Tel-Aviv university at the group of Applied Physics (, headed by prof. Abraham Katzir. The subject of my thesis was construction of near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM) for application in infrared spectral range. After finishing my MSc studies, I pursued my PhD degree at ISAS ( and TU-Berlin in Germany, working under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Norbert Esser and Dr. Karsten Hinrichs. My PhD dissertation dealt with optical characterization of ultra-thin organic films electrochemically grafted on metallic and semiconducting surfaces.
In 2009 I joined the group of Prof. Yves Chabal at UT Dallas, where my research is focused on non-destructive spectroscopic characterization of thin-films and nanostructured materials. I use multiple surface-sensitive techniques, such as Raman, FT-IR, XPS and ellipsometry to address surface engineering at nanometer-scale. For example, in collaboration with Qualcomm we studied organic modification of highly hydrophilic aluminum oxy(fluoride) surfaces with Octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) and found out this type of surface functionalization leads to hydrophobic, well-protected surface, which is more suitable in MemS technology than the uncoated surfaces [1]. Our studies relied on FT-IR and XPS data for characterization of molecular coverage and orientation as well as for stability tests of these layers to storage in air.
Another example of advanced surface characterization is application of Raman spectroscopy for optical analysis of Ge nanowires. In these studies, we used a so-called “phonon confinement model”, which we expanded to address the crystallographic orientation of nanostructures as well as the interplay between the temperature of the nanowires and their size [2]. In every project I aim at quantitative analysis of my data, and I employ multiple modeling methods to interpret optical signals collected from thin films and nanostructured materials. This way, we have a unique opportunity to obtain an insight into macroscopic properties of surfaces and interfaces at a nanoscale. In my research I always enjoy working with other students and post-docs. I frequently instruct undergraduate students who come to our lab to gain knowledge on advanced surface engineering and surface characterization tools.
[1] K. Roodenko et al., J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 22566 (2010)
[2] K. Roodenko et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 115210 (2010).
Dr. Oliver Seitz
I am responsible for Professor Chabal’s program on wet chemical functionalization of semiconductor surfaces. This research represents a platform for the development of future microelectronic devices, sensors, and energy materials. I am using synthesis methods that I, to an extent, developed in applications involving novel molecules, and a number of characterization methods to study the result of these syntheses, such as infrared absorption spectroscopy, ellipsometry, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and electrical transport measurements.
I set up the chemistry lab for Professor Chabal’s research group at the time of his arrival to the University of Texas at Dallas. In my time at the lab, I’ve had to manage and supervise all levels of members in the group, from undergraduates to newly assigned postdocs. At the lab, I have worked on projects including:
- Development of platforms for controlled deposition/attachment/dispersion of densely packed quantum dots monolayer, and investigation of energy transfer for future photovoltaic applications
- Controlled deposition of metallic contacts on organic monolayers using atomic layer deposition (ALD) for molecular electronic applications
- Investigation of etching and reactivity of SiC-SiO2 and SiC-N-SiO2
- Development of robust and high quality organic monolayer, containing different reactive head groups, directly attached to silicon surfaces for sensor application or nanoparticle attachment
- Development of biosensor platform: investigation of the stability and the reliability of the sensor, comparison of detection limits between nanowires and nanoribbons, sensors, adaptation of the biosensing chemistry for compatibility with device fabrication (Project funded by Texas Instruments)
Academic background
Oliver Seitz received his Master degree in Chemical-Physics from the University Paris 7, Denis Diderot (Paris, France) in 2000, with a specialization in surfaces, interfaces, and evolving materials. In 2004, he received his Ph.D. in Chemistry and Material Science from the University of Versailles (France) where he investigated the surface modification of III-V semiconductor electrodes by anodic treatment in liquid ammonia, including determining the mechanism of reactions. Later on, he joined for 3 years, Prof. David Cahen’s group at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), where he investigated the preparation and characterization of high quality organic monolayers directly bonded on silicon surfaces, with a focus on their electrical properties and current transport mechanisms. Finally, he joined Prof. Yves Chabal in 2008, at the University of Texas at Dallas, where he is currently working.
Dr. Peter Thissen
My research deals with experimental and theoretical studies in the chemistry of surfaces and interfaces. Understanding the chemistry of surfaces and interfaces is essential for many phenomena in geology, atmospheric chemistry, environmental protection, corrosion, sensors, heterogeneous catalysis and electronics. On the one hand, I try to address the point of interest in different surface sensitive experiments, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray spectroscopy (XPS), contact angle, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and others [1]. On the other hand, I use first principles calculations to understand the fundamental backgrounds on an atomic level [2]. Thus my research bridges the gap between experimental and theoretical studies.
List of chosen Publications:
[1] Thissen et al., Stability of Phosphonic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers on Amorphous and
Single-Crystalline Aluminum Oxide Surfaces in Aqueous Solution, Langmuir, 2010, 26 (1),
pp 156–164.
[2] Thissen et al., Water adsorption on the alpha-Al(2)O(3)(0001) surface,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 80, 245403 (2009).
D. Damien Aureau
After a formation in chemistry, I extended my field of expertise into the field of surface modification of semiconductors. I am especially interested in the various functionalities as well as the passivation provided by the organic layer. In addition to chemical stability (controlled by infrared spectroscopy or XPS), the electronic quality (low density of electronic traps) of the interface between the substrate and the organic molecules is monitored by photoluminescence measurements.
I am currently working on the patterning of the interfaces for it seems to play a significant role in the functionality of devices. For instance, the distance between functional groups of self-assembled monolayers affects the interaction with biomolecules or the energy transfer between light-absorbing (or light-emitting) molecules. As an example, we deposit gold nanoparticles on top of the layers to study their interaction with the layer or/and the semiconductor.
I am also part of a project concerning the etching of sacrificial materials (as Molybdenum, Silicon, metal oxides) by reactive gases as XeF2. These processes are involved in Micro (and Nano) Electro-Mechanicals Systems (MemS, NemS). We try to understand the influence of various parameters (temperature, sample preparation, diffusion into the material) to propose specific etching mechanisms.
Dr. Laurence Goux-Capes
My research project deals with the control of graphene oxidation and graphene oxide reduction to tune Graphene electronic properties. Graphene oxide (GO) is being investigated by the graphene community because it represents one of the most promising materials, from which graphene single sheets can be produced on a large scale. Indeed graphene oxidation followed by exfoliation and reduction has been recently demonstrated to give single graphene layers in solution. In addition, in any practical electronic device systems, electron transporting materials need to be controlled by insulating materials which can function as gate dielectrics or separator between device structures. Thus, the role of GO in graphene-based nanoelectronics may be comparable to that of SiO2 in silicon-based microelectronics.
We have developed original in-situ IR characterization to monitor graphene oxidation and GO reduction. Graphene oxidation is achieved using an oxygen remote plasma generator. We have designed a vacuum IR-cell (10-7 Torr base pressure), connected to the oxygen plasma and a Nicolet 6700 FT-IR spectrometer. Preliminary experiments have been carried out using HOPG. The GO reduction is performed in-situ by temperature annealing in a Specac high temperature cell. Our studies are done in collaboration with Pr. K. J Cho’s team (UTD) performing theoretical calculations on graphene oxide.
Dr. Sun Kyung Park
Using in-situ Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy I characterize thin films of high-κ dielectric such as Al2O3 and HfO2, and metals (Ru and RuO2) grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD) and investigate the reaction mechanism of initial film growth. The films are also characterized by mass spectroscopy (Mass), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS).
Dr. Weina Peng
At this moment I am working on two main projects: One is the photocurrent transient in hybrid quantum dots/SAM/Si device, which has a potential application for solar cells. The other project is electrical characterization of SAM/semiconductor interface.
Dr. Lihong Liu
My research interests and experiences cover a wide range of areas including surface chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry and materials science, and serve one ultimate goal: developing advanced materials for the benefit of energy, environment and human health.
I am currently actively involved in the following research projects related to wet chemical functionalization of semiconductor surfaces and the applications:
- Si-based semiconductor surface etching, functionalization and applications
- Investigation of etching and reactivity of Si3N4 vs SiO2
- Synthesis and applications of metal-free C-based catalysts (graphene oxide and graphitic-C3N4)
- Cu surface etching and functionalization for copper circuit boards
- Functionalizing GaN surfaces and QDs nanoparticles for nanoelectronic and energy applications.
Cheng Gong
2014.01-Present Postdoctor Associate,
The University of Texas at Dallas
2010.08-2013.12 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering,
The University of Texas at Dallas
2008.08-2010.08 M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering,
The University of Texas at Dallas
2004.09-2008.06 B.S. in Electronic Science and Technology,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P. R. China
Dr. Cheng Gong is focusing on the structural and electronic properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides, graphene, graphene oxide, etc., and their interfaces with metals and oxides. The experimental characterization techniques mainly involve Raman, FTIR, XPS, XRD, AFM, etc. The theoretical simulation is done by VASP based on density functional theory. The detailed work can be found in his selected publications:
[1] C. Gong, S. McDonnell, X. Qin, A. Azcatl, H. Dong, Y. J. Chabal, K. Cho, R. M. Wallace, “Realistic Metal-Graphene Contact Structures”, ACS Nano, DOI: 10.1021/nn405249n, in press.
[2] C. Gong, C. Huang, J. Miller, L. Cheng, Y. Hao, J. Kim, R. Ruoff, R. M. Wallace, K. Cho, X. Xu, and Y. J. Chabal, “Metal Contacts on Physical Vapor Deposited Monolayer MoS2”, ACS Nano, 7, 11350-11357, 2013.
[3] C. Gong, H. C. Floresca, D. Hinojos, S. McDonnell, X. Qin, Y. Hao, S. Jandhyala, G. Mordi, J. Kim, L. Colombo, R. S. Ruoff, M. Kim, K. Cho, R. M. Wallace, and Yves J. Chabal, “Rapid Selective Etching of PMMA Residues from Transferred Graphene by Carbon Dioxide”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, 23000-23008, 2013.
[4] C. Gong, H. Zhang, W. Wang, L. Colombo, R. M. Wallace, and K. Cho, “Band Alignment of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Application in Tunnel Field Effect Transistors”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 053513, 2013.
[5] C. Gong, D. Hinojos, W. Wang, N. Nijem, B. Shan, R. M. Wallace, K. Cho, and Y. J. Chabal, “Metal-Graphene-Metal Sandwich Contacts for Enhanced Interface Bonding and Work Function Control”, ACS Nano 6, 5381-5387, 2012.
[6] C. Gong, G. Lee, B. Shan, E. M. Vogel, R. M. Wallace, and K. Cho, “First-Principles Study of Metal-Graphene Interfaces”, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 123711, 2010.
Irinder S. Chopra
There has forever been an increasing demand for energy. With the natural resources running out fast steps are being taken to find alternative sources of energy. A very promising alternative energy source is hydrogen. Research is underway to enhance hydrogen storage to be used as an effective fuel. Different systems are being studied for that purpose.
We are concentrating on the mechanism of hydrogen storage in complex metal hydrides. The complex metal hydrides are prepared in-situ in an UHV chamber. In situ characterizations include LEED, AUGER, FTIR, TPD. We believe that by studying the basic mechanism of the nature of interaction and formation of the hydrides under different conditions we will be able to better understand the basic principles and can look forward to tuning the conditions for enhancing the storage.
Muge Acik
I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in materials science and engineering at The University of Texas at Dallas studying under the supervision of Prof. Yves J. Chabal.
Since 2008 at UT Dallas, our research focuses on engineering and chemistry of the carbon materials to understand the surfaces and interfaces with their design and implementation for electronic devices and for energy storage applications. More specifically, our current research interests include chemistry of graphene, graphene oxide (GO) and oxidized carbon nanotubes (graphene nanoribbons), mainly their synthesis and characterization using in-situ infrared transmission or reflection spectroscopy. We are mostly focusing on oxygen interactions during thermal annealing process to understand the role of oxygen both on the surface and at the edges of graphene sheets. The main goal is to explore a better control of the chemistry with a good understanding of the edges which leads to achieve the best exfoliated graphite material with proper modifications for various applications for its use in the near future.
Our research brings up several interesting routes and collaborations to understand chemical interactions on the surfaces or in the presence of intercalants; such as, ionic liquids in the interlayers for ultracapacitors in energy storage applications, or via functionalization with N-containing organic molecules for electronic device applications and sensors. In another parallel project, graphene nanoribbons and their characterization was also studied using polarization studies coupled with the infrared spectroscopy. I am now specialized in advance spectroscopic data analysis involving in-situ Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) in both transmission and reflection modes and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) as well as crystallography with X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) in addition to my electrochemistry and microscopy background in the past.
In the light of all the work described above, I was involved in several large research projects. Two undergraduate students (Rodolfo Guzman and Juan Juarez) also contributed to our research projects. I led several collaborative work with different university research teams involving Prof. Manish Chhowalla’s group with two post-docs working on graphene oxide at Rutgers University and at Imperial College, Prof. Vivek Shenoy at Brown University, Prof. Chris Bielawski and Prof. Ruoff at the University of Texas at Austin, also at UTDallas (Prof. Ray Baughman and Prof. Dennis Smith). As a result, my Ph.D. work has been recently highlighted in several high impact journals. Couple of these publications is given below:
Nature Materials:
Nature Chemistry:
During my Ph.D. education, our GO projects were funded by SWAN-NRI program and DOE. In 2009-2010, I was awarded by Texas Instruments (TI) for a TI-CMOS Diversity Fellowship and for a graduate TI Co-op internship in Non-Volatile Memory Group in summer 2011.
Tyson Bartlett
I am studying the role nitric acid peptization has on the band gap of titanium dioxide synthesized by a sol gel method. This work is supervised by Dr. Padmakumar Nair, and some of the experiments were conducted in collaboration with Som Thomas. My research has shown that peptization reduces the band gap by a small but beneficial amount. The ultimate goal is to develop an inexpensive and durable solar cell coating that could be applied to a window, for example. I received a BS in materials science and engineering from Georgia Tech in 2008. Aside from my undergraduate years, I have lived entirely here in Richardson. I am an avid gardener, specializing in native plants, and a bird watcher.
Saeedeh Ravandi
My name is Saeedeh Ravandi and I am from Iran, I joined Prof.Chabal’s lab on June 2010 as a Graduate student (research associate). I am working on the effect of plasma gases on semiconductors. I got my masters in material science (superconductors) at University Putra Malysia (UPM) in 2009. Since I have been here, I start to learn how to build chambers and using lot of equipments. I like politics and watching movies. Science changes people’s life, I am trying to help as a small part of this huge world.
Nour Nijem
My main research of interest focuses on hydrogen storage and gas separation in nanoporous materials, particularly Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs). Their high surface area and porosity, in addition to the structures tuneabilty makes them attractive for many applications including hydrogen storage and gas separation. My work focuses on the characterization of guest-host interactions in MOFs using IR and Raman Spectroscopy techniques. These techniques are powerful to get information about molecular interactions at the atomic level. The common method used to characterize the adsorption of guests into nanoporous materials relies mainly on isotherm measurements. IR and Raman spectroscopic techniques are not widely employed, making our work unique in this area. This work is a result of a strong collaboration between three groups, Prof. Jing Li’s group (Rutgers University) synthesis of MOFs, Prof. David C.Langreth’s group (Rutgers University) van der Waals DFT calculations and Prof. Yves J. Chabal’s group spectroscopic characterization. This collaboration provides therefore the basic ingredients to study these interactions.
Our most recent studies in the area have centered on the characterization of molecular hydrogen interactions in a variety of MOFs, including MOFs with saturated and unsaturated metal centers.1-4 We have provided spectroscopic evidence combined with theoretical calculations for H2-H2 interactions in MOFs with unsaturated metal centers, in particular MOF-74 with Zn, Mg and Co metal centers.1,3 These interactions occur between H2 adsorbed next to the “metal center” (most stable) and H2 close to the nearest “oxygen site” and next nearest neighboring “benzene site”. The effect of populating these other sites on H2 at the metal site results in dramatic changes in the IR shifts and the dynamic dipole moment of adsorbed hydrogen on the metal site. Evidence for long range interactions extending to lower binding energy sites (benzene sites) in MOF-74-Co are observed.5 These results provide evidence for the importance of lower binding energy sites when a material is considered for hydrogen storage application.
We currently extended the work to study CO2 interaction and the MOFs selectivity in flexible systems using Raman and IR spectroscopy.6 Using these techniques in addition to vDW-DFT calculations we are able to understand the reasons for the MOFs remarkable flexibility and its CO2 selectivity.
(1) Nijem, N.; Veyan, J.-F. o.; Kong, L.; Wu, H.; Zhao, Y.; Li, J.; Langreth, D. C.; Chabal, Y. J. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132, 14834-14848.
(2) Nijem, N.; Veyan, J.-F.; Kong, L.; Li, K.; Pramanik, S.; Zhao, Y.; Li, J.; Langreth, D.; Chabal, Y. J. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132, 1654-1664.
(3) Nijem, N.; Kong, L.; Zhao, Y.; Wu, H.; Li, J.; Langreth, D. C.; Chabal, Y. J. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133, 4782-4784.
(4) Kong, L.; Cooper, V. R.; Nijem, N.; Li, K.; Li, J.; Chabal, Y. J.; Langreth, D. C. Physical Review B 2009, 79, 081407.
(5) Nijem, N.; Kong, L.; Zhao, Y.; Wu, H.; Li, J.; Langreth, D. C.; Chabal, Y. J. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133, 4782-4784.
(6) Nijem, N.; Thissen, P.; Yao, Y.; Longo, R. C.; Roodenko, K.; Wu, H.; Zhao, Y.; Cho, K.; Li, J.; Langreth, D. C.; Chabal, Y. J. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, DOI: 10.1021/ja2051149.
Wilfredo Cabrera
Currently, I am a third year graduate student working under the supervision of Dr. Yves Chabal. My work focuses on the atomic layer deposition (ALD) of higher-? dielectrics, particularly Al2O3 and HfO2, on III-V materials. Using various characterization techniques, such as FTIR, XPS, LEIS, AFM, and ellipsometry, we can look at the different properties of the materials being deposited. Currently, I am part of a team that has built a cluster tool combining insitu XPS, FTIR, and LEIS to study surface chemistry and elemental diffusion through high-k oxides. A large part of my work has concentrated on the influence of surface preparations on the growth mechanisms of Al2O3, HfO2, and silicates on InP(100) by using a home-built ALD chamber equipped with in-situ FTIR. Also, the effects of various wet chemical preparations on the surface prior to ALD, temperature dependence on the ALD growth of higher-?, effects of various oxidizing agents on the growth mechanisms, and post ALD growth treatments. On a side note, I obtained my bachelor’s degree from the University of Nebraska at Kearney, where I worked on temperature-concentration dependence range of nematic phase transformation of IR-806 under the supervision of Dr. Liubov Kreminska. When I am not spending my time at the lab, I am taking part in various sports and trying to refine my skills on the guitar.
Don Dick
I am working towards getting my PhD in Materials Physics. Currently I am working on Atomically precise ALE growth; which will lead to 3D control of semiconductor growth. I will also start working with Irinder on hydrogen storage via complex metal hydrides.
I have tried working with other research groups such as particle physics and condensed matter theory, but they didn’t have the working environment I was looking for. I enjoy working hands on; which I’ve found to mean, working with small experiments.
I represent the more indigenous side of the group; I was born and raised in the Houston/Galveston area of Texas. I am an avidly mediocre guitarist.
Louis Caillard
As a PhD candidate in Professor Yves Chabal’s lab, I work on silicon surface modification with organic materials for device application. I work on two different projects: -chemical attachment of amine terminated short molecule on oxide free Si(111) for the grafting of gold nanoparticles. This structure, with the use of an STM, allows us to observe single electron transport (coulomb staircase). We plan to make prototypes of single electron transistor using this type of architecture. This work is a collaboration between the university of Texas at Dallas (UTD) and “université Pierre et Marie curie” (UPMC) in Paris -functionalization of oxide free Si(111) and SiO2 surface with an amine terminated molecule for the attachment of layers of Nano-quantum dots. These can be used in the framework of photovoltaic cells application to harvest a wide spectrum of the incoming light and transfer it to the underlying silicon. Silicon patterning (nanopillars) has also been used to increase surface area to achieve a better efficiency. I am familiar with a wide variety of fabrication (wet chemistry, nanosphere lithography, UV lithography, metal deposition, plasma etching,…) and characterization techniques ( XPS, FTIR, Sem, Tem, STM, AFM, ellipsometry, …). I graduated from the Master Nanotech, joint program between “Grenoble INP” in France, “Politecnico di Torino” in Italy and “EPF Lausanne” in Switzerland. My background is based on physics for nanoscience and micro and nano electronics. I also performed an internship in Korea University in Seoul and in the Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT) where I worked on the self assembly of gold particle on patterned surface.
Tatiana Peixoto
Technology constantly searches to improve its processes and discover materials to optimize devices. In this regard, the presence of nitrogen containing molecules on the surface offers diversity in electrical applications for devices (dielectric layer, photovoltaics) and sensors (protein attachment). Present deposition techniques for such layers use expensive techniques that are time intensive, but for industry time is money, and my project tries to save on both fronts. As a fourth year Materials Science PhD student working under Prof. Chabal, my project involves the use of wet-chemistry to study the attachment, behavior, and formation of silylamines on modified, oxide-free Si(111) surfaces. My work studies particularly the similarities and differences in attachment and behavior of solution and liquid ammonia and liquid ethylenediamine with the modified silicon. These surfaces are studied using Fourier-Transformed Infrared (FTIR) showing the attachment configuration, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) for imaging of the surface, and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) for elucidation of the chemical environment and attachment.
My future aim is to apply my learning and experience to an industrial research environment. I discovered how much I enjoyed researching, during my two year internship with 3M working on corrosion protection coatings of pipelines, while pursuing my bachelors degree from the University of Texas at Austin. Apart from work, I am a fun loving, lively person with interests in playing music, staying outdoors, volunteering and experimenting with cooking.
Karla Bernal Ramos
I received my degree in Chemical Engineering in 2008 from the Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila (Mexico). I joined Prof. Chabal’s group in 2009 as a PhD student in the Material Science and Engineering (MSEN) program. I received my master degree in MSEN in 2011 and hopefully will obtain my PhD degree in summer 2014. My main research focused on the growth of metal oxides (TiO2, Al2O3, SnO2), metals (Co, Mn, W) and metal nitrides (WNx layer deposition (ALD), a powerful technique that can deliver highly conformal films. We use in- situ Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in order to obtain mechanistic information of the reactions taking place during the process. Studies of the growth mechanisms during film deposition are critical to better understand and control thin film formation and can best be performed using in-situ characterization techniques.
(1) Karla Bernal Ramos, G. Clavel, C. Marichy, W. Cabrera, N. Pinna, Y. J. Chabal. Chem. Mater.25 (9), 1706–1712 (2013)
(2) Karla Bernal Ramos, Mark J. Saly and Yves J. Chabal. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 257, 3271–3281 (2013)
Kui Tan
09/2004-07/2008 B.S. in Materials Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Nankai University, China
08/2008-till now First year
Ph.D. Candidate in Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas
Prof. Peng Cheng’s lab Design and synthesis of metal-organic frameworks based on the triazole and their derivates for hydrogen storage and further investigate their crystal structures, properties.
Abraham Vega
My name is Abraham Vega and I am currently a Ph.D. candidate. I am a Research Assistant in Professor Chabal’s group and have a Bachelor in Mechatronic Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo in Mexico. My research focuses on the modification of semiconductor surfaces to enhance its properties. I am currently working on two projects; the first one consists in the growth and characterization of silicon nitride by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) which is becoming of great importance to increase the performance and reliability of conventional silicon oxide gate oxides. The second one is Monolayer doping (MLD), a promising technique for creating ultra-shallow junctions, this technique provides uniform coverage of a specific quantity of dopant containing molecules and high temperature anneals drive the dopant atoms into the semiconductor via diffusion mechanism, making possible to get abrupt and shallow junctions, of great importance for the continuous device scaling.
Amanda Molling
My name is Amanda Molling and this my first year as a graduate student in the Materials Science department. My undergraduate degree was in Physics at UTDallas. Recently, I have been working in Dr. Chabal’s research group examining colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals and functionalism of silicon substrates. In between classes and lab, I manage the Robotics and Automation Society at UTDallas.
Yingzhen (Catherine) Lu
I received my master degree in Chemical Engineering from NC State where I developed a strong interest in energy related materials and atomic layer deposition (ALD) when working with Prof. Gregory Parsons. In 2012, I joined Prof. Yves Chabal’s group and continued research in interfacial chemistry. Currently I am studying the interfacial chemistry of CuO/al nanoenergetic materials, a collaboration between the LSNM and the Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS) in France. This exciting project will allow me to develop an advanced deposition technique (ALD) to chemically control the interfacial layer in nature and structure with atomic precision. Thin films deposited by this method will also be compared with traditional deposition techniques such as magnetron sputtering and pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Moreover, with a home built cluster incorporating FTIR, XPS and LEIS, we will study the Al-oxide interfacial compositions, atomic arrangement, and atomic defects as a function of processing conditions. Aside from academics, I enjoy swimming, hiking, travelling and learning about different cultures.
Dales Soney
I am in my Junior Year (Undergraduate) taking Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering major, and NanoScience minor. I work with Alfonso Lopez and Nour Nijem on optimizing Metal Organic Frameworks for gas adsorption purposes and Hydrogen Storage on Carbon materials using in-situ FTIR. Obtaining a viable hydrogen storage technique for solving the energy crisis is crucial. This has inspired me to do research here on this particular study. I was born and raised in Dubai, UAE, and my hometown is Kochi, India. I graduated from Plano Senior High School before joining UTD in Fall 2009. I passionately follow and play Tennis, Soccer, and Basketball.
Perrine Mathieu
I’m a Physics Major entering my senior year at McGill University in Montreal, Canada and am originally from France. I worked at the LSNM over the summers of 2010 and 2011. My research includes investigating the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) of Si_2H_6 on Si(100) using Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR) with Dr. Jean-François Veyan and Don Dick. This research will be useful in the Atomically Precise Manufacturing of nanoscale devices.
Nikhil Karnik
Nikhil began his work in the lab as a high school student when he worked on improving the efficiency of cancer-detecting biosensors. Since then, he has also worked on projects that use quantum dot deposition to functionalize silicon and glass surfaces.
Alfonso Lopez
Research: Working under Nour Nijem. We are studying the effects that Metal Organic Frameworks and platinum on activated carbon have on hydrogen storage (and other applications).
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Nanoscience and Technology
Hometown: Plano, Texas
Hobbies: iPhone game developer, I have a game called “Don’t Fail!!” currently in the Apple App Store. I also enjoy playing various sports (soccer favorite), and spending time with my family/girlfriend.
Why I like Science: Science is the future and can change the way we live every day.
Philip Campbell
I am in my third year of undergraduate study in Electrical Engineering. Over the past two years that I have worked in Dr. Chabal’s lab, I have contributed to two separate projects. The first involved an FTIR study of the etching processes of Mo and Si by XeF2. Our goal was to characterize the different mechanisms involved in etching the two materials and understand the role of crystallinity in their etching processes. My current work focuses on creating and characterizing double barrier tunnel junctions for single electron tunneling experiments.
These experiments are an attempt to understand the electrical properties of gold nanoparticles deposited on semiconductor surfaces functionalized by organic molecules using wet chemistry. By tuning these properties through the preparation of our samples, we hope to create conditions that favor a Coulomb Staircase in the I-V spectra of our samples. Understanding the chemical and electrical properties of these surfaces is important for continuing the trend towards smaller, faster, and more efficient electronics through the creation of single electron transistors and sensors.
Yashodhan Gogte
Currently doing Undergraduate Research in the MemS/NemS laboratory.
Research Includes: Surface etching in FTIR and Spectral Analysis. I am an Electrical Engineering Major in my Junior Year.
Hometown: Mumbai, India.My Hobbies: UTD Chess team, Fencing and Biking.
Rodolfo Farias Guzman
Rodolfo Farias Guzman was born in Michoacan, Mexico, but was raised in Dallas, Texas. He completed his bachelors degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2011. He previously conducted undergraduate research in graphene under the guidance of Dr. Laurance Goux from 2007-2008 and along with graduate student Muge Acik from 2009-2011. The main objective of his research involved the use of in-situ FTIR spectroscopy (transmission and reflection studies) to conduct surface characterization of thermally annealed grapheme. He also has experience in other techniques such as AFM, Contact Angle Measurements, and Raman that were used to further understand the properties of graphene.
Reji Joseph
Electrical Engineering – Undergraduate
Business Administration –Undergraduate
Born and raised in Dallas, TX.
Working on XeF2 etching rates using FTIR with Yashodhan S. and Katy R.
Rachel Machbitz
I used to be an engineering student. My research interests are logistics based which is why I was studying Software Engineering. I was working with Muge Acik (masters student) and Rodolfo (undergraduate student) on the LabVIEW program for the chemistry experiments in Fall 2010. Then I was working with Peter (PhD student from Germany) and Lielana (undergraduate student) on chemistry related experiments – chips and wafers for industry / nanoelectronics in Spring 2011.
I transferred from Purdue University, where I was studying Chemical Engineering. During my freshman year at Purdue I was working for the head Professor of the Chemical Engineering department, Professor Michael Harris, in his research lab. I worked on his research team with one other graduate student. After a year and a half of working on the team, I became a co-author of the paper. The research is titled “Complex dielectric properties of microcrystalline cellulose, anhydrous lactose, and α-lactose monohydrate powders using a microwave-based open-reflection resonator sensor.”
The past year at UT Dallas I was studying Software Engineering. I currently am studying Sociology, with a minor in Statistics. I will also pursue my Masters in Business Administration with a concentration in operational management.
Lielena Mequanint
Lielena Mequanint is a chemistry major and biology minor. She works in Dr. Chabal’s research group of material science.
What is my research about? The research is to create fundamental understanding of the SAM (Self assembled monolayer) formation on silicon oxides. SAMs are ordered molecular assemblies that are spontaneously formed by the adsorption of molecules with head groups that show a specific affinity to a specific substrate, which enables ordering on the surface. SAMs are currently of great interest because of several Potential applications such as microelectronics, biosensor, corrosion inhibitor, adhesion and so forth. Biocompatible SAM is also used as coating for bone implant to avoid rejection in medical field.
I would highly encourage fellow students to try undergraduate research in their respective fields. Each field comes with different requirements for getting involved in a research lab. Try to figure out what you are interested in and then look for a professor doing a research in that area. Also be willing to invest your time and knowledge in a substantial project.
I have taken a number of chemistry lab courses throughout my time as an undergraduate student and am trained to read lab manuals step by step. I enjoy working with the graduate students and post.doc researchers who taught me many things and have been inspirational. I believe the work I am doing is important for the field of science research, which makes this a very empowering experience. This research team gave me the opportunity to understand and love science more.
Collin Chiles
Research: I am working with Dr. Oliver Seitz and Nikhil Karnik on using quantum dots to create a more efficient solar cell.
Education: I am a freshman at UTD and will be double majoring in Molecular Biology and Business Administration.
Juan Juarez
Research: working on Graphene Oxide with Muge
High school: Science and Engineering – Townview
Biology/Business, Pre-med
Hobbies: Photoshop, Android Developer, Omega Delta Phi, Soccer, Traveling, XBOX 360
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Why science research?: I like to see science first hand.
Frederick Owusu
My name is Frederick Owusu and I am an undergraduate student at UT-Dallas. I am currently a sophomore chemistry major. I am working on Atomic Layer Deposition with Karla Bernal. I was born in Ghana, Africa, and currently reside in Richardson, Texas. Some of my hobbies are, volunteering, playing the piano, pool, table tennis, and reading. Science fascinates me because through it many of the phenomenon in the universe can be understood and with the understanding, further applications can be made. Through science, advancements can be made in various fields; from building highly sophisticated machines, understanding and curing diseases, finding ways to efficiently use resources to maximize production, and many more.
Justin Miller
I am in my Junior Year at UT Dallas as a Chemistry major. I joined the group in 2013, and I work with Dr. Gong on the synthesis, modification, and characterization of two dimensional materials including graphene, graphene oxide, and MoS2. I was born in Austin, Texas and raised in the rural town of Whitney, Texas before coming to UTD. I plan on attending graduate school and I would like to become a professor in the future.
George Albert Aguirre
I am a Junior in Electrical Engineering here at UTD. Materials Science has been a great interest of mine ever since I went to a Materials Science Camp at UNT that showed us the vast uses for the field. I have previously worked under Irinder Chopra on Alane based Hydrogen Storage mechanisms. At the moment I am working under Sara Rupich on Nanoparticle synthesis and novel structures on which to place these nanoparticles for maximum absorption of light.
High School Interns
Philip Campbell
I am in my third year of undergraduate study in Electrical Engineering. Over the past two years that I have worked in Dr. Chabal’s lab, I have contributed to two separate projects. The first involved an FTIR study of the etching processes of Mo and Si by XeF2 . Our goal was to characterize the different mechanisms involved in etching the two materials and understand the role of crystallinity in their etching processes. My current work focuses on creating and characterizing double barrier tunnel junctions for single electron tunneling experiments. These experiments are an attempt to understand the electrical properties of gold nanoparticles deposited on semiconductor surfaces functionalized by organic molecules using wet chemistry. By tuning these properties through the preparation of our samples, we hope to create conditions that favor a Coulomb Staircase in the I-V spectra of our samples. Understanding the chemical and electrical properties of these surfaces is important for continuing the trend towards smaller, faster, and more efficient electronics through the creation of single electron transistors and sensors.
Korok Chatterjee
I graduated in May from the Texas Academy of Math and Science, and I will begin undergraduate studies at the University of California at Berkeley. I worked at the LSNM over the summer of 2008. I was on the graphene project with Laurence Goux and Rodolfo Guzman; we focused on studying FTIR and Raman spectra of graphene and graphene oxide.
Shibi Kannan
Shibi Kannan is a High Honor Roll junior at St. Mark’s School of Texas. He is a member of the National Spanish Honor Society, the Community Service Board, and a co-head of the Book Club. He is interning for Dr. Chabal during the summer of 2008, as a part of the NanoExplorer program. Shibi’s interests include playing the piano, reading, and watching movies. Shibi is working on improving hydrogen absorbtion within Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs). By depositing ruthenium onto the MOFs using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), he hopes to make hydrogen physiadsorb within the MOF without the use of high pressure. This technique, if proven successful, would be useful in the design of hydrogen fuel cells, since it would yield and efficient way to store hydrogen.
Nikhil Karnik
Nikhil began his work in the lab as a high school student when he worked on improving the efficiency of cancer-detecting biosensors. Since then, he has also worked on projects that use quantum dot deposition to functionalize silicon and glass surfaces.
Mathew Krenik
Matthew Krenik is ranked first in his sophomore class at Garland High School. He is a NanoExplorer at UTD and is working with Dr. Chabal over the summer of 2008. Matthew enjoys playing ultimate Frisbee, tennis, and piano. Matthew is working on improving hydrogen absorption within Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs). By depositing ruthenium onto the MOFs using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), he hopes to make hydrogen physiadsorb within the MOF without the use of high pressure. This technique, if proven successful, would be useful in the design of hydrogen fuel cells ,since it would yield an efficient way to store hydrogen.