Autism Word Learning Study

In this study, we are exploring how autistic children learn new words.
We are recruiting families with children on the autism spectrum between 18 and 48 months of age. This in-person study includes two visits to the LILAC Lab at UT Dallas. During the first visit, which will take about 3 hours, you will complete some questionnaires while your child participates in play-based developmental assessments. In the second visit, lasting about 2 hours, your child will watch videos, learn some new words, and play with a member of our research team. To ensure your child’s comfort, snacks and breaks will be provided throughout both visits. You will also have the option to complete home language samples to help us understand your child’s language environment. Your child will receive a small toy, and you can receive up to $200, as well as a report on your child’s language and cognitive development and your home language environment.
Interested in participating in this study? Complete the sign-up form to let us know you are interested in the autism word learning study. A member of our lab will reach out within 2 days with a quick phone call or short email to answer your questions and get you scheduled.
Bilingual Spanish-English Toddler Word Learning Study
Estudio de Aprendizaje de Palabras para Niños Bilingües
In this study, we are exploring what kind of cues help bilingual toddlers learn new words.
This is an online study that takes about 1 hour. We are looking for 27-30 month old toddlers from Spanish-English bilingual families. Your child will watch a short video and learn some novel words. You may also complete some home language samples to help us understand how children’s language environment influence their word learning. You will be reimbursed $125 for completing the study and may also receive a free report of your child’s vocabulary and home language environment.
Interested in participating in this study? Complete the sign-up form to let us know you are interested in the bilingual Spanish-English Toddler Word Learning Study. A member of our lab will reach out within 2 days with a quick phone call or short email to answer your questions and get you scheduled.

En este estudio, estamos explorando qué tipo de señales ayudan a los niños pequeños bilingües a aprender nuevas palabras. Este es un estudio en línea que dura aproximadamente 1 hora. Buscamos niños pequeños de 27 a 30 meses de familias bilingües español-inglés. Su hijo verá un video corto y aprenderá algunas palabras nuevas. También puede completar algunas muestras del idioma materno para ayudarnos a comprender cómo el entorno lingüístico de los niños influye en su aprendizaje de palabras. Se le reembolsarán $125 por completar el estudio y también puede recibir un informe gratuito sobre el vocabulario y el entorno del idioma materno de su hijo.
¿Está interesado/a en participar en este estudio? Complete el formulario de inscripción para informarnos que está interesado/a en el Estudio de Aprendizaje de Palabras para Niños Bilingües. Un miembro de nuestro laboratorio se comunicará con usted dentro de 2 días a través de una llamada telefónica breve o un correo electrónico corto para responder sus preguntas y programar su cita.
Parent-Child Interaction in Mandarin-English Bilingual Toddlers

In this study, we are interested in the type of language Mandarin-English bilingual parents use when interacting with their toddlers.
This is an in-person study that takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes. We are looking for 12-30 month old toddlers from Mandarin-English bilingual families. You and your child will partake in 15 minutes of free play and you will fill out some questionnaires. You may also complete some home language samples to help us understand children’s language environment. Your child will receive a free book and a small toy for completing the study and you may also receive a free report of your child’s vocabulary and home language environment.
Interested in participating in this study? Complete the sign-up form to let us know you are interested in the parent-child interaction in Mandarin-English bilingual toddlers. A member of our lab will reach out within 2 days with a quick phone call or short email to answer your questions and get you scheduled.
Action and Object Word Learning (AN OWL) Study
In this study, we are exploring how caregivers teach children new words and which kind of language input best help children learn novel words.
This is an in-person study that takes about 1 hour. We are looking for 3-5 year old preschoolers from English monolingual families. You will fill out some questionnaires and you will teach your child four new words while wearing eye-tracking glasses. Your child will then watch a short video and be asked to the words they learned. Your child will complete a quick language screener. Your child will receive a small toy at the end of the study. You may receive a free report from the language screener.
Interested in participating in this study? Complete the sign-up form to let us know you are interested in the AN OWL study. A member of our lab will reach out within 2 days with a quick phone call or short email to answer your questions and get you scheduled.