
The Neuroimaging of Reward Dynamics (NiRD) Lab aims to characterize neural mechanisms related to dopaminergic-reward system dysfunction, such as substance use. We take an interdisciplinary approach and utilize a variety of techniques that include clinical interviews, physiological measures, cognitive testing, neuroimaging (EEG, MRI), neuromodulation (HDtdCS, taVNS) and genetic analysis.

Our projects take a multivariate approach that (1) defines the neural mechanisms that underlie behavioral phenomenology, then, (2) determines the individual variability that modulate these mechanisms. Our studies culminate in >800 well-characterized individuals across various populations across the lifespan.

We have several established U.S. and international collaborations including the Imaging Data in Emerging Adults with Addiction (IDEAA) Consortium and ENIGMA Addiction.

Our current studies examine the following topics:

  • Observing the neurobiological effects of prescribed medical cannabis in adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder using MRI
  • Evaluating the efficacy of group motivational interviewing in reducing underage drinking behaviors using MRI
  • Characterizing the differences in motivations, expectancies and usage patterns in people who use cannabis for recreational vs. medicinal purposes.

From left to right: Francesca Filbey, Hardik Acharya, Alyssa Leazure, Sandra Field, Erin Prince, Che Liu, Samuel Poelker-Wells, Carson Burke, Ryan Ram, Linnea Stahl, Thamidu Bulathsinahala, Ivani Atre, Maryam Zafar, Sheridan Fine, Avery Davis, Madison Wall, Tracy Brown

Importance of Our Research