Shrinking Horizon Model Predictive Control With Signal Temporal Logic Constraints Under Stochastic Disturbances

Work by Samira S. Farahani, Rupak Majumdar, Vinayak S. Prabhu, and Sadegh Soudjani, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control August 2019

Keywords: Signal temporal logic, model predictive control, stochastic disturbances


The authors discuss a shrinking horizon model predictive control (SH-MPC) problem to generate control inputs for a discrete-time linear system under additive stochastic disturbance (either Gaussian or bounded support). The system specifications are through a signal temporal logic (STL) formula and encoded as a chance constraint into the SH-MPC problem. The SH-MPC problem is optimized for minimum input and maximum robustness.

The authors approximate the system robustness in the objective function using min-max and max-min canonical forms of min-max-plus-scaling (MMPS) functions. They under approximate the chance constraint by showing that any chance constraint on a formula can be transformed into chance constraints on atomic propositions, then they transform the latter into linear constraints.

Read the paper on arXiv here or on IEEE Xplore here.