
News Flashes!

November 2023: Congratulations Dr. Candice Pattisapu!
Thesis successfully defended!!

Candice successfully defends her thesis titled “Investigating Misconception Resolution and Learning from Scientific Texts using a Cognitive Diagnostic Model”!

July 2023: COINS LAB is awarded a one year SPARK Research Grant from the University of Texas at Dallas!

COINS LAB receives a one year SPARK research grant to investigate the use of Information Matrix Tests for Assessing Misspecification in Cognitive Diagnostic Models!

July 2023: Congratulations Mr. Ritesh Malaiya for Receiving an IMPS Travel Award!

Mr. Ritesh Malaiya receives a competitive travel award from the Psychometric Society to present his research at the 2023 International Meeting of the Psychometric Society!!!

September 2021:
Congratulations Dr. James Ryland! Thesis successfully defended!

James successfully defends his thesis titled Modeling Integrated Cortical Learning: Explorations of Cortical Map Development, Unit Selectivity, and Object Recognition.

December 2019:
Congratulations Dr. Kari Stouffer! Thesis successfully defended!

Kari successfully defended her thesis titled Effects of Executive Cognitive Resources on Coherence of Reading Recall Memory for Brief Scientific Texts: An Empirical Investigation.

May 2019:
COINS Lab receives University of Texas at Dallas Social Sciences SEED Grant Award!
Dr. Golden receives Social Science SEED Grant to support the development and evaluation of the Competency-based Assessment using Robust Latent-transition Analysis (CARLA) framework.

October 2018: COINS Lab Formed!

The Cognitive Informatics & Statistics (COINS) Lab is co-founded by
Dr. Richard Golden and Mr. Athul Sudheesh.

The new COINS research lab integrates Dr. Golden’s prior research threads in:
(1) Human Comprehension and Memory,
(2) Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks, and
(3) Mathematical Statistics.

Connectionist Summer School circa 1986. How many 21st Century Machine Learning Researchers can you identify? Email with the names of the missing researchers!
Here is a non-exhaustive list of people in the picture: Dave Ackley, Richard Durbin, Bart Selman, Dave Plaut, Bartlett Mel, Jim Anderson, Andy Barto, Richard Golden, Michael Mozer, Stanislas Dehaene, Mitsuo Kawato, Yves Chauvin, Yann LeCun, Jonathan Bachrach, Michael Jordan, Jim Hendler, David Willshaw, Dave Parker, Eric Saund, Charlie Rosenberg, Steve Nowlan, Dana Ballard, Dave Touretzky, Jay McClelland, Geoff Hinton, Terry Sejnowski, Dean Mumme, Alan Kawamoto, Barak Pearlmutter, Jordan Pollack.