News Flashes!
November 2023: Congratulations Dr. Candice Pattisapu!
Thesis successfully defended!!
Candice successfully defends her thesis titled “Investigating Misconception Resolution and Learning from Scientific Texts using a Cognitive Diagnostic Model”!
July 2023: COINS LAB is awarded a one year SPARK Research Grant from the University of Texas at Dallas!
COINS LAB receives a one year SPARK research grant to investigate the use of Information Matrix Tests for Assessing Misspecification in Cognitive Diagnostic Models!
July 2023: Congratulations Mr. Ritesh Malaiya for Receiving an IMPS Travel Award!
Mr. Ritesh Malaiya receives a competitive travel award from the Psychometric Society to present his research at the 2023 International Meeting of the Psychometric Society!!!
September 2021:
Congratulations Dr. James Ryland! Thesis successfully defended!
James successfully defends his thesis titled Modeling Integrated Cortical Learning: Explorations of Cortical Map Development, Unit Selectivity, and Object Recognition.
December 2019:
Congratulations Dr. Kari Stouffer! Thesis successfully defended!
Kari successfully defended her thesis titled Effects of Executive Cognitive Resources on Coherence of Reading Recall Memory for Brief Scientific Texts: An Empirical Investigation.
May 2019:
COINS Lab receives University of Texas at Dallas Social Sciences SEED Grant Award!
October 2018: COINS Lab Formed!
The Cognitive Informatics & Statistics (COINS) Lab is co-founded by
Dr. Richard Golden and Mr. Athul Sudheesh.
The new COINS research lab integrates Dr. Golden’s prior research threads in:
(1) Human Comprehension and Memory,
(2) Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks, and
(3) Mathematical Statistics.