New Partnership with UT Southwestern!

In May, we toured the Texas Instruments Biomedical Engineering and Sciences Building at UT Southwestern where we will have a new lab opening in August. We are very excited to collaborate with UT Southwestern Medical Center and to work in this beautiful building on the East Campus of UTSW Medical Center.

“This new facility will deepen the collaboration between UT Southwestern and UT Dallas to advance transformational bioengineering research to improve patient care. By integrating biomedical engineering with advances in related fields such as artificial intelligence, molecular imaging, robotics, and genetic engineering, the UTSW-UTD collaborations will further solidify North Texas as a hub for biomedical innovation,” said Daniel K. Podolsky, M.D., President of UT Southwestern Medical Center, who holds the Philip O’Bryan Montgomery, Jr., M.D. Distinguished Presidential Chair in Academic Administration and the Doris and Bryan Wildenthal Distinguished Chair in Medical Science.

Group members were able to tour the facility wearing hard hats. From L to R: Mengxiao Yu, Sophia Zinn, Hasti Arefeh, Samira Ahrari