Education Background
Postdoc in Chemistry, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2009-2014
Ph.D. Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2009.
B.S. Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 2004.
Research Area
Intracellular Labeling, Drug Delivery and Kidney functional Imaging.
Honors and Awards
Best Poster in Biomaterials and Tissue, UT Metroplex Day, 2010.
Selected Publications
33. Huang, Y., Yu, M. & Zheng, J. , “Proximal tubules eliminate endocytosed gold nanoparticles through an organelle-extrusion-mediated self-renewal mechanism. Nat. Nanotechnol. 18, 637–646 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-023-01366-7
32. X. Y. Jiang, Q. H. Zhou, B. J. Du, Y. Y. Huang,M. X. Yu, Z.K. Chi, W. M. Lee and J. Zheng, “Noninvasive Monitoring of Hepatic Glutathione Depletion through Fluorescence Imaging and Blood Test”,Science Advances, 2021; 7: eabd9847.
31. B. J. Du, Y. Chong, X. Y. Jiang,M. X. Yu, U. G. Lo, A. Dang, Y. A. Chen, S. Q. Li, E. Hernandez, J. C. Lin, J. T. Hsieh, J. Zheng*. Renal Secretion Pathway-dependent Efflux Transport Enabled Hyperfluorescence Imaging of Kidney Cancer.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60(1): 351–359. Highlighted as Very important paper
30. C. Q. Peng, M. X. Yu, J. Zheng*. In Situ Ligand-Directed Growth of Gold Nanoparticles in Biological Tissues, Nano Letters 20, 1378-1382 (2020).
29. Leong, H. S…M. X. Yu, … C. Pastore*. “On the issue of transparency and reproducibility in nanomedicine”,Nature Nanotech, 2019, 14, 629-635.
28. C. Q. Peng,M. X. Yu, J. T. Hsieh, P. Kapur, J. Zheng*. Correlating Anticancer Drug Delivery Efficiency with Vascular Permeability of Renal Clearable Versus Non-renal Clearable Nanocarriers.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58, 12076-12080 (2019).
27. C. Q. Peng, J. Xu, M. X. Yu, X. H. Ning, Y. Y. Huang, B. J. Du, E. Hernandez, P. Kapur, J. T. Hsieh, J. Zheng. Tuning in vivo transport of anticancer drugs with renal‐clearable gold nanoparticles. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201903256 (2019).
26. M. X. Yu, J. Xu, J. Zheng. Renal Clearable Luminescent Gold Nanoparticles: From the Bench to the Clinics. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58, 4112 (2019).
25. M. X. Yu. How nanotechnology imaging can be used in kidney disease: An interview with Dr Mengxiao Yu. Nanomedicine (Lond). 13, 3071 (2018).
24. B. J. Du, M. X. Yu, J. Zheng. Transport and interactions of nanoparticles in the kidneys. Nature Reviews Materials, 3, 358 (2018).
23. Xu, J., Yu, M., Peng, C., Carter, P., Tian, J., Ning, X., Zhou, Q., Tu Qiu., Zhang G., Dao A., Jiang X., Kapur, P., Hsieh, J., Zhao, X., Liu, P., Zheng, J., “Dose Dependencies and Biocompatibility of Renal Clearable Gold Nanoparticles: From Mice to Non-human Primates.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 266 –271.
22. J. Xu, M. Yu, P. Carter A, E. Hernandez, A. Dang, P. Kapur, J. T. Hsieh, J. Zheng. “In Vivo X-ray Imaging of Transport of Renal Clearable Gold Nanoparticles in the Kidneys”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2017, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201707819 (online) (Highlighted as VIP)
21. Bujie Du, Xingya Jiang, Anindita Das, Qinhan Zhou, Mengxiao Yu, Rongchao Jin, Jie Zheng, “Glomerular barrier be haves as an atomically precise bandpass filter in a sub-nanometre regime” Nature nanotechnology, 2017 DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2017.170 (online)
20. Yu, M., Zhou, C., Liu, L., Zhang, S., Sun, S., Hankins, J.D., Sun, X. and Zheng, J., 2017. “Interactions of Renal-Clearable Gold Nanoparticles with Tumor Microenvironments: Vasculature and Acidity Effects.”Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56, pp.4314-4319.
19. Jing Xu, Chuanqi Peng, Mengxiao Yu and Jie Zheng. “Renal clearable noble metal nanoparticles: photoluminescence, elimination, and biomedical applications.” WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 2017. doi: 10.1002/wnan.1453)
18. Chuanqi Peng, Xiaofei Gao, Jing Xu, Bujie Du, Xuhui Ning, Shaoheng Tang, Robert M. Bachoo,Mengxiao Yu, Woo Ping Ge and Jie Zheng “Targeting orthotopic gliomas with renal-clearable luminescent gold nanoparticles.” Nano Research, 2017 4, 1366-1376
17. Shaoheng Tang, Chuanqi Peng, Jing Xu, Bujie Du, Qinxiao Wang, Rodrigo D. Vinluan, Mengxiao Yu, Moon J. Kim and Jie Zheng. “Tailoring Renal Clearance and Tumor Targeting of Ultrasmall Metal Nanoparticles with Particle Density.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 16039-16043
16. B. Liu, P.N. Duchesne, M.X. Yu, X.Y. Jiang, X.H. Ning, P. Zhang, J. Zheng. “Luminescent Gold Nanoparticles with Size-independent Emissions”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016. 55, 8894-8898
15. M. X. Yu, J. C. Zhou, B. J. Du, X. H. Ning, C. Authement, L. Gandee, P. Kapur, J. T. Hsieh, J. Zheng. “Noninvasive Staging of Kidney Dysfunction Enabled by Renal Clearable Luminescent Gold Nanoparticles”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55, 2787-2791 (2016) (Highlighted as VIP).
14. M. X. Yu, J. B. Liu, X. H. Ning, J. Zheng*. “High-contrast Noninvasive Imaging of Kidney Clearance Kinetics Enabled by Renal Clearable Nanofluorophores”. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 15434-15438 (2015).
13. M. X. Yu, J. Zheng*. “Clearance Pathways and Tumor Targeting of Imaging Nanoparticles”. ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 6655–6674 (2015) (Invited review article, Highlighted as one of the “top 5 most read articles” of ACS Nano in July 2015).
12. R. D. Vinluan III, M. X. Yu, M. Gannaway, J. Sullins, J. Xu, Jie Zheng*. “Labeling Monomeric Insulin with Renal-Clearable Luminescent Gold Nanoparticles”. Bioconjugate Chem., DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.5b00490 (2015).
11. J. B. Liu, M. X. Yu, C. Zhou, J. Zheng*. “Renal Clearable Inorganic Nanoparticles: A New Frontier of Bionanotechnology”. Mater. Today 16, 477-486 (2013).
10. J.B. Liu, M.X. Yu, X. Ning, C. Zhou, S.Y. Yang, and J. Zheng*, “PEGylation and Zwitterionization: Pros and Cons in Renal Clearance and Tumor Targeting of Near-IR-Emitting Gold Nanoparticles”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 12572-12576 (2013) (Highlighted as VIP)
9. J. Liu, M. Yu, C. Zhou, S. Yang, X. Ning, and J. Zheng, “Passive Tumor Targeting of Renal Clearable Luminescent Gold Nanoparticles: Long Tumor Retention and Fast Normal Tissue Clearance”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 4978-4981 (2013).
8. J. Zheng*, C. Zhou, M. X. Yu, J. B. Liu. “Different sized luminescent gold nanoparticles”. Nanoscale 4, 4073-4083 (2012) (Highlighted as one of the “top 10 most accessed articles” of Nanoscale in June and July 2012).
7. Yu,† C. Zhou,† J. Liu, J. D. Hankins, J. Zheng, “Luminescent Gold Nanoparticles with pH De-pendent Membrane Adsorption”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 11014-11017 (2011).
6. C. Y. Li, M. X. Yu, Y. Sun, Y. Q. Wu, C. H. Huang, F. Y. Li*. “A Nonemissive Iridium(III) Complex That Specifically Lights-Up the Nuclei of Living Cells”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 11231-11239 (2011) (Highlighted by Chemical and Engineering News).
5. C. Zhou, C. Sun, X. Yu, Y. P. Qin, J. G. Wang, M. Kim, J. Zheng*. “Luminescent Gold Nanoparticles with Mixed Valence States Generated from Dissociation of Polymeric Au(I) Thiolates”. J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 7727-7732 (2010).
4. X. Yu, F.Y. Li, Z.G. Chen, H. Hu, C. Zhan, H. Yang, C.H. Huang, “Laser Scanning Up-conversion Luminescence Microscopy for Imaging Cells Labeled with Rare-earth Nanophospors”, Anal. Chem., 81, 930–935 (2009).
3. X. Yu, M. Shi, Z.G. Chen, F.Y. Li, X.X. Li, Y.H. Gao, J. Xu, H. Yang, Z.G. Zhou, T. Yi, C.H. Huang, “Highly Sensitive and Fast Responsive Fluorescence Turn-on Chemodosimeter for Cu2+ and its Application in Live Cell Imaging”, Chem. Eur. J., 14, 6892–6900 (2008).
2. X. Yu, Q. Zhao, L.X. Shi, F.Y. Li, Z.G. Zhou, H. Yang, T. Yi, C.H. Huang, “Cationic Iridium(III) Complexes for Phosphorescence Staining in the Cytoplasm of Living Cells”, Chem. Comm., 2115–2117 (2008).
1. M. Zhang, X. Yu, F.Y. Li, M.W. Zhu, M.Y. Li, Y.H. Gao, L. Li, Z.Q. Liu, J.P. Zhang, D.Q. Zhang, T. Yi, C.H. Huang, “A Highly Selective Fluorescence Turn-on Sensor for Cysteine/Homocysteine and its Application in Bioimaging”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129, 10322–10323 (2007).