
High-performance liquid chromatography
Olympus IX-71 Microscope Setup
PTI Fluorometer with Lifetime and Steady States Spectroscopy
Cell Incubator
Brookhaven Dynamic Light Scattering System
Biological Hood

Instrumentation List

Nano Characterization Lab

DualBeam Nova 200 Nanolab

Cryotransfer System

JEM-2100F Imaging TEM

JEM-2100F Field Emission EM

UTD Animal Facility

High-performance liquid chromatography

Olympus IX-71 Microscope

PTI Fluorescence Spectroscopy System

Cell Incubator

Brookhaven Dynamic Light Scattering

Biological Hood

Fluorescent Raman Microscopy

Multicolor Excitation Emission Microscopic Imaging System

Super Resolution Microscopic System

In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging System

Multimodality In Vivo Imaging System

ICP Mass Spectrometer

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

UTD genome center q-PCR