Knowledge Evaluation Study
Here is some information about our current study:
The Think Lab has a new study about how children think about knowledge, and we are looking for 6-10-year olds to participate!
This study explores how children think about knowledge. During the interview, children will answer questions designed to measure how they think about their own knowledge and what other people know. Parents/guardians are asked to complete questionnaires and record their answers to some questions verbally on their computer. The session for children will take around 30 minutes. The measures for parents will take 10-20 minutes. Families will receive an electronic $10 Amazon gift card for their participation in each virtual video conference session, plus a bonus $10 Amazon gift card for completing the parent questionnaires and recording contingent on the child’s participation.
If you’re interested in participating in one of our online studies over Zoom, please fill out our interest form here:, and we will email you back to provide you a calendar link to sign up for an appointment at your convenience.