Evidence About Biology Study
Here is some information about our current study:
For our current study, your child will play games, hear short stories, and answer some questions designed to measure how children think about the world. For instance, in one part of the session, children will evaluate evidence about animal processes. Children will hear someone’s explanation for the purpose of an animal process and then will decide if certain pieces of evidence support, contradict, and/or do not relate to the explanation. In another part of the interview, children will play several games designed to measure thinking and biological knowledge. Sessions typically last between 30 and 45 minutes.
Your child must be between 7 and 10 years old and speak English to participate. At the end, children will receive a certificate and you will receive a $10 gift card.
If you’re interested in participating in one of our online studies over Zoom, please fill out our interest form here: https://utd.link/thinklab-interest-form, and we will email you back to provide you a calendar link to sign up for an appointment at your convenience.