The Stelling Lab would like to congratulate Gabrielle Castro on her admission to the Green Fellowship program with UT Southwestern!
The Stelling Lab would like to congratulate James Hargrove for getting accepted into North Carolina State University for a paid internship and his Master’s in Food Science!
2021, October 8th: ASBMB North Texas Undergraduate Regional Conference Richardson, TX

Five undergraduate students from the Stelling Lab presented their progress since the summer and beginning of the fall semester.
Congratulations to Brianna Bradley for receiving first prize at this undergraduate poster competition!


Brianna Bradley (middle) posed with the judges of the event, Dr. Jannon Fuchs (left) and Dr. Patrick Farmer (right), after receiving her award.


Brianna Bradley presents Detection of hydrogen bonding status and conformation of S-adenosyl-l-methionine in methyl transferase active sites with vibrational spectroscopy.


Grace Hamilton presents Assignment of vibrations sensitive to conformation and environment in the Raman and IR spectrum of S-adenosyl-methionine with small molecule mimics and isotope labeling.


Brendan Le presents Variable Temperature FTIR Studies on Small Molecule Mimics of S-adenosyl-l-methionine.


Gabrielle Castro presents Probing the enthalpies of individual hydrogen bonds in DNA duplexes with isotope edited infrared spectroscopy.


Madalynn Green presents Evaluation of DNA Structure Flexibility from 2Fo-Fc and Fo-Fc Electron Density Map Analysis.

2021, August 22nd: ACS National Meeting Atlanta, GA – Undergraduate Poster Presentation

Four undergraduate students from the Stelling Lab presented their summer projects.


Brianna Bradley (left) and Anjali Pillai (right) present Detection of hydrogen bonding status and conformation of S-adenosyl-l-methionine in methyl transferase active sites with vibrational spectroscopy.


Grace Hamilton (left) and James Hargrove (right) present Assignment of vibrations sensitive to conformation and environment in the Raman and IR spectrum of S-adenosyl-methionine with small molecule mimics and isotope labeling.


We thank the following agencies for funding our work.