Phonetics and Speech Science

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Speech Science
Technology & Equipment
Associations & Conferences



IPA Software and Fonts
Free downloads from SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics).

IPA Character Picker
Type in IPA characters in an easy fashion.

Learn the IPA

iPA Phonetics/Seeing Speech
Outstanding app by phoneticians John Esling,, J. Scobbie and colleagues at U. British Columbia and U. Glasgow.

Cardinal Vowels — The cardinal vowels produced by Daniel Jones, on YouTube. A real gem!

Interactive Sagittal Section
An interactive figure (by Daniel Currie Hall) that links the positions of the speech articulators with their phonetic features.


Creative Stuff from Our Class

Stressed Kitty Komix and Allophone-man and the Millenials from Hell



New Rules


Fun and games

Just for Fun — Phoneticspeak
Instagram pages (by Teresa Roberts at Portland State Univ.) of pop culture images described in IPA. Join the madness!

More Fun:
Play a game that tests how well you can identify world languages.

Pink Trombone – Odd interactive speech synthesizer
Be prepared to learn about vocal tract geometry (and be annoyed) – by game developer Neil Thapen.

Learn to read spectrograms

Treasure trove of acoustic analysis programs – with screenshots!
Thanks to Joaquim Llisterri, Departament de Filologia Espanyola, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Mystery Spectrogram – Practice Site
Maintained by Professor Robert Hagiwara at the University of Manitoba. Enjoy.

Scan and play a spectrogram from any image. A modern version of Haskins Labs’ “pattern playback.” Frank Cooper is smiling in heaven!

Accents and dialects

Speech Accent Archive
From George Mason University. Good for broad transcription practice. Includes sound-files of foreign accents and regional American accents for a short read corpus.

Some Texas Accents
From IDEA (Interational Dialects of English Archive) by Paul Meier and colleagues.

Dialect blog
A lively blog maintained by Ben T. Smith, a dialect coach in the theater industry.

Odds and ends

A repository of cross-linguistic phonological inventory data, compiled into a single searchable convenience sample.

John Wells’ Phonetics Blog
Phonetics blog (archives) by a renowned British phonetician.

Sidney Wood’s Phonetics Blog:
An amazing compendium of material from a retired lecturer and research fellow, formerly at the University of Lund, Sweden.

Glovetalk II — Sidney Fels and Geoff Hinton show how you can “talk” using the hands.

8 bizzare sounds from other languages you have probably already made!  Amusing illustrations from the IPA by James Harbeck, a linguist from Toronto.

A “Skunk Poem” and “Iguana Poem” in Zulu, as recited by a UT Dallas student.

Mary Corpus Accented English Speech Samples (.wav audio files)

Arabic (Jordan) | Cambodian | Chinese (Burma) | Mandarin Chinese (Malaysia) | Mandarin Chinese (Singapore) | English (Australia) | German | Indonesian | Korean 1 | Korean 2 | Korean 3 |Pakistani | Russian | Spanish (Bolivia) | Taiwanese (Taiwan) | Tamil (India) | Thai (Thailand) | Vietnamese

Speech Science

Anatomy & Physiology

Bones of the skull (Each are links to a YouTube video)

Frontal | Temporal | Occipital |Sphenoid | Zygomatic | Mandible | Maxilla | Ethmoid | Skull
View human specimens from all angles.

Web Anatomy
University of Minnesota anatomy website.
High resolution images of and information on the larynx.

Anatomy of the Human Body
Gray’s (1918) drawings of the human body — searchable index.

Visible Human Data Set Tools
From US National Library of Medicine.

Technology & Equipment

Carstens Medizinelektronik GmbH
2-D and 3-D Electromagnetic articulometers

Community pages for Carstens EMA equipment

NDI Wave System
Speech magnetometry system developed in Ontario, CA

Associations & Conferences

Academy of Aphasia

Acoustical Society of America

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Clinical Aphasiology

International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics (ICPLA)

International Phonetic Association

National Aphasia Association