1. 3-D European crust and upper mantle models
1.1 EU30
EU30 is a 3-D radial anisotropy model for the European crust and upper mantle. It is the result of 30 FWI iterations.
[1] H. Zhu, E. Bozdag, D. Peter and J. Tromp, 2012, Structure of the European upper mantle revealed by adjoint tomography, Nature Geoscience, 5, 493-498.
[2] H. Zhu, E. Bozdag, D. Peter and J. Tromp, 2012, Seismic wavespeed images across the Iapetus and Tornquist suture zone, Geophysical Research Letter, 39, L18304.
1.2 EU50
EU50 is a 3-D radial anisotropy and shear attenuation model for the European crust and upper mantle. It is the result of 50 FWI iterations.
[1] H. Zhu, E. Bozdag, T. Duffy and J. Tromp, 2013, Seismic attenuation beneath Europe and the North Atlantic: implications for water in the mantle, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 381, 1-11.
1.3 EU60
EU60 is a comprehensive, multi-parameter 3-D seismic model for the European crust and upper mantle, which includes variations in seismic velocities, radial/azimuthal anisotropy and shear attenuation, which is the result of 60 FWI iterations.
[1] H. Zhu and J. Tromp, 2013, Mapping tectonic deformation in the crust and upper mantle beneath Europe and the North Atlantic Ocean, Science, 341, 871-875.
[2] H. Zhu, E. Bozdag and J. Tromp, 2015, Seismic structure of the European upper mantle based on adjoint tomography, Geophysical Journal International, 201, 18-52.
2. 3-D North American crust and upper mantle models
2.1 US22
US22 is a 3-D crustal and upper mantle for North America, it is constructed by 22 FWI iterations and USArray records, and includes variations in seismic velocities and radial anisotropy.
[1] H. Zhu, D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp, 2017, 3D radially anisotropic structure of the North American upper mantle based on adjoint tomography and the USArray, Geophysical Journal International, 211, 349-377.
3. 3-D crustal model for North Texas and Oklahoma
3.1 TX25
Tx25 is a 3-D crustal velocity model for North Texas and Oklahoma, which is constructed by using 25 FWI iterations and ambient noise cross-correlation functions.
[1] H. Zhu, 2018, Crustal structure for North Texas and Oklahoma based on ambient noise cross correlation and adjoint tomography, Geophysical Journal International, 214, 716-730.