Building upon the extensive experience gained by working on multi-vendor management, integration and staging of public demonstrations for open optical transport, the OpenLab at UT Dallas can now include aspects of the radio access network as well.
The OpenLab @ UT Dallas focuses on end-to-end interoperability validation and performance evaluation (T&E) of 5G key technologies including RU, DU, CU, core network, fronthaul, midhaul, and backhaul.
The following Keysight Technologies O-RAN test equipment is available: UeSIM 16 Layer, RuSIM 16 Layer, MTRX 8 TRX, Wavejudge Software, TSA (Time Sync Analyzer) ORAN Studio, DuSIM, CuSIM, CoreSIM, NE3, PXA Signal Analyzer, EXG Signal generator GNSS Emulator.
The OpenLab @ UT Dallas is part of the ACCoRD consortium.