Congratulations Dr. Chanda Bhandari, PhD

W’re overjoyed to celebrate Dr. Chanda Bhandari today for completing her PhD Dissertation Defense! Chanda is the first student to complete her PhD from the Obaid mION Lab at the Department of Bioengineering – UT Dallas. Her work focused on developing novel light-responsive nanoformulations for manipulating the tumor microenvironment in Head & Neck Cancer and Pancreatic cancer to improve image-guided surgery and chemo-immunotherapy!!

Congratulations Chanda – we’re immensely proud of your hard work and passion!!

Thanks to the tremendous support of her Dissertation Committee Members Dr. Sabrina Oliveira, Dr. Imran Rizvi, Dr. Caroline Jones and Dr. Jacopo Ferruzzi, and all collaborators and lab members past and present!

Congrats to all our summer students!!!

We’re so proud of our 4 summer research students – every one of them got an award at the Summer Platform for Undergraduate Research (SPUR)!! Congrats ⁠Meghana Sree Vadlamudi (Office of Graduate Education Award), ⁠Arden Mercy Peterson (Office of Research Award), ⁠Diego Rascon and Taksheel Rao Aileni (Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Award)!! What an amazing group!!