
Welcome to the Obaid Lab for Molecular Imaging and Optical Nanotherapeutics (mION)!

The Obaid mION lab focuses on improving the safety and efficacy of head and neck cancer and pancreatic cancer treatments.

Our research is centered on developing light-activated nanoparticles as cancer therapeutics using molecular imaging as an informant for their intelligent engineering. Our approaches require the synchronization between nanotechnology and nano-engineering with the dynamic tumor biology as it evolves during chemo-resistance, radio-resistance and disease progression. Non-invasive techniques in optical, magnetic and radiographic imaging deliver critical insights into the molecular interactions of such theranostics nanoparticles with tumor compartments and biomolecules, thereby aiding in the function-driven optimization of nanoparticles.

Furthermore, innovative approaches in tumor-activable nanoparticles are pursued with the goal of enhancing the specificity of tumor detection, tumor margin delineation and efficiency of post-resection phototherapy of residual disease.

Twitter:  @Lab_Obaid_UTD       @GirgisObaid
LinkedIn:   www.linkedin.com/in/girgis-obaid