Thank you to the junior scientists and their families who have participated in our studies and helped us learn about language, speech, and motor development. We are still looking for children to be junior scientists in our lab!
Here’s What Your Child May Do in Some of Our Studies
In some studies, children will say sounds, words, and sentences. While children talk, we also record speech movements. Children wear small markers on their face and on special sports glasses. Many children have worn these markers and helped us learn about language and speech motor development. Over 500 children have participated in our studies!

We also study how children move their hands when they produce gestures or sign language, play music by drumming or clapping, or produce patterns with their hands.

Child engaged in play while we collect a language sample and learn about spontaneous communication.

Here’s a more detailed story about our junior scientist’s day in the lab!73

Sounds Interesting! I’m Interested in Participating.
We have a few ongoing studies right now!
Does Your Child Qualify for One of Our Studies?
We’re looking for 4- to 8-year-olds with:
- Language disorder (DLD)
- Speech sound disorder
- Typical speech and language
- English as a primary language
My Child Might Qualify! But What Do We Get Out of This?
- Parents will receive a free speech, language, and hearing evaluation for their child.
- Children will receive a toy each visit and parents will be paid $20 per session.
Wait, How Many Sessions Are There?
- It depends, but it’s anywhere between 1 and 10 sessions
- Each session is between 1 and 1.5 hours
Sounds good. How do we sign up?
You can reach out to us directly at or (972) 883-3052.