Mixed/Mask Paper Making Workshop During Comets Giving Days
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 4/4, 4/5, 4/8 Paper Making Workshop
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 4/11, 4/12, 4/15 Paper Making Workshop
No RSVP required
Drop in for 20 minutes during two separate days so your wet materials can dry between visits! Transform your mask to printable paper one day and print on it the next!

Friday 3/11 Ideas + Materials Workshop for the Pop-up Locker Exhibit
No RSVP required. Join us for help with your locker installation.

Spring 2022, “A Simple History” for Printemps des Poetes at Grotte du Lazaret
Documentation of LabSynthE’s emerging media exhibition in Lazaret Cave in Nice, France for the Spring of Poets. “A Simple History” ruminates on the 2022 theme, ephemeral, featuring a site-specific poem by Adrian Matejka and the voice of Trupa Trupa frontman Grzegorz Kwiatkowski.
Fall 2021-Spring 2022, NYU Mamdouha Bobst Gallery
This fall LabSynthE members will be exhibiting works as part of burrough & Starnaman’s Ceremonial Techne at Mamdouha S. Bobst Gallery at NYU. The lab’s collaborative projects Syntonic Refuge and One Breath Poem: Message for a Revolution, as well as An Imagined Genealogy of Michel Foucault, led by Ferreira and Yates, will be on display and available for interaction during fall 2021 and spring 2022.