Dr. Regina Tangerino de Souza Jacob
Dr. Regina Tangerino de Souza Jacob visited UT Dallas from 2020 to 2021 from the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. She is a professor in the USP’s undergraduate and graduate speech pathology and audiology programs, emphasizing auditory rehabilitation and hearing assistance devices. The objective of Dr. Jacob’s time in The Hearing Health Lab was to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct independent research in the area of current wireless technology. During her time at UT Dallas, she gained expertise in training specialized auditory rehabilitation services that involve two unique formats designed by Dr. Thibodeau: SIARC, and CAMP-CHAT.
The Brazilian Phrases in Noise Test (PINT Brazil): Normative Data
Jacob, Regina Tangerino de Souza, Souza-Tamura, Camila Oliveira, Frederigue-Lopes, Natalia Barreto, Moret, Adriana Lima Mortari, Medina, Camila, and Thibodeau, Linda M
The Phrases in Noise Test (PINT) was translated, adapted, and validated to assess Brazilian children’s hearing skills in Portuguese. The PINT Brazil was administered to 50 Brazilian children, ages 4 to 11 years. The reference values should be considered according to the hard-of-hearing children’s hearing age. With the availability of the PINT Brazil Portal, audiologists will have free and universal access to the test, which will contribute to the clinical practice of Audiology in Brazil.
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