Sachin Giri was awarded the best overall prize for QE-1
Mystery solved! We recently received a cold-packed box of delicious Belgian chocolate…
The origin of the last week cold-shipped tasty Belgium chocolate was uncovered. It was our alumni Yang Wang, who in the fact, recently produced a beautiful natural product pictured below:
Group Alumn Padon Chuentragool accepted a position as a Researcher at the Chulabhorn Research Institute (CRI) in Thailand
Group Alumn Yang Wang accepted a position as Assistant Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing
Group Alumn Marvin Parasram accepted a position as Assistant Professor at New York University
Nikita Kvasovs received the Eugene McDermott Graduate Fellowship
Sumon Sarkar received the Eugene McDermott Graduate Fellowship
Mónica Rivas received the Eugene McDermott Graduate Fellowship
Mónica Rivas was awarded the NIH F31 NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship
Daria Kurandina accepted a postdoctoral position at The University of California, Berkeley
Daria Kurandina successfully defended her PhD thesis
Daria Kurandina received the Eugene McDermott Graduate Fellowship
The Gevorgyan Research Group Arrives at New Home: University of Texas at Dallas!
Daria Kurandina received an award for an excellent speed talk during TexSyn IV held at Baylor University
Maxim Ratushnyy successfully defended his PhD Thesis!