Congratulations to two graduated rockstars, Dr Olivia Chastain (née Brohlin) and Dr Arezoo Sharivarkevishahi, who went off to be Senior Scientists at Merck and Pfizer respectively a few months ago. Jeremiah was exceptionally happy to have them return so he could hood them and remind them of how special they were one last time before they went back home with their fancy printed and bound thesis. Also, recently, following the successful deposit of his cheque, Jeremiah was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, which has permitted him to use the post-nominal “FRSC”, which Jeremiah enjoyed for about a month before the novelty wore off. The fancy little diploma the Royal Society of Chemistry sends is shown. It was printed on A4 paper, which was difficult to find a suitable frame for in the land of the free and home of the brave. That said, it was found. Now Jeremiah is off collecting other Fellowships to fatten his CV to match his ever expanding waistline.