Aphasiology Links

Database Resources

Multimedia interactions for the study of aphasia (CMU)

History of Aphasiology/Speech Language Pathology

Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus

Landmarks in the history of aphasia and its therapy (Chris Code)

A History of Speech-Language Pathology (Judy Duchan)


Hickok, G. (2009). The functional neuroanatomy of language. Physics of Life Reviews, 121-143.

Philosophy — Science and Mind

Van Lancker Sidtis, D. (2006). Brain and Language, 98, 276-290

The closing of the scientific mind, Commentary, D. Gelertner, U. Conn. (2014).

Disorders of Phonology

UTD site describing foreign accent syndrome.

Disorders of Semantics

A lexical database for English grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms.

Disorders of Syntax and Morphology (Aggrammatism)

Description of sentence shaper.

Auditory Word Recognition, Sentence Processing, and Aphasia

UTD Visible speech project

Right Hemisphere Communication Disorders/Neural Control of Prosody

Left hand syndrome

Example of visual neglect

Short tutorial on RH syndromes

Connectionist Models of Language Processing and Aphasia

Geoff Hinton, brief video with interactive demos.

NetTalk demo after different amounts of iterations.

Aphasia and Bilingualism

In other words: inside the lives and minds of real-time translators, G. Watts, Mosaic, 2014.