Homework Guidelines and FAQs

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General Questions, Getting Help, Learning Modules, Homework Assignments, Quizzes, Exams

General Questions

How can I do well in this class?

Phonetics is like a language course — a little studying each day pays off a lot more than cramming the night before. A good first step is to complete all the readings, learning modules, and assignments by the dates listed in your syllabus. Being prepared for class and lab puts you ahead of the game. If you have any questions along the way, email the TA. Don’t be hesitant about emailing us, we like email.

Above all, start on your final project early! It’s 25% of your grade that you have the most control over — the more research and time you put into it, the better it will be.

How will I be contacted if a class is canceled or if a due date is changed? Can I get grades this way?

You will be notified via UTD email. It is important that you check your UTD email on a regular basis. If this is difficult for you, talk to the TA about email forwarding. If you are not getting emails from the class, let the TA know as soon as possible.

We will not send out grades through email. It is against UTD policy to reveal grades through email or phone conversations. If you would like to see your grade, you will need to talk Dr. Katz or the TA in person.

What’s this “Transcribing American English” media thing? Is it optional?

The Transcribing American English ppts contain material that you can use to practice your transcription skills. You can get them here for free. They are optional, but highly recommended.

Where can I get IPA fonts to put on my computer?

There is a link on the Phonetics website that you can use to download free IPA fonts, if you would like to use them. Click “Links — Useful Tools and Tutorials” on the Phonetics main page.

Where can I download a copy of the lecture, learning module, or lab PowerPoint slides?

Lecture notes are available in both PowerPoint and PDF format on the Phonetics website under Lectures. If you would like to use the PowerPoint slides, you may want to install an IPA font set first.

There is no easy way to print the learning modules. They are not intended to be used as anything other than a recap of the lecture material that will be used in that week’s lab.

The lab PowerPoint slides will not be posted online or given out to the students (just another case of a select few ruining it for everyone — when we gave the slides out to students previously, some students stopped attending lab).

I don’t understand what that fraction in the corner means. What’s my grade?

That’s your grade! That fraction is the number of answers you got right over the total number of answers. It’s the easiest way for us busy TAs to grade. If you want to know what your grade is out of 100, divide the top number by the bottom number and multiply by 100.

When can I find out my final grade for the course?

Unfortunately, the only answer I have for you is “when it gets posted on Orion.” Grading the final projects takes a lot of work from both Dr. Katz and the TA, and we’re often grading 12 hrs a day right up until grades are due. Until the projects are done, we have no way of telling you what your grade for the course will be. However, we will post a midterm grade for undergrads, which should give you an idea of where you stand.

We know a lot of you are seniors who are depending on a passing grade to graduate, but the bottom line is this: The fewer emails we need to answer, the faster we can grade the projects.

Getting Help

I need to speak to Dr. Katz, where can I find him? What about the TA?

Office hours and location for both Dr. Katz and the TA are listed in your syllabus at the top of the page. However, the easiest way to contact Dr. Katz or the TA is through email. You can always set up an appointment to meet with one of them, if needed.

I sent an e-mail to Dr. Katz and/or the TA, but I haven’t gotten a response and it’s been a few days. Should I send another one?

Definitely! Both Dr. Katz and the TA check their email on a regular basis. If there hasn’t been a response in that amount of time, there may have been a mix-up somewhere (wrong email address, bad internet connection, TA’s inbox likes to eat emails, etc.). Also, keep in mind that we are often swamped with work and student requests, so if has only been a couple of days, give us a bit more time to respond.

I’m really having trouble with the homework and quizzes. Do I need to drop the class?

That’s a tough one to answer in an FAQ. There are a lot of factors that can influence success in this course, and a few bad homework/quiz grades do not necessarily make a failing student. I would suggest that you come in to talk to Dr. Katz as soon as possible.

NOTE: If Dr. Katz tells you what you will need to do to raise your grade in the class — DO IT! Too often we’ve seen students who ignore his advice (not doing homework, not coming to lab, not seeking help from the TA, etc) and end up doing poorly in the class.

Learning Modules

Why are there learning modules AND homework assignments?

The learning modules are designed to help you with your transcription skills. Homework is used to help you apply what you’ve learned from the text. Both will be useful in helping you understand the material covered in the course.

Do I need to turn in the learning module exercises? When are they due?

Strictly speaking, the learning module exercises are not for a grade. However, you can earn extra credit points on your midterm and final exam grades if you finish the learning modules on time. To earn the extra credit, you will need to complete the exercises before that week’s lab session, when the answers to will be given to you.

If the learning modules aren’t graded, why should I do them?

Here are a few good reasons to complete the learning modules:

  • They have information that you may find on quizzes and exams.
  • They help you practice transcribing in preparation for your Final Project.
  • They can earn you extra points on your midterm and final exam!

Here’s how:

  • If you turn in LM01 — LM05 on time, you will get 5 pts on your Midterm Exam grade.
  • If you turn in LM06 — LM10 on time, you will get 5 pts on your Final Exam grade.
  • BUT!…if you miss just one of the five exercises, you will lose your chance at earning extra credit on that particular test.

Homework Assignments

I’m having trouble understanding the assignment. What should I do if I’m not sure what the question is asking for?

First, re-read the instructions carefully. There might be a word or phrase that you missed. If you’re still having trouble, email the TA. They will be happy to help!


The quizzes are so different from everything else! How can I prepare for them?

The best way to prepare for quizzes is by practicing as much as possible. This means completing the lecture modules, taking good lab notes, and (if you have it) using the Transcribing GAE instructional materials. You can also try practicing with a friend (preferably in the class as well) or using some of the programs on Dr. Katz’s website under “Links — Useful Tools and Tutorials.”

Please play the audio recording one more time?

I’m sorry, but I’m only allowed to play the recording three times for each word. I will certainly play it again if something happens that makes it difficult to hear (audio glitch, children yelling in the halls, someone sneezes, etc.)

Also, keep in mind that the real word doesn’t always have second chances to hear what was said (language assessments, speech therapy, etc). So in the long run, it will be more useful for you to learn to transcribe quickly and accurately in as few repetitions as possible.

On the last quiz, everyone else around me heard the same thing I did, but we all got it wrong. Why does that happen?

It is possible that the room acoustics can change a sound before it hits your ears, but these effects are very minor. To avoid this, we do turn the volume up as loud as it will go.

Ideally, we would have a language lab where everyone could take the quiz through a pair of headphones, but there isn’t one here at UTD. (You can always try asking the school for one!)


What do we need for the Midterm/Final?

You will need a scantron (Form number 229630) and a number two pencil.
TA Tip: As long as you’re only getting a couple forms, some off-campus bookstores won’t charge you for them!

Is the Final cumulative?

Yes. The focus will be on material from the second half of the semester, but there will be material from the first half of the semester on it as well.

When will we find out how we did on the Final?

Your final exam letter grade will be written on your final project. If you wish to know which questions you got wrong, you will need to make an appointment with Dr. Katz or the TA.

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