Articles in Refereed Journals
Kumar, H., Lawn, A., and Katz, W. (2022). Increased functionality of a real-time tongue motion capture and targeting system. BODYNETS Conference Proceedings, Springer (in press).
Glotfelty, A. and Katz, W. (2021). The role of visibility in silent speech tongue movements: A kinematic study of consonants Journal of Speech, Hearing, and Language Research, 1-8.
Pak, C. and Katz, W. (2019). Recognition of emotional prosody by Mandarin-speaking adults with cochlear implants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, EL165.
Katz, W., Reidy, P., and Prabhakaran, D. (2018). Sensorimotor response to tongue displacement imagery by talkers with Parkinson’s disease. Proc. Interspeech, 2018, 1502-1506.
Fehr B.S., Katz, W.F., Khawaja I.S. (2018). Posttraumatic stress disorder co-morbid with mood disorder: Significantly higher incidence of obstructive sleep apnea than either diagnosis alone, The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, 20(4).
Katz, W. F., Mehta, & Wood, M. (2018). Effects of syllable position and vowel context on Japanese /r/: Kinematic and perceptual data. Acoustical Science and Technology, 39(2).
Katz, W. F., Mehta, S., Wood, M., & Wang, J. (2017). Using electromagnetic articulography with a tongue lateral sensor to discriminate manner of articulation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(1), EL57-EL63.
Katz, W. F., and Prabhakaran, D.(2016). Sensorimotor response to visual imagery of tongue displacement. Interspeech, 2090-2094.
Katz, W. F., and Mehta, S. (2015). Visual feedback of tongue movement for novel speech sound learning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol. 9, Article 612.
Levitt, J., Nakakita, M., Katz, W. (2015). Role of phonology in reading: A Stroop effect case report with Japanese scripts. Studies in Literature and Language, 10 (3), 1-6.
Katz, W., Campbell, T., Wang, J., Farrar, E., Eubanks, J., Balasubramanian, A., Prabhakaran, B., and Rennaker, R. (2014). Opti-Speech: A real-time, 3D visual feedback system for speech training. Interspeech, 1174-1178.
Wang, J., Katz, W.F., and Campbell, T. (2014). Contribution of tongue lateral sensors to consonant production. Interspeech, 174-178.
Katz, W.F., Garst, D.M, Briggs, R.W., Cheshkov, S., Ringe, W. Gopinath, K.S., Goyal, A., and Allen, G. (2012). Neural bases of the Foreign Accent Syndrome: A functional magnetic resonance imaging case study. Neurocase 18(3), 199-211.
Levitt, J.S. & Katz, W.F. (2010). The effects of EMA-based augmented visual feedback on the English speakers’ acquisition of the Japanese flap: a perceptual study. Proceedings of Meetings of Interspeech, 2010, 1862-1865.
Katz, W.F., & McNeil, M. (2010). Studies of articulatory feedback treatment for apraxia of speech (AOS) based on electromagnetic articulography. Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders, Vol. 20, No. 3, 73-80.
Cannito, M., Chorna, L., Katz, W. (2010). Kinematic and acoustic steadiness of sustained vowels: Typical production versus simulated dyskinesia and dysphonia. Journal of Medical Speech and Language Pathology, 18, 14-23.
Katz, W., McNeil, M., & Garst, D. (2010). Treating apraxia of speech (AOS) with EMA-supplied visual augmented feedback. Aphasiology, 24, 826-837.
McNeil, M., Katz, W., Fossett, T., Garst, D., Szuminsky, N., Carter, G., & Lim, K. (2010). Effects of on-line augmented kinematic and perceptual feedback on treatment of speech movement in apraxia of speech. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopediatrica, 62, 127-133.
Joglar, J. Nguyen, C., Garst, D. & Katz, W. (2008). Safety of Electromagnetic Articulography in Patients with Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 52, 1082-1087.
Levitt, J., & Katz, W. (2008). Augmented visual feedback in second language learning: Training Japanese post-alveolar flaps to American English speakers. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 2, 060002.
Katz, W. Garst, D., & Levitt, J. (2008). The role of prosody in a case of foreign accent syndrome (FAS). Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 22, 537-566.
Bharadwaj, S.V., Katz, W.F., & Tobey, E.A. (2007). Effects of auditory feedback deprivation on non-native French vowels produced by children with cochlear implants. Audiological Medicine, 5, 274-282.
Katz, W., Carter, C, & Levitt, J. (2007). Treating buccofacial apraxia using augmented kinematic feedback. Aphasiology, 12, 1230-1247.
Bharadwaj, S.V., Tobey, E.A., Assmann, P.F., & Katz, W.F. (2006). Effects of auditory feedback on fricatives produced by cochlear implanted adults and children: Acoustic and perceptual evidence. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119, 1626-35.
Katz, W., Bharadwaj, S., Rush, M., & Stettler, M. (2006). Influences of EMA receiver coils on speech production by normal and aphasic/apraxic talkers. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 49, 645-659.
Assmann, P., & Katz, W. (2005). Synthesis fidelity and time-varying spectral change in vowels. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117, 886-895.
Katz, W., Bharadwaj, S., Gabbert, G., Loizou, P., Tobey, E., & Poroy, O. (2003). EMA compatibility of the Clarion 1.2 cochlear implant system. Acoustic Research Letters Online, 4(3), 100-105.
Katz, W. (2001). Anticipatory coarticulation and aphasia: Implications for phonetic theories. Journal of Phonetics, 28, 313-334.
Katz, W., & Bharadwaj, S. (2001). Coarticulation in fricative-vowel syllables produced by children and adults: a preliminary report. Journal of Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, Vol. 15(1/2), 139-144.
Katz, W., & Assmann, P. (2001). Identification of children’s and adults’ vowels: Intrinsic fundamental frequency, fundamental frequency dynamics, and presence of voicing. Journal of Phonetics, 29, 23-51.
Assmann, P., & Katz, W. (2000) Time-varying spectral change in the vowels of children and adults. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108, 1856-1866.
Katz, W., Bharadwaj, S., & Carstens, B. (1999). Electromagnetic articulography treatment for an adult with Broca’s aphasia and apraxia of speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 42, 1355-1366.
Baum, S., Kim, J., & Katz, W. (1997). Compensation for jaw fixation by aphasic patients. Brain and Language, 56, 354-376.
Katz, W., Beach, C, Jenouri, K., & Verma, S. (1996). Duration and fundamental frequency correlates of phrase boundaries in productions by children and adults. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99, 3179-3191.
Beach, C., Katz, W., & Skowronski, A. (1996). Children’s processing of prosodic cues for phrasal interpretation. (1996). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99, 1148-1160.
Fiez, J., Tallal, P., Raichle, M., Miezin, F., Katz, W., Dobmeyer, S., & Petersen, S. (1995). PET studies of auditory and phonological processing: Effects of stimulus type and task condition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 7(3), 357-375.
Hagman, J., Wood, F., Buchsbaum, M., Tallal, P., Flowers, L., & Katz, W. (1992). Cerebral brain mechanism in adult dyslexics assessed with positron emission tomography during performance of an auditory task. Archives of Neurology, 49, 734‑739.
Katz, W., Curtiss, S., & Tallal, P. (1992). Rapid automatized naming and gesture by normal and language‑impaired children. Brain and Language, 43, 623‑641.
Curtiss, S., Katz, W., & Tallal, P. (1992). Delay vs. deviance in the language acquisition of language‑impaired children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 35, 373‑383.
Katz, W., Kripke, C., & Tallal, P. (1991). Anticipatory labial coarticulation in the speech of adults and young children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 34, 1222‑1232.
Katz, W., Machetanz, J., Orth, U., & Schoenle, P. (1990).Anticipatory labial coarticulation in two German‑speaking anterior aphasic subjects: Acoustic analyses. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 5, 295‑320.
Katz, W., Machetanz, J., Orth, U., & Schoenle, P. (1990). A kinematic analysis of anticipatory coarticulation in the speech of anterior aphasic subjects using electromagnetic articulography. Brain and Language, 38, 555‑575.
Baum, S. & Katz, W. (1988). Acoustic analysis of compensatory articulation in children. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 84, 1662‑1668.
Katz, W. (1988). Methodological considerations reconsidered: Reply to Sussman et al. Brain and Language, 35, 367‑379.
Katz, W. (1988). Anticipatory coarticulation in aphasia: Acoustic and perceptual data. Brain and Language, 35, 340‑368.
Katz, W. (1988). An investigation of lexical ambiguity in Broca’s aphasic subjects using an auditory lexical decision task. Neuropsychologia, 26, 747‑752.
Blumstein, S., Alexander, M., Ryalls, J., Katz, W., & Dworetzky, B. (1987). On the nature of the Foreign Accent Syndrome: A case study. Brain and Language, 31, 215‑244.
Katz, W. & Baum, S. (1987). Compensatory articulation in Broca’s aphasia: The facts aren’t in yet. Brain and Language, 30, 367‑373.
Lieberman, P., Katz, W., Jongman, A., Zimmerman, R., & Miller, M. (1985). Reply to Bruno H. Repp. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 78, 1116‑1117.
Lieberman, P., Katz, W., Jongman, A., Zimmerman, R., & Miller, M. (1985). Measurements of the sentence intonation of read and spontaneous speech in American English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 77, 649‑657.
Completed Articles in Edited Volumes
Garst, D. & Katz, W. (2006). The Foreign Accent Syndrome. The ASHA Leader, Vol. 11, No. 10.
Katz, W. (2003). Basic Research in Speech Science and Speech-Language Pathology. The ASHA Leader, 6-7, 20.
Katz, W., & Bharadwaj, S. (1999). Remediation of nonfluent aphasia using magnetometer -feedback therapy. In B. Maasen & P. Groenen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Ann. Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association. London: Whurr Publ. Ltd.
Katz, W. & Santrock, J. (1997). Thinking and Language. In J. Santrock (Ed.), Psychology. Madison, WI: Brown & Benchmark.
Katz, W., Curtiss, S., & Tallal, P. (1993). Naming and gesture by normal and language‑impaired children: Evidence from a modified Rapid Automatized Naming Test. In P. Tallal, A. Galaburda, R. Llinas, and C. von Euler (Eds.) Temporal information processing in the nervous system. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 682, 359‑362.
Tallal, P., & Katz, W. (1989). Neuropsychological and neuroanatomical studies of developmental language/reading impaired disorders: Recent advances. In C. von Euler, I. Lundberg, and G. Lennerstrand (Eds.), Brain and reading. London: MacMillan.
Katz, W. (1987). Anticipatory labial and lingual coarticulation in aphasia. In J. Ryalls (Ed.), Phonetic approaches to speech production in aphasia and related disorders. San Diego: College‑Hill Press.
Books accepted for publication
Katz, W. and Assmann, P. The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics. Routledge, London and NY. (due early 2018)
Katz, W. Phonetics for Dummies, John Wiley & Sons (8/15/13).
Refereed Conference Presentations of Abstracts
Shin, S. & Katz, W. (2017). Cognitive Factors Involved in the Speaking Rate Difficulties in Children With Cochlear Implants. ASHA convention (American Speech Hearing Association).
Katz, W., & Prabhakaran, D. (2016). Sensorimotor response to visual imagery of tongue displacement. Interspeech Convention, San Francisco
Campbell, T., Prabhakaran, P. Carey, H. Eubanks, J., Farrar, E., Katz, W., Rennaker, R. Sloan, A., Vick, J., Wang, J. Watkins, C., & Watts, W. (2016). Opti-Speech: A visual biofeedback system for speech treatment. Conference on Motor Speech, Newport Beach, California.
Katz, W., Campbell, T., Wang, J., Farrar, E., Eubanks, J., Balasubramanian, A., Prabhakaran, B., & Rennaker, R. (2014). Opti-Speech: A real-time, 3D visual feedback system for speech training. Interspeech Convention, Singapore.
Wang, J., Katz, W., & Campbell, T. (2014). Contribution of tongue lateral to consonant production. Interspeech Convention, Singapore.
Wang, J., & Katz W., & Campbell, T., (2014).Classifying consonants from articulatory data with a lateral EMA sensor. ASHA convention (American Speech Hearing Association).
Katz, W., Syrika, A., Garst, D., & Mehta, S. (2011). Treating dysarthria with visual augmented feedback: A case study. . ASHA convention (American Speech Hearing Association). San Diego, CA
Levitt, J., & Katz, W.. The effects of EMA-based augmented visual feedback on English speakers’ acquisition of the Japanese flap: A perceptual study. (2010). Interspeech – ICSLP, Makuhari, Japan.
McNeil, M., Katz, W., Fossett, T., Garst, D., Szuminsky, N., Carter, G., & Lim, K.Y. (2010). Effects of on-line augmented kinematic and perceptual feedback on treatment of speech movements in apraxia of speech. 28th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Athens, Greece.
Cannito, M., Katz, W., & Chorna, L. (2010). Kinematic and Acoustic Steadiness of Sustained Vowels: Typical Production Versus Simulated Dyskinesia and Dysphonia. International Motor Speech Conference, Savannah, Georgia.
Katz, W., Garst, D., Carter, G., McNeil, M., Doyle, P., & Szuminsky, N. (2009). Treating apraxia of speech (AOS) with EMA-supplied visual augmented feedback. Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Keystone, CO.
Katz, W., Garst, D., Carter, G., Fossett, T., McNeil, M., Szuminsky, N., and Doyle, P. (2008). Treating consonant place of articulation in the speech of an individual with apraxia of speech using EMA-based feedback. , Motor speech Conference, Monterery, CA.
McNeil, M., Fossett, T., Katz, W., Garst, D., Carter, G., Szuminsky, N., Lim, Y. & Doyle, P. (2008). The effect of auditory and kinematic feedback on the treatment of apraxia of speech (AOS) in two adults with AOS and aphasia. 46th Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Turku, Finland.
Yoshida, M., Katz, W., Henley, S., & Golden, R. (2007). Modeling children’s and adults’ prosodic-cue perception for compound word ambiguity resolution. . 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, San Diego, California.
Gabbert-Downs, Garst, D., Dewey, R., & Katz, W.(2007). Production of stops and glides by individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Brain and Language, 103, 128-129.
Katz, W., Garst, D., Carter, G., McNeil, M., Fossett, T., Doyle, P. & Szuminsky, N. (2007). Treatment of an individual with aphasia and apraxia of speech using EMA visually-augmented feedback. Brain and Language, 103, 213-214.
McNeil, M., Fossett, T., Katz, W., Garst, D., Carter, G., Szuminsky, N., & Doyle, P. (2007). Effects of on-line kinematic feedback treatment for apraxia of speech.Brain and Language, 103, 223-225.
McNeil, M.R., Fossett, T., Katz, W., Garst, D., Szuminsky, N., Carter, G., & Doyle, P. (2007). Acquisition, generalization, and maintenance of visual on-line movement feedback for the treatment of apraxia of speech: A single subject multiple-baseline experimental study. . 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Speech, Language and Hearing. Brisbane, Aus.
Katz, W., Garst, D.M., Carter, G.S., Fossett, T., McNeil, M., Doyle, P.J., & Szuminsky, N.S. (2007). Effects of visually augmented kinematic feedback for the treatment of apraxia using word-variable practice: A single-subject experiment. Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
McNeil, M., Katz, W.F., Fossett, T., Garst, D.M., Carter, G.S., Szuminsky, N.S., & Doyle, P.J. (2007). Effects of visually augmented kinematic feedback with constant practice for the treatment of apraxia of speech: A single-subject experiment. Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Gabbert, G., Dewey, R., & Katz, W. (2004). Compensatory articulation in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Brain and Language, 91, 19-20.
Katz, W., Carter, G., & Levitt, J. (2003). Biofeedback treatment of buccofacial apraxia using EMA. Brain and Language, 87, 175-176.
Katz, W., Bharadwaj, S., Gabbert, G., & Stettler, M. (2002). Visual augmented knowledge of performance: Treating place-of-articulation errors in apraxia of speech using EMA. Brain and Language, 83, 187-189.
Katz, W., Bharadwaj, S., Gabbert, G., and Rush, M. (2001). Influences of EMA receiver coils on speech production by normal and aphasic talkers. Brain and Language, 79, 67-69.
Perrin, J., & Katz, W. (2001). Compensatory articulation in subjects with cerebellar atrophy: Implications for models of speech production. Brain and Language, 74, 67-69.
Katz, W. (1998). Anticipatory coarticulation in fricative-vowel syllables produced by children and adults: Kinematic and perceptual evidence. 7th Annual Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Montreal, Canada.
Katz, W. (1998). EMA and perceptual analyses of coarticulation in fricative-vowel syllables produced by women and children. Speech articulation workshop: Institut fuer Phonetik und Sprachliche Kommunikation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Munich, Germany.
Katz, W. (1997). Remediation of nonfluent aphasia using magnetometer-feedback therapy. 6th Annual Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Nijmegen, Holland
Katz, W. (1997). Remediation of nonfluent aphasic speech errors using electromagnetic articulography. 35th Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Philadelphia, Penn.
Katz, W. (1994). Adaptation to articulatory perturbation by fluent and nonfluent aphasic subjects. 32nd Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Cambridge, Mass.
Katz, W., & Streit-Olness, G. (1993). Idiom processing: On-line analyses. TENNET (Theoretical and Experimental Neuropsychology) IV, Montreal, Canada.
Katz, W. (1992). Compensatory articulation in Broca’s aphasia. 30th Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Toronto, Canada.
Katz, W., Curtiss, S., & Tallal, P. (1991). Rapid automatized naming and gesture by normal and language impaired children. AFASIC Conference, Yorkshire, England.
Katz, W. (1990). Anticipatory labial coarticulation in two German-speaking anterior aphasic subjects: Acoustic analyses. 28th Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Baltimore, Md.
Katz, W. (1988). A kinematic analysis of anticipatory coarticulation in an anterior aphasic subject using electromagnetic articulography. 26th Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Montreal, Canada.
Invited Presentations
Acoustics and emotion in tonal and non-tonal languages: Findings from individuals with typical hearing and with cochlear implants. 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), Victoria, Canada, 2018.
Application of biofeedback to motor speech disorders. ASHA convention (American Speech Hearing Association), Philadelphia, PA, 2010.
Principles of motor learning applied to the treatment of apraxia of speech (AOS) in adults. The 39th Annual Mid-South Conference on Communicative Disorders, Memphis, Tenn. February, 2009.
Does children’s use of melody in language change over time? The development of cue-trading relations at the prosody/syntax interface. Tel Aviv University, Department of Linguistics, December, 2006.
New avenues in apraxia intervention. UT Southwestern Medical School/Vascular disease/Stroke Team. Feb., 2006.
Treating verbal apraxia with biofeedback. Dallas Area Speech Pathology Association (DASPA). 2001.
New Horizons in Apraxia Therapy. Dallas/ Ft. Worth Aphasiology Association. 2000.
Kinematic analyses of speech production. UT Southwestern Medical School/ Neurology Seminar Series. 2000.
Recent studies of speech motor control at the University of Texas at Dallas: Analysis of children and apraxic adults. University of Tuebingen Department of Neurology Lecture, Tuebingen, Germany. 1998.
Coarticulation in child language. University of Zurich/Department of Phonetics Invited Lecture Series, Zurich, Switzerland. 1998.
Neurolinguistic research at the University of Texas at Dallas. Fulbright Foundation Lectureship Program. University Groningen, Dept. of Linguistics. Groningen, Holland.1998.
Can studies of clinical populations inform theoretical models of speech production? 134th Mtg. of the Acoustical Society of America. Workshop on basic science at the intersection of speech science and communication disorders. San Diego, CA. 1997.
Development of skilled speech production in children. 128th Mtg. of the Acoustical Society of America, Austin, Tx. 1994.
Brain, mind, and language: Evidence from aphasia. 160th National Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, CA. 1994.
Williams Syndrome: Current research perspectives. William’s Syndrome Association/Southwestern Regional Conference, 1992.
Longitudinal Outcomes of Developmental Language Disorders. Orton Dyslexia Society, New York, 1990.
Other Writings
Katz, W. (2008). On B. Sanders’ “Science without Borders,” Physics Today, 61, 11, pg. 8.
Katz, W. (1989). Anticipatory coarticulation and aphasia: Implications for connectionist models of speech production. Center for Research in Language Newsletter, 4 (1), University of California San Diego.
Katz, W., Chapin, C., & Lieberman, P. (1985). Evaluation of normalization procedures for the vowels of young children. Brown University Working Papers in Linguistics, 5, 79‑96.
Katz, W. (1985). Stress assignment in English and Spanish: Arboreal vs. non‑arboreal metrical theories. Brown University Working Papers in Linguistics, 5, 97‑121.
Refereed conference presentations or abstracts
Shin, S. and Katz, W. (2017). Cognitive Factors Involved in the Speaking Rate Difficulties in Children With Cochlear Implants. ASHA convention (American Speech Hearing Association).
Katz, W., and Prabhakaran, D. (2016). Sensorimotor response to visual imagery of tongue displacement. Interspeech Convention, San Francisco
Campbell, T., Prabhakaran, P. Carey, H. Eubanks, J., Farrar, E., Katz, W., Rennaker, R. Sloan, A., Vick, J., Wang, J. Watkins, C., & Watts, W. (2016). Opti-Speech: A visual biofeedback system for speech treatment. Conference on Motor Speech, Newport Beach, California.
Katz, W., Campbell, T., Wang, J., Farrar, E., Eubanks, J., Balasubramanian, A., Prabhakaran, B., and Rennaker, R. (2014). Opti-Speech: A real-time, 3D visual feedback system for speech training. . Interspeech Convention, Singapore.
Wang, J., Katz, W., and Campbell, T. (2014). Contribution of tongue lateral to consonant production. Interspeech Convention, Singapore.
Wang, J., Katz, W., & Campbell, T. (2014). Classifying consonants from articulatory data with a lateral EMA sensor. (2014). ASHA convention (American Speech Hearing Association).
Katz, W., Syrika, A., Garst, D., & Mehta, S. (2012). Treating dysarthria with visual augmented feedback: A case study. ASHA convention (American Speech Hearing Association), San Diego, CA.
Levitt, J., & Katz, W. (2010). The effects of EMA-based augmented visual feedback on English speakers’ acquisition of the Japanese flap: A perceptual study. Interspeech, ICSLP, Makuhari, Japan.
McNeil, M., Katz, W., Fossett, T., Garst, D., Szuminsky, N., Carter, G., & Lim, K.Y. (2010). Effects of on-line augmented kinematic and perceptual feedback on treatment of speech movements in apraxia of speech. 28th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Athens, Greece.
Cannito, M., Katz, W., and Chorna, L. (2010). Kinematic and Acoustic Steadiness of Sustained Vowels : Typical Production Versus Simulated Dyskinesia and Dysphonia. International Motor Speech Conference, Savannah, Georgia.
Katz, W., Garst, D. , Carter, G., McNeil, M., Doyle, P., and Szuminsky, N. (2009). Treating apraxia of speech (AOS) with EMA-supplied visual augmented feedback. Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Keystone, CO.
Katz, W., Garst, D., Carter, G., Fossett, T., McNeil, M., Szuminsky, N., & Doyle, P. (2008). Treating consonant place of articulation in the speech of an individual with apraxia of speech using EMA-based feedback. Motor speech Conference, Monterery, CA.
McNeil, M., Fossett, T., Katz, W., Garst, D., Carter, G., Szuminsky, N., Lim, Y. & Doyle, P. (2008). The effect of auditory and kinematic feedback on the treatment of apraxia of speech (AOS) in two adults with AOS and aphasia. 46th Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Turku, Finland.
Yoshida, M., Katz, W., Henley, S., & Golden, R. (2007). Modeling children’s and adults’ prosodic-cue perception for compound word ambiguity resolution. 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, San Diego, California.
Gabbert-Downs, Garst, D., Dewey, R., & Katz, W. (2007). Production of stops and glides by individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Brain and Language, 103, 128-129.
Katz, W., Garst, D., Carter, G., McNeil, M., Fossett, T., Doyle, P. & Szuminsky, N. (2007). Treatment of an individual with aphasia and apraxia of speech using EMA visually-augmented feedback. Brain and Language, 103, 213-214.
McNeil, M., Fossett, T., Katz, W., Garst, D., Carter, G., Szuminsky, N., & Doyle, P. (2007). Brain and Language,Effects of on-line kinematic feedback treatment for apraxia of speech. 103, 223-225.
McNeil, M.R., Fossett, T., Katz, W., Garst, D., Szuminsky, N., Carter, G., & Doyle, P. (2007). Acquisition, generalization, and maintenance of visual on-line movement feedback for the treatment of apraxia of speech: A single subject multiple-baseline experimental study. 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Speech, Language and Hearing. Brisbane.
Katz, W., Garst, D.M., Carter, G.S., Fossett, T., McNeil, M., Doyle, P.J., & Szuminsky, N.S. (2007). Effects of visually augmented kinematic feedback for the treatment of apraxia using word-variable practice: A single-subject experiment. Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
Gabbert, G.J., Dewey, R. & Katz, W. (2004). Compensatory articulation in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Brain and Language, 91, 19-20.
Katz, W., Carter, G., & Levitt, J. (2003). Biofeedback treatment of buccofacial apraxia using EMA. Brain and Language, 87, 175-176.
Katz, W., Bharadwaj, S., Gabbert, G., & Stettler, M. (2002). Visual augmented knowledge of performance: Treating place-of-articulation errors in apraxia of speech using EMA. Brain and Language, 83, 187-189.
Katz, W., Bharadwaj, S., Gabbert, G., and Rush, M. (2001). Influences of EMA receiver coils on speech production by normal and aphasic talkers. Brain and Language, 79, 67-69.
Perrin, J., & Katz, W. (2001). Compensatory articulation in subjects with cerebellar atrophy: Implications for models of speech production. Brain and Language, 74, 67-69.
Katz, W. (1998). Anticipatory coarticulation in fricative-vowel syllables produced by children and adults: Kinematic and perceptual evidence. 7th Annual Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Montreal, Canada.
Katz, W. (1998). EMA and perceptual analyses of coarticulation in fricative-vowel syllables produced by women and children. Speech articulation workshop: Institut fuer Phonetik und Sprachliche Kommunikation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Munich, Germany.
Katz, W. (1997). Remediation of nonfluent aphasia using magnetometer-feedback therapy. 6th Annual Conference of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Nijmegen, Holland.
Katz, W. (1997). Remediation of nonfluent aphasic speech errors using electromagnetic articulography. 35th Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Philadelphia, PA.
Katz, W. (1994). Adaptation to articulatory perturbation by fluent and nonfluent aphasic subjects. 32nd Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Cambridge, MA.
Katz, W., & Streit-Olness, G. (1993). Idiom processing: On-line analyses. TENNET (Theoretical and Experimental Neuropsychology) IV, Montreal, Canada.
Katz, W. (1992). Compensatory articulation in Broca’s aphasia. 30th Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Toronto, Canada.
Katz, W., Curtiss, S., & Tallal, P. (1991). Rapid automatized naming and gesture by normal and language impaired children. AFASIC Conference, Yorkshire, England.
Katz, W. (1990). Anticipatory labial coarticulation in two German-speaking anterior aphasic subjects: Acoustic analyses. 28th Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Baltimore,
Katz, W. (1988). A kinematic analysis of anticipatory coarticulation in an anterior aphasic subject using electromagnetic articulography. 26th Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Montreal, Canada.
Contributed (un-refereed) Abstracts
Doli, E. & Katz, W. (2017). An electromagnetic articulography study of stop-/s/ and /s/-stop clusters in Greek, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142, 2581.
Pak, C.L. & Katz, W. (2017). Recognition of emotional prosody in Mandarin: Evidence from a synthetic speech paradigm. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(5), 3701.
Fazel, V., & Katz, W. (2016). Visuomotor pursuit tracking accuracy for intraoral tongue movement. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(4), 3224.
Mehta, S., & Katz, W. (2016). English listeners’ judgments of Japanese-accented English vowel productions: Relation to acoustic and kinematic characteristics. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(4), 3333.
Katz, W, Mehta, S., & Berglund, A. (2015). A kinematic analysis of Japanese/r/: Effects of syllable position and vowel context. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4), 2382.
Mehta, S., & Katz, W. (2015). Articulatory and acoustic correlates of English front vowel productions by native Japanese speakers. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4), 2380.
Katz, W., Wang, J, & Mehta, S. (2014). Using lateral sensors in EMA tracking of /l/ and /r/ in American English. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135 (4), 2198.
Mehta, S., Wang, J., & Katz W. (2014). Tense/lax discrimination in articulatory vowel space: Evidence from electromagnetic articulography. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135 (4), 2197.
Levitt, J., & Katz, W. (2007). Augmented visual feedback in second language learning: Training Japanese post-alveolar flaps to American English speakers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122, (5) 2, 2996.
Garst, D., Levitt, J., & Katz, W. (2007). The role of prosody in the foreign accent syndrome: A single-subject study. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121, (5) 2, 3134.
Katz, W., Garst, D., Kaplan, K., & Frisch, E. (2007). Effects of accent reduction techniques for the treatment of an individual with the Foreign Accent Syndrome. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121, (5) 2, 3134.
Yoshida, M., & Katz, W. (2006). Children‘s production of prosody: Disambiguating sets of compound nouns. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119, 3421.
Katz, W. & Yoshida, M. (2004). Children’s use of prosody to identify ambiguous sets of compound nouns. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116, 2645.
Katz, W., Bharadwaj, S., Gabbert, G., & Stettler, M. (2002). Fricative spectral moments and the perception of anticipatory coarticulation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 112, 2355.
Bharadwaj, S., Tobey, E., Assmann, P., & Katz, W. (2001). Role of auditory feedback in speech produced by cochlear-implanted adults and children. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111, 2428.
Assmann, P. & Katz, W. (2001). Effects of synthesis fidelity on vowel identification: Role of spectral change and voicing source. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110, 2658.
Bharadwaj, S., & Katz, W. (2000). Anticipatory coarticulation in the speech of adults and children: A perceptual study. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 107, 2655.
Assmann, P, Katz, W., Jenouri, K., & Hamilton, P. (1995). Identification of natural and synthesized vowels produced by children and adults: Effects of fundamental frequency variation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 98, 2964.
Katz, W., Assmann, P., & Jenouri, K. (1995). Identification of natural and synthesized vowels produced by children and adults: Effects of formant frequency variation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 98, 2964.
Verma, S., Mannering, A., Kornell, B., Katz, W., & Beach, C. (1994). Prosodic cues for phrasal boundaries in productions by children and adults. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96, 3308.
Baum, S., & Katz, W. (1994). Development of skilled speech production in children. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96, 3307.
Beach, C., Ganguilay, A., Guber, K., McBride, A., Park, K., & Katz, W. (1991). Children’s use of prosody to identify phrasal units in sentences. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 90, 2297.
Tallal, P., Wood, F., Buchsbaum, M., Flowers, L., Brown, I., & Katz, W. (1990). Decoupling of PET measured left caudate and cortical metabolism in adult dyslexia. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri.
Katz, W. (1987). Anticipatory coarticulation in aphasia: Acoustic and perceptual evidence. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 81, S56.
Lieberman, P,. Katz, W. Zimmerman, R., Jongman, A., & Miller, M. (1983). A perceptually based approach to F0 characterization. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 74, S89.