Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells
We create light emitting electrochemical cells from perovskites and other materials possessing ionic conductivity. These materials exhibit efficient operation in single layer devices, maintaining ease of fabrication with high performance. These simple devices allow for direct investigation of the fundamental physics governing device operation. In particular, the interactions of ionic and electronic carriers leads to important implications in the electrical, optical, and mechanical properties.

Electrochemical Biosensors
We implement eletrochemical devices for detection of biological activity such as DNA transcription and anticancer drug response. To accomplish this, my research exploits DNA as a powerful recognition element and transducer in biosensing devices.

DNA in Nanoscale Electronics
DNA can serve as a nanoscale scaffold for the construction of molecular wires and molecular semiconductor devices. We study the electronic and self-assembly properties of DNA given its inherent novelty and potential for self-organizing nanoscale integrated circuits.
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