
  1. A. C. Adams, M. O. Seifi, A. P. Wettasinghe, and J. D. Slinker. Applying Machine Learning to Predict Electron Transfer Kinetics from Voltammetry Experiments. ChemPlusChem, e202400720 (2025).
  2. A. Alawneh,  A. P. Wettasinghe, R. McMullen, M. O. Seifi, I. Breton, Jr., J. D. Slinker, and R. D. Kuchta. A Redox-Reversible Switch of DNA Hydrogen Bonding and Structure. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 7, 5308 (2024).
  3. H.-C. Peng, S. Mohan, M. Huq, J. Bull, T. Michaud, T. Piercy, S. Hilber, A. P. Wettasinghe, J. D. Slinker, C. Kreutz, and A. L. Stelling. Isotope-Edited Variable Temperature Infrared Spectroscopy for Measuring Transition Temperatures of Single A-T Watson–Crick Base Pairs in DNA Duplexes. Anal. Chem. 96, 8868 (2024).
  4. (Invited Article) S. Jha, R. Haroldson, A. A. Zakhidov, and J. D. Slinker. Dielectric Constants and Double Layer Formation in a Perovskite Thin Film Revealed by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. MRS Commun. 14, 196 (2024).
  5. S. Jha, R. Haroldson, A. A. Zakhidov, and J. D. Slinker. The Synergetic Ionic and Electronic Features of MAPbI3 Perovskite Films Revealed by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Adv. Opt. Mater. 12, 2301677 (2024).
  6. A. P. Wettasinghe, M. O. Seifi, M. Bravo, A. C. Adams, A. Patel, H.-C. Peng, A. L. Stelling, L. Fan, and J. D. Slinker. Molecular Wrench Activity of DNA Helicases: Keys to Modulation of Rapid Kinetics in DNA Repair. Protein Sci. 32, e4815 (2023).
  7. A. A. Marder, J. Cassidy, D. Harankahage, J. Beavon, L. Gutiérrez-Arzaluz, O. F. Mohammed, A. Mishra, A. C. Adams, J. D. Slinker, Z. Hu, S. Savoy, M. Zamkov, and A. V. Malko. CdS/CdSe/CdS Spherical Quantum Wells with Near-Unity Biexciton Quantum Yield for Light-Emitting Device Applications. ACS Mater. Lett. 5, 1411 (2023).
  8. M. Alahbakhshi, A. Mishra, G. Verkhogliadov, E. E. Turner, R. Haroldson, A. C. Adams, Q. Gu, J. J. Rack, J. D. Slinker, and A. A. Zakhidov. Highly Efficient Quasi 2D Blue Perovskite Electroluminescence Leveraging a Dual Ligand Composition. Adv. Funct. Mater. 33, 2214315 (2023).
  9. M. H. Bowler, C. A. Ryan, A. Mishra, A. V. Malko, and J. D. Slinker. Revealing the Low-Temperature Interplay of Electronic, Ionic, and Optical Effects in Perovskite Electroluminescent Devices. ACS Appl. Opt. Mater. 1, 193 (2023).
  10. A. Mishra, R. Bose, Y. Zheng, W. Xu, R. McMullen, A. B. Mehta, M. J. Kim, J. W. P. Hsu, A. V. Malko, and J. D. Slinker. Stable and Bright Electroluminescent Devices Utilizing Emissive 0D Perovskite Nanocrystals Incorporated in a 3D CsPbBr3 Matrix. Adv. Mater. 34, 2203226 (2022).
  11. R. McMullen, A. Mishra, and J. D. Slinker. Straightforward Fabrication of Sub-10 nm Nanogap Electrode Pairs by Electron Beam Lithography. Precis. Eng. 77, 275 (2022).
  12. B. Zhang, L. N. S. Murthy, A. Mishra, M. H. Bowler, C.-L. Chung, J. Du, M. C. Stefan, K.-T. Wong, J. D. Slinker, and J. W. P. Hsu. Re-Examining Open-Circuit Voltage in Dilute-Donor Organic Photovoltaics. J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 9275 (2022).
  13. (Invited Article) S. Jha, M. Hasan, N. Khakurel, C. A. Ryan, R. McMullen, A. Mishra, A. V. Malko, A. A. Zakhidov, and J. D. Slinker. Electrochemical Characterization of Halide Perovskites: Stability & Doping. Mater. Today Adv. 13, 100213 (2022).
  14. (Invited Article) A. C. Adams, S. Jha, D. J. Lary, and J. D. Slinker. Machine Learning for Estimating Electron Transfer Rates From Square Wave Voltammetry. ChemPlusChem 87, e.202100418 (2022).
  15. (Invited Article) R. Bose, X. Zhou, T. Guo, H. Yang, J. Yin, A. Mishra, J. D. Slinker, O. M. Bakr, O. F. Mohammed, and A. V. Malko. Single-Particle Spectroscopy as a Versatile Tool to Explore Lower-Dimensional Structures of Inorganic Perovskites. ACS Energy Lett. 6, 3695 (2021).
  16. A. Mishra, M. Alahbakhshi, Q. Gu, A. A. Zakhidov, and J. D. Slinker. Leveraging a Stable Perovskite Composite to Satisfy Blue Electroluminescence Standards. ACS Mater. Lett. 3, 1357 (2021)
  17. A. P. Wettasinghe, N. Singh, C. L. Starcher, C. C. DiTusa, Z. Ishak-Boushaki, D. Kahanda, R. McMullen, E. A. Motea, and J. D. Slinker. Detecting Attomolar DNA-Damaging Anticancer Drug Activity in Cell Lysates with Electrochemical DNA Devices. ACS Sens. 6, 2622 (2021).
  18. A. Mishra, M. Alahbakhshi, R. Haroldson, Q. Gu, A. A. Zakhidov, and J. D. Slinker. Pure Blue Electroluminescence by Differentiated Ion Motion in a Single Layer Perovskite Device. Adv. Funct. Mater. 31, 2102006 (2021).
  19. A. Mishra, S. DiLuzio, M. Alahbakhshi, A. C. Adams, M. H. Bowler, Q. Gu, A. A. Zakhidov, S. Bernhard, and J. D. Slinker. Bright Single-Layer Perovskite Host-Ionic Guest Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. Chem. Mater. 33, 1201 (2021).
  20. D. Gets, M. Alahbakhshi, A. Mishra, R. Haroldson, A. Papadimitratos, A. Ishteev, D. Saranin, S. Anoshkin, A. Pushkarev, E. Danilovskiy, S. Makarov, J. D. Slinker, and A. A. Zakhidov. Reconfigurable Perovskite LEC: Effects of Ionic Additives and Dual Function Devices. Adv. Opt. Mater. 9, 2001715 (2021).
  21. M. Alahbakhshi, A. Papadimitratos, R. Haroldson, A. Mishra, A. Ishteev, J. Velten, Q. Gu, J. D. Slinker, A. Zakhidov, “Bright perovskite light-emitting electrochemical cell utilizing CNT sheets as a tunable charge injector,” in Proc. SPIE 11473, Organic and Hybrid Light Emitting Materials and Devices XXIV, 114731N (20 August 2020);
  22. A. Mishra, M. Alahbakhshi, R. Haroldson, L. D. Bastatas, Q. Gu, A. A. Zakhidov, J. D. Slinker. Enhanced Operational Stability of Perovskite Light‐Emitting Electrochemical Cells Leveraging Ionic Additives. Adv. Opt. Mater. 8, 2000226 (2020).
  23. (Invited Article) M. H. Bowler, A. Mishra, A. C. Adams, C. L.-D. Blangy, and J. D. Slinker. Circumventing Dedicated Electrolytes in Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 1906715 (2020).
  24. M. Alahbakhshi, A. Mishra, R. Haroldson, A. Ishteev, J. Moon, Q. Gu, J. D. Slinker, and A. A. Zakhidov. Bright and Effectual Perovskite Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells Leveraging Ionic Additives. ACS Energy Lett. 4, 2922 (2019).
  25. K.-Y. Lin, A. Burke, N. B. King, D. Kahanda, A. Bartlett, D. J. Dibble, M. A. McWilliams, D. W. Taylor, J.-M. Jocson, M. Minary-Jolandan, A. A. Gorodetsky, and J. D. Slinker. Enhancement of the Electrical Properties of DNA Duplexes Through Incorporation of Perylenediimide DNA Base Surrogates. ChemPlusChem, 84, 416-419 (2019).
  26. L. M. Cinninger, L. Bastatas, Y. Shen, B. J. Holliday, J. D. Slinker. Luminescent Properties of a 3,5-diphenylpyrazole Bridged Pt(II) Dimer. Dalton Trans. 48, 9684 (2019).
  27. L. D. Bastatas, P. Wagle, E. Echeverria, J. D. Slinker, and D. N. McIlroy. Electrical characterization of ZnO-coated nanospring ensemble by impedance spectroscopy: Probing the effect of thermal annealing. Nanotechnology 30, 234006 (2019).
  28. D. Kahanda, N. Singh, D. A. Boothman, and J. D. Slinker. Following Anticancer Drug Activity in Cell Lysates with DNA Devices. Biosens. Bioelectron. 119, 1 (2018).
  29. M. D. Moore, M. H. Bowler, J. E. Reynolds III, V. M. Lynch, Y. Shen, J. D. Slinker, and J. L. Sessler. Ionic Organic Small Molecules as Hosts for Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 24699 (2018).
  30. D. Kahanda, K. T. DuPrez, E. Hilario, M. A. McWilliams, C. H. Wohlgamuth, L. Fan and J. D. Slinker. Application of Electrochemical Devices to Characterize the Dynamic Actions of Helicases on DNA. Anal. Chem. 90, 2178 (2018).
  31. L. D. Bastatas, M. D. Moore and J. D. Slinker. The Effect of the Dielectric Constant and Ion Mobility in Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells. ChemPlusChem, 83, 266 (2018).
  32. L. D. Bastatas and J. D. Slinker in Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells: Concepts, Advances and Challenges, edited by R. D. Costa (Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland, 2017), pp. 93-119.
  33. M. Hasan, S. Venkatesan, D. Lyashenko, J. D. Slinker and A. Zakhidov. Solvent Toolkit for Electrochemical Characterization of Hybrid Perovskite Films. Anal. Chem. 89, 9649 (2017).
  34. M. H. Bowler, T. Guo, L. D. Bastatas, M. D. Moore, A. V. Malko and J. D. Slinker. Understanding the Superior Temperature Stability of Iridium Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. Mater. Horiz. 4, 657 (2017).
  35. K. J. Suhr, L. D. Bastatas, Y. Shen, L. A. Mitchell, G. A. Frazier, D. W. Taylor, J. D. Slinker and B. J. Holliday. Phenyl substitution of cationic bis-cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes for iTMC-LEECs. Dalton Trans. 45, 17807 (2016).
  36. L. D. Bastatas, K.-Y. Lin, M. D. Moore, K. J. Suhr, M. H. Bowler, Y. Shen, B. J. Holliday and J. D. Slinker. Discerning the Impact of a Lithium Salt Additive in Thin-Film Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Langmuir 32, 9468 (2016).
  37. K.-Y. Lin, L. D. Bastatas, K. J. Suhr, M. D. Moore, B. J. Holliday, M. Minary-Jolandan and J. D. Slinker. The Influence of Lithium Additives in Small Molecule Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 16776 (2016).
  38. K. J. Suhr, L. D. Bastatas, Y. Shen, L. A. Mitchell, B. J. Holliday and J. D. Slinker. Enhanced Luminance of Electrochemical Cells with a Rationally Designed Ionic Iridium Complex and an Ionic Additive. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 8888 (2016).
  39. D. Kahanda, G. Chakrabarti, M. A. McWilliams, D. A. Boothman and J. D. Slinker. Using DNA Devices to Track Anticancer Drug Activity. Biosens. Bioelectron. 80, 647 (2016).
  40. J. D. Slinker (2015, December 30). Tracking DNA damage with electrochemical sensing. SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201512.006271.
  41. M. A. McWilliams, R. Bhui, D. W. Taylor, and J. D. Slinker. The Electronic Influence of Abasic Sites in DNA. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 11150 (2015).
  42. K. Hasan, L. Donato, Y, Shen, J. Slinker and E. Zysman-Colman. Cationic Iridium (III) Complexes Bearing Ancillary 2,5-dipyridyl(pyrazine) (2,5-dpp) and 2,2′:5′,2”-terpyridine (2,5-tpy) ligands: Synthesis, Optoelectronic Characterization and Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. Dalton Trans. 43, 13672 (2014).
  43. (Invited Article) C. H. Wohlgamuth, M. A. McWilliams, A. Mazaheripour, A. M. Burke, K.-Y. Lin, L. Doan, J. D. Slinker and A. A. Gorodetsky, Electrochemistry of DNA Monolayers Modified With a Perylenediimide Base Surrogate. J. Phys Chem C. 118, 29084 (2014).
  44. M. A. McWilliams, F. Anka, K. J. Balkus and J. D. Slinker. Sensitive and Selective Real-Time Electrochemical Monitoring of DNA Repair. Biosens. Bioelectron. 54, 541 (2014).
  45. J. M. Fernandez-Hernandez, S. Ladouceur, Y. Shen, A. Iordache, X. Wang, L. Donato, S. Gallagher-Duval, M. de Anda Villa, J. D. Slinker, L. De Cola and E. Zysman-Colman. Blue Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells Incorporating Triazole-based Luminophores. J. Mater. Chem. C, 1, 7440 (2013).
  46. C. H. Wohlgamuth, M. A. McWilliams and J. D. Slinker. DNA as a Molecular Wire: Distance and Sequence Dependence. Anal. Chem. 85, 8634 (2013).
  47. Y. Shen, D. D. Kuddes, C. A. Naquin, T. W. Hesterberg, C. Kusmierz, B. J. Holliday and J. D. Slinker. Improving light-emitting electrochemical cells with ionic additives. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 203305 (2013).
  48. C. A. Naquin, O. A. Hasan, W.-T. Liou, R. R. Lee, A. J. Halbert, A. T. Phung, A.-T. Liu, E. J. Bursa, Y. Shen, D. W. Taylor and J. D. Slinker. Measuring Light Emitting Diodes with a Scanner for Radiant Flux and Colour Characterization. Meas. Sci. Technol. 24, 055101 (2013).
  49. C. H. Wohlgamuth, M. A. McWilliams and J. D. Slinker. Temperature Dependence of DNA Electrochemistry: Influence of a Mismatch. Anal. Chem. 85, 1462 (2013).
  50. L. Sun, A. Galan, S. Ladouceur, J. D. Slinker and E. Zysman-Colman. High stability light-emitting electrochemical cells from cationic iridium complexes with bulky 5,5′ substituents. J. Mater. Chem. 21, 18083 (2011).
  51. J. D. Slinker, N. B. Muren, S. E. Renfrew and J. K. Barton. DNA Charge Transport over 34 nm. Nature Chem. 3, 228 (2011).
  52. J. D. Slinker, N. B. Muren, A. A. Gorodetsky and J. K. Barton. Multiplexed DNA-modified electrodes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 2769 (2010).
  53. A. A. Zakhidov, B. Jung, J. D. Slinker, H. D. Abruna and G. G. Malliaras. A light-emitting memristor. Org. Electron. 11, 150 (2010).
  54. A. Brzezinski, J.-T. Lee, J. D. Slinker, G. G. Malliaras, P. V. Braun and P. Wiltzius. Enhanced emission from fcc fluorescent photonic crystals. Phys. Rev. B 77, 233106 (2008).
  55. G. G. Malliaras, J. D. Slinker, J. A. DeFranco, M. J. Jaquith, W. R. Silveira, Y.-W. Zhong, J. M. Moran-Mirabal, H. G. Craighead, H. D. Abruna and J. A. Marohn. Authors Response: Operating mechanism of light-emitting electrochemical cells. Nat. Mater. 7, 168 (2008).
  56. E. Zysman-Colman, J. D. Slinker, J. B. Parker, G. G. Malliaras and S. Bernhard. Improved turn-on time of light-emitting electrochemical cells. Chem. Mater. 20, 388 (2008).
  57. J. D. Slinker, J. A. DeFranco, M. Jaquith, W. Silveira, Y.-W. Zhong, J. M. Moran-Mirabal, H. G. Craighead, H. D. Abruna, J. A. Marohn and G. G. Malliaras. Direct measurement of the in situ electric field distribution in a light emitting electrochemical cell. Nat. Mater. 6, 894 (2007).
  58. FEATURE ARTICLE: J. D. Slinker, J. Rivnay, J. S. Moskowitz, J. B. Parker, S. Bernhard, H. D. Abruna and G. G. Malliaras. Electroluminescent devices from ionic transition metal complexes. J. Mater. Chem. 17, 2976 (2007).
  59. D. R. Blasini, J. Rivnay, D.-M. Smilgies, J. D. Slinker, S. Flores-Torres, H. D. Abruna and G. G. Malliaras. Observation of intermediate-range order in a nominally amorphous molecular semiconductor film. J. Mater. Chem. 17, 1458 (2007).
  60. J. M. Moran-Mirabal, J. D. Slinker, J. A. DeFranco, S. S. Verbridge, G. G. Malliaras and H. G. Craighead. Electroluminescent electrospun nanofibers. Nano Lett. 7, 458 (2007).
  61. J. D. Slinker, J.-S. Kim, S. Flores-Torres, J. H. Delcamp, H. D. Abruna, R. H. Friend and G. G. Malliaras. In situ identification of a luminescence quencher in an organic light-emitting device. J. Mater. Chem. 17, 76 (2007).
  62. L. Soltzberg, J. D. Slinker, S. Flores-Torres, D. A. Bernards, G. G. Malliaras, H. D. Abruna, M. Kaplan and V. Goldberg, Identification of a quenching species in ruthenium tris-bipyridine electroluminescent devices by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 7761 (2006).
  63. J. D. Slinker, J. Rivnay, J. A. DeFranco, D. A. Bernards, A. A. Gorodetsky, S. T. Parker, M. P. Cox, R. Rohl, G. G. Malliaras, S. Flores-Torres and H. D. Abruna. Direct 120 volt, 60 hertz operation of an organic light emitting device. J. Appl. Phys. 99, 074502 (2006).
  64. A. R. Hosseini, C. Y. Koh, J. D. Slinker, S. Flores-Torres, H. D. Abruna and G. G. Malliaras. Phosphorescent doping of electroluminescent devices from ionic transition metal complexes. Chem. Mater. 17, 6114 (2005).
  65. M. S. Lowry, J. I. Goldsmith, J. D. Slinker, R. Rohl, R. A. Pascal, Jr., G. G. Malliaras and S. Bernhard. Single-layer electroluminescent devices and photo-induced hydrogen production from an ionic iridium(III) complex. Chem. Mater. 17, 5712 (2005).
  66. S. T. Parker, J. D. Slinker, M. S. Lowry, M. P. Cox, S. Bernhard and G. G. Malliaras. Improved turn-on times of iridium electroluminescent devices by use of ionic liquids. Chem. Mater. 17, 3187 (2005).
  67. J. D. Slinker, C. Y. Koh, G. G. Malliaras, M. S. Lowry and S. Bernhard. Green electroluminescence from an ionic iridium complex. Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 173506 (2005).
  68. D. A. Bernards, J. D. Slinker, G G. Malliaras, S. Flores-Torres and H. D. Abruna. Cascaded light emitting devices based on ruthenium complexes. Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4980 (2004).
  69. D. A. Bernards, T. Biegala, Z. A. Samuels, J. D. Slinker, G. G. Malliaras, S. Flores-Torres, H. D. Abruna and J. A. Rogers. Organic light emitting devices with laminated top contacts. Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 3675 (2004).
  70. J. D. Slinker, G. G. Malliaras, S. Flores-Torres, H. D. Abruna, W. Chunwachirasiri and M. J. Winokur. Temperature dependence of tris(2,2’-bipyridine)ruthenium (II) device characteristics. J. Appl. Phys. 95, 4381 (2004).
  71. J. D. Slinker, A. A. Gorodetsky, M. S. Lowry, J. Wang, S. Parker, R. Rohl, S. Bernhard and G. G. Malliaras. Efficient yellow electroluminescence from a single layer of a cyclometalated iridium complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 2763 (2004).
  72. A. A. Gorodetsky, S. Parker, J. D. Slinker, D. A. Bernards, M. H. Wong, S. Flores-Torres, H. D. Abruna and G. G. Malliaras. Contact issues in electroluminescent devices from ruthenium complexes. Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 807 (2004).
  73. FEATURE ARTICLE: J. Slinker, D. Bernards, P. L. Houston, H. D. Abruna, S. Bernhard and G. G. Malliaras. Solid-state electroluminescent devices based on transition metal complexes. Chem. Comm. 2392 (2003).
  74. K. W. Lee, J. D. Slinker, A. A. Gorodetsky, S. Flores-Torres, H. D. Abruna, P. L. Houston and G. G. Malliaras. Photophysical properties of tris(bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) thin films and devices. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 5, 2706 (2003).
  75. M. J. Winokur, J. Slinker, and D. L. Huber. Structure, photophysics, and the order-disorder transition to the beta phase in poly(9,9-(di-n,n-octyl)fluorene). Phys. Rev. B 67, 184106 (2003).
  76. M. L. Swiggers, G. Xia, J. D. Slinker, A. A. Gorodetsky, G. G. Malliaras, R. L. Headrick, C. S. Dulcey and R. N. Shashidhar. Orientation of pentacene films using surface alignment layers and its influence on thin-film transistor characteristics. Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 1300 (2001).
  77. J. Slinker, P. Benoit, and D. Sears. Natural Thermoluminescence (NTL) Data for Antarctic meteorites. Antarctic Meteorite Newsletters 22(1), 10 (1999).
  78. J. Slinker, P. Benoit, and D. Sears. Natural Thermoluminescence (NTL) Data for Antarctic Meteorites. Antarctic Meteorite Newsletters 21(2), 19 (1998).