
Welcome to the Ni Research Group at UT Dallas! We seek to understand the intricate interplay between mechanics, materials, and geometries across various length scales through a combination of theoretical, computational, and experimental efforts. We then aim to exploit those understanding to design, fabricate, and characterize novel engineered materials that can self-reprogram their physical properties to changing environments. Applications of our materials include soft robotics, biomedical devices, engineered living things, human augmentation, aerospace structures, among many others. Please check the Research and Publications sections for more information about our work.

Open Position

We are always looking for highly motivated researchers to join our diverse team. We currently have multiple PhD positions available for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. We welcome scientists and engineers from all backgrounds but preference will be given to candidates with an experimental background in mechanics, materials science, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, etc.

If interested, please contact us with your CV to discuss potential opportunities.