
Research Funding (Title, Source, Period): 53 funding awarded

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  1. “Multiscale Simulations” Terman Award from the Packard Foundation, 9/1/1997 – 8/31/2000.
  2. “Nanomaterials Modeling” NSF-MRSEC (Stanford CMR) Seed Project, 1/1/1998–12/31/1999.
  3. “Multiscale Simulation Tool Development: Accelerated Molecular Dynamics” LLNL, 2/3/1999 – 9/30/2001.
  4. “Coupled Interdiffusion and Misfit Stress Relaxation in Epitaxial Si/SiGe Heterostructures” DOE, 9/15/1999 – 9/14/2003.
  5. “First Principles Modeling of High-K Gate Dielectrics” SRC, PI, 1/1/2000 – 12/31/2002.
  6. “Parallel Computer Cluster for Computational Biosciences” Stanford BioX, 10/1/2000 – 12/31/2001.
  7. “Computational Nano-Engineering for Patterned Magnetic Nanostructures” NSF, 9/1/2000 – 8/31/2003.
  8. “Multiscale Dynamics: Coupling Continuum to Atomistics” Sandia National Lab, 6/1/2000 – 9/30/2002.
  9. “Simulation-Based Prototyping of Solid-State Quantum Computers” NASA, 7/1/2001 – 5/31/2002.
  10. “Simulation-based Design of Smart Nanotube Composite Materials” NASA, 10/1/00 – 9/30/02.
  11. “Properties and Applications of Deformed Nanotubes” NSF-NIRT, 5/1/2002 – 4/30/2006.
  12. “Reliability of Ferroelectric Thin Films: A Systematic Study of Point Defect Phenomena and Local Electronic Structure Effects” NSF, 5/1/2002 – 4/30/2005.
  13. “Atomic Scale Studies of High-k Gate Dielectrics: Interfaces, Phase Changes and Dielectric Properties” SRC, 8/1/2002 – 7/31/2005.
  14. “Molecular Recognition for Guided Self-Assembly of Polymers on Patterned Surfaces” NSF-CPIMA Seed Project, 9/1/2002 – 8/31/2004.
  15. “Multiscale Modeling for Computational Nano-Engineering of Metal Alloys” MARCO-MSD, 9/1/2003 – 8/31/2006.
  16. “Quantum transport Modeling of Nanostructure devices” Intel, 11/1/2003 – 10/31/2006.
  17. “Nanoengineering of Hybrid Carbon Nanotube – Metal Nanocluster Composite Materials for Hydrogen Storage” Stanford GCEP, 1/1/04 – 12/31/06.
  18. “Nanotube electronics” NSF-NCN, 8/1/2002 – 7/31/2006.
  19. “Multiscale Modeling of Nanomaterials” NSF-NSEC (UC Berkeley COINS), 9/1/2004 – 8/31/2006.
  20. “Multiscale Modeling of Scanning Probes” NSF-NSEC (Stanford CPN), 9/1/2004 – 8/31/2006.
  21. “Multiscale Modeling of High-K Gate Dielectric Materials” Stanford CIS INMP, 5/1/2003 – 8/31/2006.
  22. “Coordinated Multi-scale Simulations and In situ Electron Microscopy to Elucidate the Mechanisms of Nanowire Formations” NSF-NER, 9/1/2005 – 8/31/2007.
  23. “Rational Design of MoS2 Catalysts for Syngas-to-Ethanol Conversion” Nanostellar, 10/1/2007 – 9/30/2008.
  24. “UTD-Korea collaborative research on future semiconductor commercialization” KETI, 9/1/2007-8/31/2011.
  25. “South West Academy of Nanoelectronics” NERC, 4/1/2008-3/31/2011.
  26. “Atomically Precise Manufacturing” DARPA, 4/1/2008-9/30/2012.
  27. “Fundamental Studies of Contact Metal/Bi2Te3 Interfaces for Thermoelectric Device Applications” The II-VI Incorporated Foundation, 6/1/2008-5/31/2009.
  28. “Multi-scale simulation study of polymer nanocomposite mechanics: interface adhesion phenomena ranging from Quantum Mechanics, Molecular Dynamics to Continuum Mechanics” Lockheed Martin, 5/15/2008-12/31/2008.
  29. “Multi-scale Simulation of Interface Adhesion in Polymer Nano-composites and Transport Properties of Carbon-based Electronic Systems,” Lockheed Martin, 1/15/2009-12/15/2009.
  30. “Fundamental Studies of Contact Metal/Thermoelectric Interfaces in Thermoelectric Devices” The II-VI Incorporated Foundation, 6/1/2009-5/31/2010.
  31. “Multisclae Modeling of CNT-Metal interface,” Lockheed Martin, 1/15/2010-6/15/20010.
  32. “Fundamental study of novel contact / thermoelectric materials and interfaces,” The II-VI Incorporated Foundation, 6/1/2010-5/31/2011.
  33. “Multiscale Modeling of Nanocomposite Materials,” TRIP Matching Fung, 7/27/2010.
  34. “Multiscale Simulations of Nanomaterials for Battery, Ultracapacitor, and Hybrid Energy Storage Applications,” DOE, 8/1/2010-3/31/2012.
  35. “Fundamental study of novel contact / thermoelectric materials and interfaces,” The II-VI Incorporated Foundation, 7/1/2011-6/30/2012.
  36. “Materials and Devices for Thermoelectric Power Generation,” The II-VI Incorporated Foundation, 7/1/2012-6/30/2013.
  37. “First-principles study of Graphene interface with Metals and Dielectrics for Novel Device Applications,” Korean NRF, 9/20/2012-9/19/2017.
  38. “First principles study on atomic structures and electrochemical properties of high capacity OLO cathode materials,” Samsung GRO, 10/1/2012-9/30/2013.
  39. “Center for Low Energy Systems Technology,” SRC/STARnet, 1/15/2013-10/31/2017.
  40. “Materials and Devices for Thermoelectric Power Generation,” The II-VI Incorporated Foundation, 7/1/2013-6/30/2014.
  41. “Ab initio Design of Mullite Catalyst for Fuel Cell Applications” SNU Global Frontier Research Center, 9/1/13-8/30/14.
  42. “First principles study on atomic structures and electrochemical properties of high capacity composite structure cathode materials – Year 2” Samsung GRO, 1/1/14-12/31/14.
  43. “Ab initio Design of Mullite Catalyst for Fuel Cell Applications” SNU Global Frontier Research Center, 9/1/14-8/30/15.
  44. “Multiscale Simulation Study of NCM Cathode Material Surface Phenomena” L&F Materials, 4/1/14-3/31/16.
  45. “First principles study on atomic structures and electrochemical properties of high capacity composite structure cathode materials – Year 3” Samsung, 8/5/15-8/4/16.
  46. “Modeling of Transition Metal Single Layer Stabilized by SAM-metal-SAM Layered Structure” Korea NRF, 11/20/15-11/19/21.
  47. “Critical Issues in Developing Novel Rechargeable Lithium-Air Battery with High Energy and Long Cycle Life” KETEP, 6/1/16-5/31/19.
  48. “Development of NCM Cathode Material with High Power Density based on High BET for xEV” L&F Co., 3/1/17-12/31/19.
  49. “Study on electronic properties of bi(tri)-layer graphene with varying stacking and orientation” ETRI, 8/1/17-11/30/17.
  50. “Sulfur tolerant Mullite Catalysts” INM, 9/1/16-8/31/18.
  51. “Multiscale Design of Photonic Nano-Materials” Texas Photonics Center, 6/1/2017-5/31/2018.
  52. “Ab initio Study on Graphene Edge/Super Conductor Interfaces” ARO, 9/1/17-8/31/18.
  53. “Multiscale Modeling for Heterogeneous CMOS Device Material Discovery and Synthesis” ASCENT Center (SRC/DARPA), 1/1/2018-12/31/2022.