Quantum Connect

Welcome to the website for Quantum Connect, a travel grant opportunity funded through NSF’s ExpandQISE program! If you are interested in more details, please read below. Further information can be obtained by contacting Prof. Kolodrubetz (mkolodru@utdallas.edu) or Prof. Henderson (rmh072000@utdallas.edu).

About Quantum Connect

Students will be selected and awarded a grant to attend the Quantum.Tech USA conference in Washington, D.C. from April 14-16, 2025. During the conference, students will (1) attend selected high-level talks including a special session on quantum cryptography on April 14; (2) participate in social and career development activities aimed at students; and (3) interact with members of the quantum industrial workforce.

Quantum Connect participants will share their with a “Through My Eyes” multimedia presentation at the program wrap-up meeting, to be held after the conference.


Undergraduate junior or senior level students, first year graduate students, or other students with experience or interest in STEM fields, including engineering, computer science, physics, math, etc. Candidates must be at least 18 years old as of January 1, 2025. Members of under-represented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. There are no citizenship requirements.

How to apply

Please go to https://utdallas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bwT9fhG26AY0XfE to apply. The application deadline is February 21, 2025. The application includes
1) An unofficial transcript
2) A 0.5-1 page written statement explaining your career goals, why you are a good candidate for being selected by the Quantum Connect program, and how the program will benefit your future
3) Contact information for a faculty reference. Faculty will be asked to fill out a very short (~1 minute) survey supporting your interest in quantum science and engineering.

Completed applications will be reviewed after the deadline and acceptances will be sent as soon as possible after review.