
Principal Investigator

Dr. Michael Kolodrubetz (CV, Google Scholar)
PhD: Princeton University



Weihua Xie
PhD student, UT Dallas

Mengxin Du
PhD student, UT Dallas

Sasanka Dowarah
PhD student, UT Dallas

Boris Gurevich
PhD student, UT Dallas

Manshuo Lin
PhD student, UT Dallas

Amogh Desai
PhD student, UT Dallas

Bishal Kumar Ghosh
PhD student, UT Dallas


Dr. Mohsen Yarmohammadi (Google Scholar, LinkedIn)
Former Postdoc, 2022-2024
Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher at Georgetown University

Dr. Saeed Rahmanian, PhD (CV, LinkedIn)
Former graduate student, 2019-2023
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Texas A&M University

Khoa Nguyen
Former MS student, 2024
Current Position: Reearcher, Creighton University laser cooling group

Surihan (Sean) Borjigin
Former undergraduate researcher, 2024
Current Position: PhD Student, Washington University in St. Louis

Dr. Umar Javed, PhD
Former graduate student 2020-2023
Current position: Teaching Professor, Oklahoma State University

Dr. Koki Chinzei, PhD
Visitor, University of Tokyo

Dr. Rong-Chun Ge, PhD
Former postdoc, 2018-2021
Current position: Assistant Professor, Sichuan ​University

Dr. Christopher (Ian) Timms, PhD
Former graduate student , 2018-2021
Current position: Quantum researcher at Amazon

Patrick Koch
Former undergraduate researcher, 2019-2020
Current position: graduate student, ​Golding lab, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Lauren Pusey-Nazzaro
Former REU student, 2021

Nuno Vinicius Mendes Castanheira
Former undergraduate researcher, 2020

Rafael Josh
Former undergraduate researcher, 2019-2020
Current position: Web App Engineer, Brushfire Technology

Owen Tower
Former REU student, 2019

Berkley Shofner
Former undergraduate researcher, 2018