
Please click here (arXiv) or here (Google Scholar) for a self-updating list of publications and preprints.

  1. W. Xie, M. Kolodrubetz, V. Oganeseyan and D. P. Arovas. “Effects of non-integrability in a non-Hermitian time crystal”. arXiv:2412.04382
  2. M. Lin, S. R. Koshkaki, M. Yarmohammadi, and M. H. Kolodrubetz.”Topological anomalous Floquet photon pump”. arXiv:2410.10959
  3. M. Yarmohammadi, S. R. Koshkaki, J. Berakdar, M. Bukov, and M. H. Kolodrubetz, “Probing topological phases in a perturbed Kane-Mele model via RKKY interaction: Application to monolayer jacutingaite Pt2HgSe3 “. arXiv:2410.10764
  4. W. Xie and M. Kolodrubetz and V. Oganesyan”Effect of noise on quantum circuit realization of non-Hermitian time crystals”. arXiv:2409.06113
  5. M. Yarmohammadi and M. H. Kolodrubetz.”Terahertz high-harmonic generation in gapped antiferromagnetic chains”. arXiv:2408.01567
  6. S. Dowarah, C. Zhang, V. Khemani, and M. Kolodrubetz. “Phases and phase transition in Grover’s algorithm with systematic noise”. arXiv:2406.10344
  7. C. I. Timms and M. H. Kolodrubetz. “Optimal Control and Glassiness in Quantum Sensing”. arXiv:2406.03627
  8. N. M. Allafi, M. H. Kolodrubetz, M. Bukov, V. Oganesyan and M. Yarmohammadi. “Spin high-harmonic generation through terahertz laser-driven phonons”. arXiv:2404.05830
  9. U. Javed, R. J. Valencia-Tortora, J. Marino, V. Oganesyan and Michael Kolodrubetz. “Zeno physics of the Ising chain with symmetry-breaking boundary dephasing”. arXiv:2404.04255
  10. M. Yarmohammadi, J. Sous, M. Bukov and M. Kolodrubez. “Ultrafast dynamics of a fermion chain in a terahertz field-driven optical cavity”. arXiv:2402.12591
  11. H. Ling, P. Richard, S. R. Koshkaki, M. Kolodrubetz, D. Meidan, A. Mitra, and T. Pereg-Barnea. “Disorder-Induced Topological Phase Transition in a Driven Majorana Chain”. Phys. Rev. B, 109, 155144 (2024).
  12. M. Yarmohammadi, M. Bukov, V. Oganesyan, M. H. Kolodrubetz, “Laser-enhanced magnetism in SmFeO3“, Phys. Rev. B, 109, 224417(2024).
  13. H. Singh, M. H. Kolodrubetz, S. Gopalakrishnan, R. Vasseur, “Tunable Superdiffusion in Integrable Spin Chains Using Correlated Initial States”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, 176303 (2024).
  14. M. Yarmohammadi, M. Bukov, M. H. & Kolodrubetz. “Nonequilibrium phononic first-order phase transition in a driven fermion chain”. Phys. Rev. B108, L140305 (2023).
  15. M. Yarmohammadi, M. Bukov, M. H. Kolodrubetz. “Noncollinear twisted RKKY interaction on the optically driven SnTe(001) surface.” arXiv:2212.10668.
  16. R.-C. Ge, S. Rahmanian Koshkaki, M. H. Kolodrubetz. “Cavity induced many-body localization.” arXiv:2208.06898.
  17. P-P. Zheng, C. I. Timms, M. H. Kolodrubetz. “Anomalous Floquet-Anderson Insulator with Quasiperiodic Temporal Noise.” arXiv:2206.13926.
  18. U. Javed, J. Marino, V. Oganesyan, M. Kolodrubetz. “Counting edge modes via dynamics of boundary spin impurities.” arXiv:2111.11428.
  19. M. Kolodrubetz. “Lindblad non-universality of measurement phases and phase transitions.” arXiv:2111.11391.
  20. R.-C. Ge, M. Kolodrubetz. “Floquet engineering of lattice structure and dimensionality in twisted moiré heterobilayers.” arXiv:2103.09874.
  21. S. Rahmanian, M. H. Kolodrubetz. “Inverted many-body mobility edge in a central qudit problem.” arXiv:2008.12796.
  22. C. I. Timms, L. M. Sieberer, M. H. Kolodrubetz. “Quantized Floquet topology with temporal noise.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 270601 (2021).
  23. F. Nathan, R. Ge, S. Gazit, M. Rudner, and M. Kolodrubetz. “Quasiperiodic Floquet-Thouless Energy Pump.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 166804 (2021).
  24. R.-C. Ge and M. Kolodrubetz. “Floquet engineering flat bands for bosonic fractional quantum Hall in small lattices.” Phys. Rev. B 104, 035427 (2021).
  25. N. Ng, S. Wenderoth, R. R. Seelam, E. Rabani, H.-D. Meyer, M. Thoss, M. Kolodrubetz. “Localization dynamics in a centrally coupled system.” Phys. Rev. B 103, 134201 (2021).
  26. N. Ng and M. Kolodrubetz. “Many body localization in the presence of a central qudit.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 240402 (2019).
  27. J. Behrends, S. Roy, M. H. Kolodrubetz, J. H. Bardarson, A. G. Grushin. “Landau levels, Bardeen polynomials, and Fermi arcs in Weyl semimetals: Lattice-based approach to the chiral anomaly.” Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm.) 99, 140201 (2019).
  28. M. Kolodrubetz. “Quenching our thirst for universality.” Nature (News and Views) 563, 191 (2018).
  29. W. Berdanier, M. Kolodrubetz, S. A. Parameswaran, R. Vasseur. “Strong-Disorder Renormalization Group for Periodically Driven Systems.” Phys. Rev. B 98, 174203 (2018).
  30. W. Berdanier, M. Kolodrubetz, S. A. Parameswaran, R. Vasseur. “Floquet Quantum Criticality.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 115, 9491 (2018).
  31. M. H. Kolodrubetz, F. Nathan, S. Gazit, T. Morimoto and J. E. Moore. “Topological Floquet-Thouless Energy Pump.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 150601 (2018).
  32. K. I. Seetharam, P. Titum, M. Kolodrubetz and G. Refael. “Absence of Thermalization in Finite Isolated Interacting Floquet Systems.” Phys. Rev. B 97, 014311 (2018).
  33. S. Roy, M. Kolodrubetz, N. Goldman and A. G. Grushin. “Tunable axial gauge fields in engineered Weyl semimetals: Semiclassical analysis and optical lattice implementations.” 2D Materials 5, 024001 (2018).
  34. M. Kolodrubetz, D. Sels, P. Mehta and A. Polkovnikov. “Geometry and non-adiabatic response in quantum and classical systems.” Physics Reports 697, 1-87 (2017).
  35. P. Weinberg, M. Bukov, A. Polkovnikov, L. D’Alessio and M. Kolodrubetz. “Adiabatic perturbation theory and geometry of periodically-driven systems.” Physics Reports 688, 1-35 (2017).
  36. W. Berdanier, M. Kolodrubetz, R. Vasseur and J. E. Moore. “Floquet Dynamics of Boundary-Driven Systems at Criticality.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 260602 (2017).
  37. M. Kolodrubetz, B. M. Fregoso and J. Moore. “Nonadiabatic bulk-surface oscillations in driven topological insulators.” Phys. Rev. B  94, 195124 (2016).
  38. C. Neill, P. Roushan, M. Fang, Y. Chen, M. Kolodrubetz, Z. Chen, A. Megrant, R. Barends, B. Campbell, B. Chiaro, A. Dunsworth, I.-C. Hoi, E. Jeffrey, J. Kelly, J. Mutus, P. J. J. O’Malley, C. Quintana, D. Sank, A. Vainsencher, J. Wenner, T. C. White, A. Polkovnikov and J. M. Martinis. “Ergodic dynamics and thermalization in an isolated quantum system.” Nat. Phys. 12, 1037 (2016).
  39. S. Roy, M. Kolodrubetz, J. E. Moore and A. G. Grushin. “Chern numbers and chiral anomalies in Weyl butterflies.” Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm.) 94, 161107 (2016).
  40. M. Kolodrubetz. “Measuring the Second Chern Number from Nonadiabatic Effects.” Phys. Rev. Lett. (Editor’s Choice) 117, 015301 (2016).
  41. M. Bukov, M. Kolodrubetz and A. Polkovnikov. “Schrieffer-Wolff Transformation for Periodically Driven Systems: Strongly Correlated Systems with Artificial Gauge Fields.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 125301 (2016).
  42. T. Souza, M. Tomka, M. Kolodrubetz, S. Rosenberg and A. Polkovnikov. “Enabling adiabatic passages between disjoint regions in parameter space through topological transitions.” Phys. Rev. B 94, 094106 (2016).
  43. M. Kolodrubetz, E. Katz and A. Polkovnikov. “Dynamic trapping near a quantum critical point.” Phys. Rev. B 91, 054306 (2015).
  44. P. Roushan, C. Neill, Y. Chen, M. Kolodrubetz, C. Quintana, N. Leung, M. Fang, R. Barends, B. Campbell, Z. Chen, B. Chiaro, A. Dunsworth, E. Jeffrey, J. Kelly, A. Megrant, J. Mutus, P. J. J. O’Malley, D. Sank, A. Vainsencher, J. Wenner, T. White, A. Polkovnikov, A. N. Cleland and J. M. Martinis. “Observation of topological transitions in interacting quantum circuits.” Nature 515, 241 (2014).
  45. M. D. Schroer, M. H. Kolodrubetz, W. F. Kindel, M. Sandberg, J. Gao, M. R. Vissers, D. P. Pappas, A. Polkovnikov and K. W. Lehnert. “Measuring a topological transition in an articial spin 1/2 system.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 050402 (2014).

For earlier publications, please see arXiv or Google Scholar.