This version of ISiTGR is for the December 2013 version of CosmoMC

Differences between ISiTGR and CosmoMC
Referencing ISiTGR
Version History



ISiTGR is an integrated set of modified modules for the software package CosmoMC for use in testing whether observational data is consistent with general relativity on cosmological scales. This latest version of the code has been updated to allow for the consideration of non-flat universes. It incorporates modifications to the codes: CAMBCosmoMC, and the ISW-galaxy cross correlation likelihood code of Ho et al. Also included is our independently developed generalized weak lensing likelihood module with data sets for the CFHTLenS weak lensing tomography of Heymans et al and CFHTLens 2D weak lensing measurements from Kilbinger et al.

To use ISiTGR you must first download and install CosmoMC (July 2015 version). You can find download instructions, system requirements, and setup instructions for CosmoMC in the CosmoMC ReadMe. Then, simply copy the contents of the unzipped ISiTGRfolder to the CosmoMC folder, edit the Makefile for your compilers. Compile using the command make isitgr, and you are ready to go.

Basic usage of ISiTGR is the same as CosmoMC. See below for extra options in the .ini files.

Differences between ISiTGR and CosmoMC

Other than the changes to the code to incorporate the parameters used to test general relativy as described in our papers: arXiv:1109.4583 and arXiv:1205.2422, the following additional changes have been made

  • ini files

    There are two input ini files provided with ISiTGRtest_ISiTGR.ini allows you to run the code with the MG parameters evolved using our the functional form evolution. test_ISiTGR_BIN.ini allows you to run the code with the MG parameters evolved using one of the binning methods. The following options are available in boths of these ini files.

    • To run the ISW-galaxy cross correlation likelihood code, uncomment the line DEFAULT(batch2/ISWHo.ini) in the test_*.ini file that you are using.
    • To use the CFHTLenS weak lensing tomography data set simply make sure the line DEFAULT(batch2/CFHTLens.ini) is uncommented in test.ini. This file enables use of the full CFHTLenS data sample as described in Heymans et al. If you would like to use one of the other galaxy samples instead you can change that line to:
      • “Early Type,” Red sample – DEFAULT(batch2/CFHTLens_red.ini)
      • “Late Type,” Blue sample – DEFAULT(batch2/CFHTLens_blu.ini)
      • “Optomized Early Type” sample – DEFAULT(batch2/CFHTLens_rfbb.ini)

      These files each contain various settings to enable the different data sets as well as the default parameter ranges for the CFHTLenS intrinsic alignment (IA) nuissance parameter, ACFHTLenS, which allows this parameter to vary from -10 to 10. If you would like to fix this parameter to 0 and thus ignore the (IA) signal you can add the following line at the end of test.ini:

      param[CFHTLensA] = 0

    • To use the CFHTLens 2D weak lensing data set from Kilbinger et al, simply add the line DEFAULT(batch2/CFHTLens_2D.ini) to your test_*.ini.

    Additional parameters and options for testing general relativity: Functional Evolution

    The file batch2/common_ISiTGR.ini contains lines the line: parameterization = ISiTGR which tells CosmoMC that we want to use the functional evolution of the MG parameters.

    The following options have been included in batch1/params_ISiTGR_defaults.ini

    • The option: Use_R_Function = lets you decide which parameters for testing GR you want to evolve using the funcitonal form shown in our paper. Setting this option to T evolves the parameters Q and R, while setting this option to F evolves Q and Σ(previously called D).
    • For varying the parameters used to test GR we add the following parameter lines, please refer to our paper for a detailed explanation of each of these parameters.param[Q0] = 1 0 10 0.05 0.05param[Qinf] 1param[Sigma0] = 1 0 10 0.05 0.05param[Sigmainf] = 1param[kc] = 0.01param[s] = 0 0 3 -1 1
    • The option: Scale_Dependent = lets you decide whether the evolution of the parmaters is scale dependent. Setting this option to T enforces scale dependence, and the parameters ending in inf above should be varied or changed to whatever value you want the parameters to take on small scales.

    Additional parameters and options for testing general relativity: Binning Methods

    The file batch2/common_ISiTGR_BIN.ini contains lines the line: parameterization = ISiTGR_BIN which tells CosmoMC that we want to use the binning methods to evolve the MG parameters.

    The following options have been included in batch2/params_ISiTGR_BIN_defaults.ini

    • For varying the parameters used to test GR we add the following parameter lines, please refer to our paper for a detailed explanation of each of these parameters.param[Q1] = 1 0 10 0.05 0.05param[Q2] = 1 0 10 0.05 0.05param[Q3] = 1 0 10 0.05 0.05param[Q4] = 1 0 10 0.05 0.05param[Sigma1] = 1 0 10 0.05 0.05param[Sigma2] = 1 0 10 0.05 0.05param[Sigma3] = 1 0 10 0.05 0.05param[Sigma4] = 1 0 10 0.05 0.05param[kc] = 0.01
    • The option: z_grid_spacing = defines the size of your bins in redshift bins.
    • The option: Do_Exponential_Binning = lets you choose how you want to transition between scale bins. Setting this option to T sets transitions between scale bins to behave as an exponential function with a decay constant kc (This is the hybrid method described in our paper). Setting this option to F sets transitions between scale bins to behave as a hyberbolic tangent functions (near step functions) with the bins divided at k = kc.
  • ISW-galaxy cross correlation likelihood code

    To implement the ISW-galaxy cross correlations likelihood code of Ho et al, the following files have been added to source/: lrg_2dCl.f90 and iswdata.f90 . The files jl.f90 and lrg_pk.f90 have been removed in this latest version of the code.
    The folder bdndz_code which contains c-codes called by the routine Iswlnlike in iswdata.f90 has been added to the root directory. These c-codes are compiled by running the make isitgr command from the top level cosmomc directory.
    When Iswlnlike calls the c-program dndz.x it passes input files and output file names to the program. By default, these files are saved in the IO directory within the bdndz_code directory, however you can enable writing of these files to a different directory by setting the environmental variable TMPDIR.

  • Generalized Weak Lensing Likelihood module and Codes

    ISiTGR includes a generalized weak lensing likelihood module, source/WeakLen_Common.f90. This module defines the derived type TCosmologyWLLikelihood and various associated procedures. From this derived type, one can define specific routines for various weak lensing likelihoods. The specific routines relating to the CFHTLens data sets are contained in CFHTLens.f90. All of these files are located in the source directory.
    These files are loosely based upon the files contained in the original COSMOS weak lensing likelihood code of Lesgourges et al.

Referencing ISiTGR

We would ask that when using ISiTGR or a modified version of it, you cite: our papers (arXiv:1109.4583 and arXiv:1205.2422), this website; the original CAMB paper; the original CosmoMC paper; and the papers on original ISW-galaxy cross correlation likelihood by Ho et al and Hirata et al. When using any of the CFHTLenS weak lensing data sets, please cite our paper, the corresponding CFHTLens dataset paper (Heymans et al. or Kilbinger et al.), and follow the CFHTLenS publication guidlines given here.  Additionally please cite the use of any other datasets already included in the original version of CosmoMC.

Version History

  • 2.01 (Released 07/23/15, this version) Updated to July 2015 version of CosmoMC.
  • 2.0 (Released 05/07/15), Major release upgrade: Consolidated the two versions of the code into a single package, major updates to the likelihood modules for compatibility with the Feb. 2015 version of CosmoMC.
  • 1.2 (Released 01/25/15): Updates for Dec. 2013 version of CosmoMC, new CFHTLenS likelihood module.
  • 1.1.1 (Released 05/29/13): Includes bug fixes (Special thanks to Ana Caramete and Lucia Popa).
  • 1.1: Updated code to allow for non-flat universes when varying the MG parameters.
  • 1.02.1 (Released 04/27/12): Fixed bug in CMB_Cls_simple.f90.
  • 1.02: Updated to January 2012 version of CosmoMC.
  • 1.01.1 (Released 04/27/12): Fixed bug in CMB_Cls_simple.f90.
  • 1.01: Updated to October 2011 version of CosmoMC. BAO module now comes included in CosmoMC (Thanks to Antony Lewis).
  • 1.0: Initial release, for August 2011 version of CosmoMC.


If you have any questions or comments about this readme, or you want further details on the changes made to CosmoMC or CAMB in ISiTGR, please feel free to email Jason Dossett at

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