LabSynthE is a creative laboratory in the School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication at The University of Texas at Dallas. We develop works of art that synthesize electronic and poetic exchanges using emerging media. LabSynthE creates intimate experiences for public participation that translate technological interactions through poetic gestures.
LabSynthE has exhibited at the Dallas Museum of Art, Plano ArtFest, the Ammerman Center’s 16th Biennial of Art & Technology (Connecticut), xCoAx gallery exhibition at C ARTEC (Madrid, Spain), RE:SOUND (Denmark), Digital Frontiers (Austin), A Ship in the Woods (California), and NYU Mamdouha Bobst Gallery. We are currently working on projects at the intersection of memory, translation, and poetry. The laboratory is a place where all voices are welcome. We operate like an improvisation group, prioritizing “yes and” as a condition for dialog and participation. LabSynthE’s Creative Director is participatory artist xtine burrough. Dr. Frank Dufour, a sound artist and founder of the lab, continues to collaborate from afar.
This group meets weekly. All graduate students and faculty are welcome to attend and collaborate. We regularly create works with and for The Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies; and welcome future collaborations across ATEC, the university, and the community.
Downtown Dallas, Pegasus Plaza
LabSynthE (burrough, Trosper, H. Ashgarpour, Finkelstein, Jinxiu Han, Jafarpour)
video art for vertical outdoor projection includes Grace, Love Letters, Green Statements and individual lab member works
April 5, 2024
Nice, France
LabSynthE (burrough, Dufour, Trosper, Finkelstein, Han)
Emerging media installation with projection mapping and sound based on a commissioned poem by Maya C. Pope.
For the Cultural Ministry’s “Spring of Poets”
March 2024
LabSynthE (burrough, Trosper, Finkelstein, Han)
Printed works for the DABF
March 16, 2024
Love Letters Reimplementation Remix for INTERNATIONAL LOVE DATA WEEK
LabSynthE (burrough, Trosper, Finkelstein, Han)
Browser-based hack-a-thon, for International Love Data Week: a mashup of language from candy hearts and song titles scraped from Dallas’ KXT on air set list of “anti-love songs”
February 14, 2024
Word, Thread and the Magnolia installed in the EAST FLUSHING GALLERY at THE ULRICH MUSEUM OF ART
Wichita, Kansas
LabSynthE (burrough, Trosper, H. Asgharpour, Finkelstein)
Emerging media installation with custom typeface, lasercut paper towels, large format vinyl prints of digital scans, AR bathmat, and resin coated magnolia leaves.
Curated by Kristin Beall
Janaury 24-December 7, 2024
An Imagined Memorial for Unrecorded People
LabSynthE led by Letícia Ferreira
Dedication Ceremony in The Edith O’Donnell Art and Technology Building
December 1, 2023
LabSynthE (Trosper, burrough, H. Asgharpour, Ashkaboosi, Finkelstein, O’Neill)
AR work presents a meditation on Abraham Sutzkever’s poem “A Cartload of Shoes” for Holocaust Remembrance Day in prints and animations.
April 2023
A Simple History at GROTTE DU LAZARET
Nice, France
led by xtine burrough and Frank Dufour
Printemps des Poetes
Green Statements for HACK THE PLANET (online Hackathon)
xtine burrough, Cynthia O’Neill, and Cansu Simsek
Hack the Planet semifinalists
An Imagined Genealogy of Michel Foucault, led by Leticia Ferreira and Alyssa Yates, in “Ceremonial Techne” at NYU Mamdouha Bobst Gallery
Syntonic Refuge, in “Ceremonial Techne” at NYU Mamdouha Bobst Gallery
One Breath Poem: Message for a Revolution, in “Ceremonial Techne” at NYU Mamdouha Bobst Gallery
Your Last Breath’s Desire, Grotte du Lazaret, Nice, France
One Breath Poem: Message for a Revolution workshop presented by burrough, Starnaman, Ferreira, Haborak, and O’Neill at CAA ArtXchange for Services for Artists
One Breath Poem: A Needful Message, with Nomi Stone
#YouWillHeal, a protocol developed for The Onstead Institute’s Studio-D Project, “Education as Experimentation: Possibilities Beyond Outcome-Based Learning”
Syntonic Refuge, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Edith O’Donnell ATEC Building, Dallas
One Breath Poem, Grey Matter, A Ship in the Woods, Escondido, California
One Breath Poem: Telephone Edition, RE:SOUND Media Arts Histories (MAH), Denmark
Syntonic Refuge, Digital Frontiers, Austin, TX
Imagined Genealogy of Michel Foucault, Participatory Quilt, Parts on display for HIV/AIDS Day, ATEC (and to be sent to the NAMES Foundation in January 2020)
Syntonic Refuge and One Breath Poem: Telephone Edition, BEST Symposium, Frisco, TX
The Radium Girls: A Radically Advancing Tour of Exit Signs, C ARTE C Gallery at Museo de Traje for xCoAx in Madrid, SpainOne Breath Poem: Drinking Edition, Plano ArtFest
One Breath Poem: Holocaust Remembrance Day Edition, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Edith O’Donnell ATEC Building, DallasThe Radium Girls: A Radically Advancing Tour of Exit Signs, 16th Biennial of Art & Technology, Ammerman Center, Connecticut College
An Audio Quilt of One Thousand Names, created for AIDS Week, Edith O’Donnell ATEC Building, Dallas
Lion’s Breath, Dean Anne Balsamo’s Technoculture large-format class, performance for 150 students
Death Fugue: Participatory Embodiment and Death Fugue: An Uncovering, Translation Conference hosted by graduate students and The Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies
Your Neighbors’ Weeds, CentralTrak, Dallas
Dada Performance, Lion’s Breath, The Radium Girls: A Radically Advancing Tour of Exit Signs, Edith O’Donnell ATEC Building, Dallas
Death Fugue: Participatory Embodiment, Reunion Launch Party, Dallas
100 Years of Dada, The Center for Creative Connections Theater at the Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas