
Stem Cell Research Laboratory
Department of Biological Sciences
The University of Texas at Dallas

Purna A. Joshi, PhD | Assistant Professor | Principal Investigator

Twitter: @PurnaAJoshi
Google Scholar | Pubmed

Purna obtained her Hon. BSc, MSc and PhD from the University of Toronto. She completed her postdoctoral training at the Princess Margaret Cancer Center with a fellowship award from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. She joined the Biological Sciences faculty at UT Dallas as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2021 with a Rising STARs award from the University of Texas System. The overarching goal of her research program is to advance fundamental knowledge of stem/progenitor cells and niche interactions governing epithelial regeneration and cancer that will enable the development of novel regenerative and cancer therapies. Outside of research, she is a mom of four and has a penchant for running, rock music, baking and traveling.

Jacqulene Sunder Singh | PhD Student

Jacqulene is a PhD student and GRACE Fellowship awardee in the Joshi Lab. She investigates the role of mesenchymal progenitors in breast cancer progression. She lived in Abu Dhabi for most of her life and completed her Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Biotechnology in India. Prior to joining the lab, she was involved in research examining the effects of nitrosative stress on mesenchymal stem cells and worked briefly in a lab in Poland where she explored the effects of gene polymorphisms on litter size in sows. She also loves to teach and is currently a Biochemistry Teaching Assistant. During her free time, Jacqulene enjoys reading, photography and playing the piano. She also likes exploring new places and cultures and trying different types of food.

Douglas Grant Shryock | PhD Student

Grant is a PhD student working on the role of PDGFRα+ stromal cells during development and malignant transformation of the mammary gland. Prior to joining the PhD program at UT Dallas, Grant worked five years as a laboratory manager at UT Southwestern. He has Bachelor’s degrees from Texas A&M University in both Biochemistry and Genetics and a Master’s degree in Biotechnology from UT Health Science Center at Tyler where he completed his thesis study on the mechanisms underlying mesothelial-mesenchymal transition in the context of pleural fibrosis. During his free time, Grant enjoys reading novels, writing fiction and gaming.

Sharon Kwende | PhD Student

Sharon completed her BS and MS in Biology at Texas Southern University in Houston where she was involved in research studying potential markers for triple negative breast cancer. She is a PhD student in the lab investigating the effects of obesity on adipocyte progenitors in the mammary gland. She is passionate about understanding diseases that disproportionately affect African/African American women, and teaching and mentoring young scientists. Sharon is the graduate biology mentor for four high school students in the Young WISE Investigator program. Her favorite pastimes are Pinterest cooking and baking.

Umar Patel | PhD Student

Umar Patel completed his Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Minor in Neuroscience at UT Dallas. He is a PhD student in the lab and his project focuses on understanding mesenchymal cell dynamics in the oviductal microenvironment during regeneration and cancer. Additionally, he is the co-Vice President of the Biology Graduate Student Council at UT Dallas. In his free time, he likes to take long walks in parks and spend time with family and friends.

Subhajit Maity | PhD Student

Subhajit is a Ph.D. student in the Molecular and Cell biology program at UT Dallas. He has a MS in Microbiology from St. Xavier’s College and a BS from the Institute of Genetic Engineering in Kolkata. In previous research positions, he has studied the role of carbonic anhydrases in B-cell lymphomagenesis and mammalian hippo signaling regulation in cancer. He is a recipient of the UTD GRACE Fellowship. Subhajit’s research in the lab explores cellular and molecular interactions between peripheral nerves and mammary cell lineages in regeneration and cancer. In his spare time, he likes to watch a lot of documentaries, movies, culinary shows, and sitcoms. Apart from that, he likes to try out new cuisines and attempt replicating them in his kitchen.

Hsin-Jung Tien | PhD Student

Hsin-Jung graduated from Tzu-Chi University in Taiwan with a Master’s degree in Human Genetics and Molecular Cell Biology. After graduation and prior to coming to UT Dallas, she worked as a research assistant at the National Taiwan University Hospital where she focused on leukemia research. She is currently a PhD student in the lab engaged in research on identifying immature cell populations in the oviduct that are likely involved in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. Her favorite drink is boba tea, and in her spare time she likes to read books about historical fantasy, visit museums and cook.

Dibyo Maiti | PhD Student

Dibyo is a first year PhD student in the lab, where he is studying the role of the prostate stem cell niche during regeneration and cancer. Dibyo hails from Kolkata, India, and has a B.Tech. degree in Genetic Engineering. Before joining the Joshi Lab, he was a visiting student researcher at the University of Washington where he used CRISPR-Cas9 to knockout genes involved in ameloblast differentiation and Amelogenesis Imperfecta. He has also utilized computer-designed proteins to modulate stem cells as well as neutralize SARS-CoV2 infection. Dibyo loves hiking, reading books, exploring new places, and playing the string to destress himself. He is a Seattle fanatic who is falling in love with Dallas.

Prashant Nuthalapati | Post-baccalaureate Student

Prashant is a post-baccalaureate researcher using next-generation sequencing to probe the mammary gland microenvironment. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, playing sports and working out sparked his interest in muscle stem cells. After researching adipocyte progenitors in skeletal muscle at UCSF Feeley-Liu Lab, he joined the Joshi Lab to learn about the implications of this cell type in development, tissue regeneration and cancer. During his free time, Prashant likes to go on walks, draw and watch the 49ers beat the Cowboys. He is an aspiring physician-scientist and hopes to attend medical school in the future.

Emma Unger | Undergraduate Student

Emma is an undergraduate student in the Biochemistry program at UT Dallas. She was previously involved in research using in vitro models of breast cancer in the Seewaldt Lab through the Eugene and Ruth Roberts Summer Academy at City of Hope in Duarte, California. At the moment, Emma is working with Jaqulene in the lab and studying cellular interactions in breast cancer using in vivo and in vitro models. In her free time, she enjoys going to the gym, training service dogs, cooking pasta for her friends and teaching special needs kids on how to figure skate with Skate Therapy.

Ivan Tong | Undergraduate Student

Ivan is an undergraduate student studying Biochemistry at UT Dallas on the pre-med track. He is a National Merit Scholar and graduated as valedictorian of his high school class. In the Joshi Lab, he is working under Umar to study the role of mesenchymal cells in the oviduct and how they influence the development of ovarian cancer. When he is not in the lab, you can find him in the gym, working as an EMT, or eating out with friends.

Akshita Krishnan | Undergraduate Student

Akshita is a senior undergraduate student majoring in Molecular Biology who is currently in the Fast-track master’s Biotechnology program. In the lab, Akshita is working with Subhajit to characterize nerve innervation of the mammary gland during growth and development using mouse models. Outside of the lab, she works as an Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry tutor at the Student Success Center; in her free time, she enjoys cooking, singing, and rewatching episodes of New Girl. Akshita is an aspiring researcher who hopes to become a professor and run her own lab in the future.