Fall 2024: CS 6301 Special Topics in Computer Science: Introduction to Robot Manipulation and Navigation

Course Information

Term: Fall 2024
Class Level: Graduate
Activity Type: Lecture
Days & Times: Monday & Wednesday 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Location: ECSS 2.311

Instructor: Prof. Yu Xiang
Office Location: ECSS 4.702
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 3:00PM – 4:00 PM

Teaching Assistant: Jishnu P
Office Hours: Monday 11:30AM – 12:30 PM


All the course materials can be found here.

Course Description

Theory and practice of robotics. Provides in-depth overview of robot manipulation and robot navigation, including kinematics, statics, and dynamics of robot manipulators, motion planning, state estimation, environment mapping and robot control.


Kevin M. Lynch and Frank C. Park. Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control. 1st Edition. (PDF)
ISBN-13: 978-1107156302
ISBN-10: 1107156300

Grading Policy

  • Homework (50%)
    • Assignment 1 (10%)
    • Assignment 2 (10%)
    • Assignment 3 (10%)
    • Assignment 4 (10%)
    • Assignment 5 (10%)
  • Team Project (45%)
    • Project proposal (5%)
    • Project mid-term report (10%)
    • Project presentation (15%)
    • Project final report (15%)
  • In-class Activity (5%)


  • Project proposal description (PDF)
  • Project mid-term report requirement (PDF)
  • Project presentation and final report requirement (PDF)


Guest Lecturer

Dr. Karthik Desingh from the University of Minnesota talked about robot manipulation on 11/20/2024.
Title: Object Assembly: A Spatial-Geometric Reasoning Pathway to Physical Intelligence
Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce object assembly as a spatial-geometric reasoning challenge within robot manipulation learning. I aim to convince you that every object-object interaction task humans perform can be viewed as a form of object assembly, underscoring the critical need for research in this domain to advance physical intelligence. I will discuss our efforts to design spatial-geometric reasoning tasks and examine the limitations of pre-trained visual representations revealed in our experiments. These experiments also include a robustness study of high-precision assembly tasks, offering insights into grasp-induced complexities and failure modes during the contact-rich phases of object assembly. In the latter part of the talk, I will present our visuo-tactile representation learning approach, “AugInsert,” which achieves robust performance during contact-rich assembly phases by leveraging online data augmentation to address perturbations and distributional shifts during inference. Finally, I will share key findings and highlight open challenges in the field of object assembly.


Week 1, 8/19, Lecture 1Introduction to Robotics (slides)
Week 1, 8/21, Lecture 2Configuration Space (slides)
Week 2, 8/26, Lecture 3Task Space, Workspace and Introduction to ROS
Installation of ROS in Docker (slides, docker)
Week 2, 8/28, Lecture 4Course Project Description (slides)
Week 3, 9/2Labor Day
Week 3, 9/4, Lecture 5Rigid-Body Motions and Rotation Matrices (slides)
Week 4, 9/9, Lecture 6Angular Velocities and Exponential Coordinates of Rotations (slides)
Week 4, 9/11, Lecture 7Matrix Logarithm of Rotations and Homogeneous Transformation Matrices (slides)
Week 5, 9/16, Lecture 8Homogenous Transformations and Twists (slides)
Week 5, 9/18, Lecture 9Twist and Screw Axes (slides)
Week 6, 9/23, Lecture 10Screw Axes and Exponential Coordinates of Rigid-Body Motions (slides, quiz)
Week 6, 9/25, Lecture 11Forward Kinematics and Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters (slides)
Week 7, 9/30, Lecture 12Forward Kinematics and Product of Exponentials Formula (slides)
Week 7, 10/2, Lecture 13Product of Exponentials Formula and URDF (slides)
Week 8, 10/7, Lecture 14Velocity Kinematics I (slides)
Week 8, 10/9, Lecture 15Velocity Kinematics II (slides)
Week 9, 10/14, Lecture 16Grasp Planning, PhD Student Lecture: Ninad Khargonkar (due to IROS Traveling) (slides)
Week 9, 10/16, Lecture 17ROS Navigation, PhD Student Lecture: Sai Haneesh Allu (due toIROS Traveling) (slides)
Week 10, 10/21, Lecture 18Inverse Kinematics (slides)
Week 10, 10/23, Lecture 19Dynamics of a Single Rigid Body (slides)
Week 11, 10/28, Lecture 20Dynamics of a Single Rigid Body and Statics (slides)
Week 11, 10/30, Lecture 21Dynamics of Open Chains (slides)
Week 12, 11/4, Lecture 22Motion Planning: Overview and Foundations (slides)
Week 12, 11/6, Lecture 23Motion Planning: Algorithms (slides)
Week 13, 11/11, Lecture 24Robot Control: Motion Control with Velocities (slides)
Week 13, 11/13, Lecture 25Homework Solutions by TA Jishnu P
Week 14, 11/18, Lecture 26Robot Control: Motion Control and Force Control (slides)
Week 14, 11/20Guest Lecture from Dr. Karthik Desingh (slides, video)
Week 15, 11/25Fall Break
Week 15, 11/27Fall Break
Week 16, 12/2Project Presentation I
Group 1: Automated Chessboard Setup: Model-Based Manipulation of Chess Pieces (slidesdemo)
Group 4: Trajectory-Aware Human Feedback for Efficient Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning in Robotics (slides)
Group 5: Dynamic Object Sorting & Placement Using Model-Based Grasping (slidesdemo)
Group 6: Carrybox with Ros Vacuum Gripper Plugin (slidesdemo)
Group 7: The Dinnerware Distributor (slidesdemo)
Group 8: 2D Deterministic Path-based Dynamic Object Grasping (slidesdemo)
Group 9: Trajectory simulation for robot-assisted prostate biopsy system (slidesdemo)
Group 10: Cup Stacking (slidesdemo)
Group 11: AgriSort(slidesdemo)
Group 12: Robot Grasping and Sorting Using User-Defined Categories (slidesdemo)
Group 13: Autonomous Trash Collection System with Mobile Manipulation (slidesdemo)
Week 16, 12/4Project Presentation II
Group 14: SoupOperator: Implementing Language-Driven Planning Strategies in Autonomous Robotics (slidesdemo)
Group 15: Robot Grasping and Mobile Manipulation of Badminton Birdies (slides)
Group 16: Implement of Model-based Grasping (slidesdemo)
Group 17: Robotics-Based Medication Delivery System in Hospitals (slidesdemo)
Group 18: Voice-Controlled Robotic Manipulation (slidesdemo)
Group 19: Object Retrieval Robot: Autonomous Navigation and Manipulation in Unknown Environment (slidesdemo)
Group 20: Simulated Environment for Language-Guided Robot Manipulation using Natural Language Commands (slidesdemo)
Group 21: Enhancing Robotic Grasping through Prompt Learning in a Missing Stream Environment (slidesdemo)
Group 22: Reinforcement Learning For Grasping and Manipulation of Top Open Liquid Containers (slidesdemo)
Group 23: Improved Ant Colony Navigation (slidesdemo)
Group 24: Robotics-Based Mobile Manipulation System for Grocery Assistance (slidesdemo)
Group 25: Learning Robotic Manipulation from Videos Priors via Task-Agnostic Reward Function (slidesdemo)