Dr. Yu Xiang will serve as an Associate Editor for IROS 2025 and an Area Chair for RSS 2025.
Author: Yu Xiang
Dr. Yu Xiang received the NVIDIA Academic Grant Program Award 2024! NVIDIA is donating the Intelligent Robotics and Vision Lab 8 RTX 6000 Ada GPUs. Congratulations!
Luis Felipe Casas received the Graduate Student Assembly Travel Award for attending IROS 2024. Congratulations!
Our summer camp students advised Jikai and Qifan won the 2nd prize among 16 teams in the STEM bridge program https://stem.cast-texas.org/. Congratulations!!
IRVL has three papers accepted to IROS 2024! Congratulations to Ninad, Sai, Felipe, Jishnu, Rohith and Kamalesh!
Dr. Yu Xiang will serve as an Area Chair for CoRL 2024.
Ninad Khargonkar received the RAS Travel Grant for attending ICRA 2024. Congratulations!
IRVL has three papers accepted to ICRA 2024! Congratulations to Ninad, Sai, Yangxiao and Jishnu!
Dr. Yu Xiang will serve as an Associate Editor for IROS 2024 and an Area Chair for RSS 2024.
We are organizing the Workshop for Neural Representation Learning for Robot Manipulation at CoRL 2023. If you are interested in giving a talk at the workshop, please check it.
Dr. Yu Xiang received the Sony Research Award 2022! Congratulations!
Our work on Self-Supervised Unseen Object Instance Segmentation via Long-Term Robot Interaction is accepted to RSS 2023! Congratulations to Yangxiao, Ninad, Zesheng and Kamalesh!
Dr. Yu Xiang will serve as an Area Chair for CoRL 2023.
The FewSOL dataset is accepted to ICRA 2023! Congratulations to Jishnu!
Dr. Yu Xiang will serve as an Associate Editor for IROS 2023.