Fall 2024: CS 6301 Special Topics in Computer Science: Introduction to Robot Manipulation and Navigation

Course Information

Term: Fall 2024
Class Level: Graduate
Activity Type: Lecture
Days & Times: Monday & Wednesday 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Location: ECSS 2.311

Instructor: Prof. Yu Xiang
Office Location: ECSS 4.702
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 3:00PM – 4:00 PM

Teaching Assistant: TBA
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00PM – 2:00 PM

Course Description

Theory and practice of robotics. Provides in-depth overview of robot manipulation and robot navigation, including kinematics, statics, and dynamics of robot manipulators, motion planning, state estimation, environment mapping and robot control.


Kevin M. Lynch and Frank C. Park. Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control. 1st Edition. (PDF)
ISBN-13: 978-1107156302
ISBN-10: 1107156300

Grading Policy

  • Homework (50%)
    • Assignment 1 (10%)
    • Assignment 2 (10%)
    • Assignment 3 (10%)
    • Assignment 4 (10%)
    • Assignment 5 (10%)
  • Team Project (45%)
    • Project proposal (5%)
    • Project mid-term report (10%)
    • Project presentation (15%)
    • Project final report (15%)
  • In-class Activity (5%)


  • Project proposal description
  • Project mid-term report requirement
  • Project presentation and final report requirement


  • Assignment 1
  • Assignment 2
  • Assignment 3
  • Assignment 4
  • Assignment 5


Week 1, 8/19, Lecture 1Introduction to Robotics
Week 1, 8/21, Lecture 2Configuration Space
Week 2, 8/26, Lecture 3Task Space, Workspace and Introduction to ROS
Installation of ROS in Docker
Week 2, 8/28, Lecture 42D Rigid-Body Motions and Rotation Matrices
Week 3, 9/2Labor Day
Week 3, 9/4, Lecture 5Course Project Description
Week 4, 9/9, Lecture 6Angular Velocities and Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
Week 4, 9/11, Lecture 7Matrix Logarithm of Rotations and Homogeneous Transformation Matrices
Week 5, 9/16, Lecture 8Twists
Week 5, 9/18, Lecture 9Screw Axes and Exponential Coordinates of Rigid-Body Motions
Week 6, 9/23, Lecture 10Forward Kinematics and Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters
Week 6, 9/25, Lecture 11Forward Kinematics and Product of Exponentials Formula
Week 7, 9/30, Lecture 12Grasp Planning
Week 7, 10/2, Lecture 13TA Lecture: Solutions for HW1 and HW2
Week 8, 10/7, Lecture 14Velocity Kinematics
Week 8, 10/9, Lecture 15Inverse Kinematics
Week 9, 10/14IROS Traveling
Week 9, 10/16IROS Traveling
Week 10, 10/21, Lecture 16Motion Planning: Overview and Foundations
Week 10, 10/23, Lecture 17Motion Planning: Algorithms
Week 11, 10/28, Lecture 18Dynamics of a Single Rigid Body
Week 11, 10/30, Lecture 19Dynamics of a Single Rigid Body and Statics
Week 12, 11/4, Lecture 20Dynamics of Open Chains
Week 12, 11/6, Lecture 21Robot Control: Motion Control with Velocities
Week 13, 11/11, Lecture 22Robot Control: Motion Control with Velocities, Forces or Torques
Week 13, 11/13, Lecture 23Robot Control: Motion Control, Force Control, Impedance Control
Week 14, 11/18Solutions for HW3, HW4 and HW5
Week 14, 11/20IRVL Visit
Week 15, 11/25Fall Break
Week 15, 11/27Fall Break
Week 16, 12/2Project Presentation I
Week 16, 12/4Project Presentation II