Adnan Patwary, Rafsan Mahin, Sakib Reza, and Pallav Sah attended theIEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) 2024 held on August 11 – 14, 2024 in Springfield, MA. Adnan and Rafsan presented one paper each, and Skib and Pallav presented two papers each at the conference.
Congratulations to Karthik Kakaraparty for successfully defending the Ph.D. thesis titled, “Millimeterwave Beamforming Antenna Arrays and Energy Harvesting Systems for the Next Generation of Sensing and Communication Applications“. (07/08/24)
Dr. Mahbub and her students attended the 2024 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems (TSWMCS) conference held on April 3-4,2024 at Baylor University, Waco TX . Rafsan presented his papers at the conference and Adnan, Rafsan, Nabanita, and Pallav participated in student research poster competition. Adnan received 1st prize in the student research competition for his work titled, “4×4 UWB Phased Array Antenna with >51∘ Far-Field Scanning Range for Wireless Power Transfer Application.”
Dr. Mahbub and Nabanita attended the 2024 IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (RWW) held on January 19-22, 2024 at San Antonio, Texas. Nabanita presented her paper at the conference.
Dr. Mahbub and her students attended the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antenna & Propagation and UNSC-URSI Radio Science Meeting held on July 23-28,2023 at Portland, Oregon. Dr. Roy, Adnan, Sakib, Rafsan, Nabanita, Pallav, and Karthik presented their papers at the conference.
Dr. Mahbub and her students attended the 2023 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems conference held on April 19-20,2023 at Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Rafsan, Pallav and Karthik, presented their paper and also attended the student poster presentation.
Dr. Mahbub and her students attended the 16 Dallas Circuits and Systems Conference held on April 15-16,2023 at University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. Eric, Nabanita and Karthik presented their papers at the conference.
Dr. Ifana Mahbub and Ph.D. student Karthik Kakaraparty attended the IEEE Sensors 2022 conference and presented 2 papers titled “Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Validation of Reverse Electrowetting on Dielectric (REWOD) Through Flexible Electrodes for Self-Powered Sensor Applications” by Kakaraparty et al. and “Effects of Geometry on Performances of Optically Unobtrusive Zeolite-based Electrodes” by Kota et al.. Dr. Mahbub served as the co-chair for several events such as the “Big Idea Pitch competition” and “Young Professional Reception and poster competition” (10/31/22 – 11/03/22).
Dr. Mahbub and her students attended the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antenna & Propagation and UNSC-URSI Radio Science Meeting held on July 10-15,2022 at Denver, Colorado. Dr. Roy, Adnan, Sakib, Rafsan and Karthik presented their papers at the conference.
Dr. Mahbub and her students attended the 2022 IEEE Texas Symposium on Wireless and Microwave Circuits and Systems conference held on April 19-20,2022 at Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Three papers were presented from three groups (Adnan and Rafsan, Pallav and Karthik, Nabanita).