
Karthik Kakaraparty

Karthik Kakaraparty earned his Doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas in Summer 2024. He worked as a research assistant under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ifana Mahbub in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Texas at Dallas, USA. He earned his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of North Texas in Summer 2021. He conducted his Master’s thesis research on CMOS-based compressive sensing circuits for neural data acquisition and a reverse electro-wetting-based energy harvesting model for self-powered wearable health monitoring sensor applications. Embarking on his doctoral studies in Fall 2021, his primary research focus is on developing highly compact, high-gain, and ultra-wide-operated millimeter-wave antenna designs for drone-to-drone applications. Additionally, he investigates advanced bias-free energy harvesting based on high-dielectric flexible electrodes with reverse electrowetting-on-dielectric for wearable health monitoring sensor applications. His research interests also encompass the design of wearable and flexible antennas for on-body flexible electronics-based applications and antenna designs for efficient wireless data transmission for in-situ soil sensing applications. Additionally, his research also on ultra-wideband (UWB) 3D-printed antenna designs tailored for low-cost RADAR applications.

Venkata Deepa Kota

Venkata Deepa Kota is currently working as a Sr. Engineer with the PTE (Product Test Engineering) team, San Diego. Qualcomm. Her role involves testing, debugging and data analysis to evaluate and determine elevated temperature operating life, electrostatic discharge, and latch-up on parts. She completed her doctoral program under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Ifana Mahbub and Dr. Namuduri, from University of North Texas (UNT), College of Engineering, in Dec 2022. She worked as a Teaching assistant, in the EE Department, UNT, between 2019-2022. Her thesis work was towards building a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) detection system, using zeolites based dry electrodes for acquisition, a low-power, low noise, reconfigurable bandwidth amplifier circuit with chopper stabilization for processing the signal and implemented a Convolutional Neural Network model to ECG datasets to predict SCA early.

Nishat Tasneem

Nishat Tasneem is a circuit design engineer at IC Enable, specializing in GPIO library design, static timing analysis, and verification. Her research interests encompass VLSI, ASIC design, low-power analog and mixed-signal circuit design, system-level verification, and post-processing. She earned her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of North Texas in 2022, under the guidance of Dr. Ifana Mahbub, and completed her B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2016. In her free time, she enjoys reading, listening to music, and cooking.

Dipon Kumar Biswas

Dipon K. Biswas is currently working as a signal integrity engineer in Intel Corporation where his responsibilities usually involves with ensuring signal integrity aspect for different computer interfaces such as memory, ethernet, USB, etc. He has received his B.Sc. Degree (2016) in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Bangladesh. He has completed his Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from University of North Texas where he joined the Integrated Biomedical Circuits and Systems Laboratory (iBioCASL) in 2018 as an graduate research assistant. His research focus was on antenna design, RF circuit design, and optimization of the wireless power transfer system for brain optogenetic applications.