Peer-reviewed Journal Publications


  1. K. Kakaraparty, E.A. Pineda, B. Schumacher, R.C. Reid, I. Mahbub, “High-gain, Compact UWB Antenna for Wireless Power Transfer Based Wearable ApplicationsIEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (2024)
  2. B. S. Schumacher, P. K. Sah, K. Kakaraparty, I. Mahbub, R. C. Reid “Reverse Electrowetting-On-Dielectric Energy Harvesting Using Inexpensive, Flexible SubstratesIEEE Sensors Journal(2024)
  3. N. Saha, I. Mahbub “A Novel Theoretical Modeling of the Received Power for Phased Array-Based Wireless Power Transfer System in the Near-Field RegionIEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (2024)
  4. I. Mahbub, A. B. Patwary, R. Mahin, S. Roy “Far-Field Wireless Power Beaming to Mobile Receivers Using Distributed, Coherent Phased Arrays: A Review of the Critical Components of a Distributed Wireless Power Beaming SystemIEEE Microwave Magazine (May, 2024)
  5. K. Kakaraparty, E.A. Pineda, B. Schumacher, R.C. Reid, I. Mahbub, “Advanced Bias-Free Energy Harvesting Based on High-Dielectric Flexible Electrodes With Reverse Electrowetting-on-DielectricIEEE Sensors Journal (2024)


  1. S. Roy, K. Kakaraparty, I. Mahbub “A Slot-Connected Cavity Design With Corresponding Equivalent Circuit Model Analysis for Fully Metallic 3D Vivaldi Antenna for Wireless Power Telemetry ApplicationsIEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (2023)
  2. A. B. Patwary, N. Virushabadoss, R. Henderson, I. Mahbub “Modeling and Characterization of Electrically Small Ultrawideband Antenna for Headstage Based Wireless Neural Signal Recording SystemIEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (2023)
  3. P. Sah, M. Poulton, H. Luyen, I. Mahbub “An Optimized Control System for the Independent Control of the Inputs of the Doherty Power AmplifierMDPI Designs (2023)
  4. N. T. Tasneem, D. K. Biswas, S. Reza, I. Mahbub “A Fully Integrated 1.13 NEF 32-Channel Neural Recording SoC With 12.5 pJ/Pulse IR-UWB Wireless Transmission for Brain Machine InterfacesIEEE Access (2023)
  5. N. T. Tasneem, D. K. Biswas, S. Reza, A. Becker, I. Mahbub “Multichannel Electrophysiological Recording With Spike Detection and Sorting in a Duty-Cycled Wireless Optogenetic HeadstageIEEE Sensors Journal (2023)
  6. V.D. Kota, H. Sharma, M.V. Albert, I. Mahbub, G. Mehta, K. Namuduri “A Low-Power Wireless System for Predicting Early Signs of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Incorporating an Optimized CNN Model Implemented on NVIDIA JetsonMDPI Sensors (2023)
  7. D.K. Biswas, N. Saha, I. Mahbub, “Wirelessly Powered 3-D Printed Headstage Based Neural Stimulation System for Optogenetic Neuromodulation ApplicationIEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology (2023)
  8. K. Kakaraparty, E.A. Pineda, R.C. Reid, I. Mahbub, “Advancement of Reverse Electrowetting-on-Dielectric With Flexible Electrodes for Bias-Free Energy- Harvesting ApplicationsIEEE Sensors Journal (2023)
  9. D.K. Biswas, N. Saha, A. Kaul, I. Mahbub, “Semi-Implantable Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) System Integrated With On-Chip Power Management Unit (PMU) for Neuromodulation ApplicationIEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology (2023)
  10. S. Roy, R. Mahin, I. Mahbub, “A Comparative Analysis of UWB Phased Arrays With Combining Network for Wireless-Power-Transfer ApplicationsIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (2023)

2021 – 2022

  1. P.R. Adhikari, N. Islam, Y. Jiang, R.C. Reid, I. Mahbub, “Reverse Electrowetting-on-Dielectric Energy Harvesting Using 3-D Printed Flexible Electrodes for Self-Powered Wearable SensorsIEEE Sensors Letter (2022)
  2. S. A. Pullano, D. Kota, K. Kakaraparty, A. S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub, “Optically Unobtrusive Zeolite-Based Dry Electrodes for Wearable ECG MonitoringScientific Reports (2022)
  3. N. T. Tasneem, D. K. Biswas, P. R. Adhikari, A. Gunti, A. B. Patwary, R. C. Reid, I. Mahbub, “A Self-Powered Wireless Motion Sensor Based on a High-Surface Area Reverse Electrowetting-on-Dielectric Energy HarvesterIEEE Sensors Journal (2022)
  4. P.R. Adhikari, A. B. Patwary, K. Kakaraparty, R.C. Reid, I. Mahbub, “Advancing Reverse Electrowetting-on-Dielectric from Planar to Rough Surface Electrodes for High Power Density Energy HarvestingEnergy Technology (2021)
  5. P.R. Adhikari, R.C. Reid, I. Mahbub, “High Power Density and Bias-Free Reverse Electrowetting Energy Harvesting Using Surface Area Enhanced Porous ElectrodesJournal of Power Sources (2021)
  6. D. Kota, N. T. Tasneem, K. Kakaraparty, I. Mahbub, G. Mehta, K. Namuduri, “A Low-power Dry Electrode-based ECG Signal Acquisition with De-noising and Feature Extraction.” Journal of Signal Processing Systems (2021).
  7. NT Tasneem, I Mahbub, “2.53 NEF 8-bit 10 kS/s 0.5 µm CMOS Neural Recording Read-Out Circuit with High Linearity for Neuromodulation Implants.”, Electronics 2021, 10, 590”, MDPI Electronics (2021)
  8. P. R. Adhikari, N. T. Tasneem, R. C. Reid, I. Mahbub, “Electrode and electrolyte configurations for low frequency motion energy harvesting based on reverse electrowetting.” Scientific Reports 11, 5030 (2021).

2018 – 2020

  1. N. T. Tasneem, S. A. Pullano, C. D. Critello, A. S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub, “A Low-Power On-Chip ECG Monitoring System Based on MWCNT/PDMS Dry Electrodes,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20 (2020)
  2. D. K. Biswas, M. Sinclair, T. Le, S. A. Pullano, A. S. Fiorillo, I. Mahbub, “Modeling and Characterization of Scaling Factor of Flexible Spiral Coils for Wirelessly Powered Wearable Sensors”, Sensors 2020
  3. R. C. Reid, I. Mahbub, “Wearable self-powered biosensors”, Current opinion in Electrochemistry Vol. 19, (2020)
  4. N. T. Tasneem, D. K. Biswas, I. Mahbub, “A CMOS closed-loop miniaturized wireless power transfer system for brain implant applications”, Analog Integrated Circuit and Signal Process 105, 335–345 (2020).
  5. T. Chowdhury, N. D’Souza, Y. H. Ho, N. Dahotre, I. Mahbub, “Embedded Corrosion Sensing with ZnO-PVDF Sensor Textiles.” Sensors 2020.
  6. D. K. Biswas, I. Mahbub, “A 0.09 mm2 On-Chip Wireless Power Transfer System Designed in 0.5 μm CMOS Process for Brain Neuromodulation Applications,” in IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, vol. 4, 2020
  7. R. Reid, I. Mahbub, “Wearable Self-Powered Biosensors,” Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, Elsevier Journal, 2019.
  8. D. K. Biswas, N. T. Tasneem, I. Mahbub, “Effects of coaxial-lateral and coaxial-angular displacements on link efficiency of a wirelessly powered optogenetic implant: Design, modeling and experimental validation,” IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, 2019.
  9. S. A. Pullano, N. T. Tasneem, I. Mahbub, S. Shamsir, M. Greco, S. K. Islam, and A. S. Fiorillo, “Deep Submicron EGFET Based on Transistor Association Technique for Chemical Sensing,” Sensors, 19(5), 1063, 2019.
  10. I. Mahbub, S. Shamsir, S. A. Pullano, S. K. Islam, “Design of a Charge Amplifier for a Low-Power Respiration Monitoring System,” IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 2019.
  11. I. Mahbub, S. Shamsir, S. A. Pullano, S. K. Islam, “Low-Power Low-data-rate IR-UWB Transmitter for Pediatric Apnea Monitoring System,” IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 2019.
  12. Salvatore Andrea Pullano, Costantino Davide Critello, Ifana Mahbub, Nishat Tarannum Tasneem. Samira Shamsir, Syed Kamrul Islam, Marta Greco and Antonino S. Fiorillo, “EGFET-Based Sensors for Bioanalytical Applications: A Review”Sensors 201818(11), 4042.

2013 – 2017

  1. S. A. Pullano, I. Mahbub, M. G. Bianco, S. Shamsir, S. K. Islam, M. S. Gaylord, V. Lorch, and A. S. Fiorillo, “Medical Devices for Paediatric Apnea Monitoring and Therapy: Past and New Trends,” IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-1, 2017.
  2. I. Mahbub, H. Wang, S. K. Islam, S. A. Pullano, A. S. Fiorillo, G. To, M. R. Mahfouz, “A low-power wireless piezoelectric sensor-based respiration monitoring system realized in CMOS process,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1858-1864, 2017.
  3. S. A. Pullano, I. Mahbub, S. K. Islam, A. S. Fiorillo, “PVDF sensor stimulated by infrared radiation for temperature,” Sensors, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 850, 2017.
  4. I. Mahbub, S. Shamsir, S. K. Islam, “A low-power low-data rate impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) transmitter,” International Journal on High-Speed Electronics (IJHES), 1740013, vol. 26, no. 3, 2017.
  5. T. C. Randall, S. K. Islam, I. Mahbub, N. McFarlane, and Y. Yu, “A low-power, reconfigurable, pipelined ADC for implantable bioimpedance measurement system with vertically aligned carbon nanofibers (VACNF) electrodes,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 89, pp. 139-149, 2016.
  6. M. Roknsharifi, S. K. Islam, K. Zhu, and I. Mahbub, “A low power, highly stabilized three-electrode potentiostat for biomedical implantable systems,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 83, pp. 217-229, 2015.
  7. L. Zuo, S. K. Islam, I. Mahbub, and F. Quaiyum, “A low-power 1-V potentiostat for glucose sensors,” IEEE   Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 62, pp. 204-208, 2015.
  8. T. C. Randall, I. Mahbub, A. B. Islam, M. R. Haider, and S. K. Islam, “Low-power sensor signal monitoring and impulse radio architecture for biomedical applications,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 78, pp. 209-216, 2014.
  9. W. Qu, S. K. Islam, I. Mahbub, T. C. Randall, G. To, and M. Mahfouz, “An energy-efficient reconfigurable analog-to-digital converter for orthopedic implants,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 78, pp. 233-243, 2014.
  10. K. Zhu, S. K. Islam, M. Roknsharifi, M. S. Hasan, and I. Mahbub, “A divide-by-3 0.4-1.4 GHz injection-locked frequency divider based on relaxation oscillator,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 23, pp. 368-370, 2013.