Jenny Jiou has been selected to receive a prestigious Green Fellowship Award. This highly competitive fellowship gives her a stipend and lab space downtown at UT Southwestern to do some work outside UTD. Congratulations, Jenny!
Congrats, Aditya!
Aditya Gudapati has been selected to receive a prestigious UT Dallas Undergraduate Research Scholar Award. In addition to a stipend, he has received funding from the university to go toward his research and travel. Congratulations Aditya!
First Paper Published
Congrats to Jenny Jiou, Aditya Gudapati, and former group member Krishnakanth Chiravuri, who just had their mini-review of “Chemistry of Confined Spaces” go out in the journal Current Organic Chemistry. Good work, guys!
Two New Postdocs Join the Group
The group welcomes our first two postdocs — Usha Kaipa and Na Li. Welcome!
NanoExplorers Join The Lab
Three New NanoExplorers — DFW’s most competitive high school science placement program — have joined our lab for some summer research. Welcome Udayram, Joycelyn and Jisoo!
Four New Grad Students!
Welcome Anna Schlimme, Madushani Dharmarwardana, Shaobo Li & Zhuo Chen — the labs first graduate members!
Congrats, Jenny!
Jenny Jiou has been selected to receive a prestigious UT Dallas Undergraduate Research Scholar Award. In addition to a stipend, she has received funding from the university to go toward her research and travel. Congratulations Jenny!
Welcome New Members!
Welcome Jenny Jiou, Aditya Gudapati and Krishnakanth Chiravuri — The lab’s first undergraduate members.