Zhuo Chen has been awarded the Mei Lein Fellowship from the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics for her tireless dedication to her research. It was certainly a difficult decision as there would have been very stiff competition within our own group, much less the entire school. A very warm congratulations to Zhuo!
Madushani Dharmarwardana Wins PhD Research Small Grant!
Madushani Dharmarwardana has won a $1000 grant to attend the ACS National Meeting in Boston, MA where she will present her latest work on biopolymer hybrids!
Zhuo Chen wins PhD Research Small Grant!
Zhuo Chen has won a $1000 grant to attend the ACS National Meeting in Boston, MA to present her work on smart nanomaterials!
Hafiz Busari joins the group
Hafiz Busari, a new undergraduate with diverse interests, has joined the group. Welcome, Hafiz!
Two New Grad Students!
Colleen James and Raymond Welsh have joined the group as our newest graduate students. Welcome, folks!
Jenny Goes Green
Jenny Jiou has been selected to receive a prestigious Green Fellowship Award. This highly competitive fellowship gives her a stipend and lab space downtown at UT Southwestern to do some work outside UTD. Congratulations, Jenny!
Congrats, Aditya!
Aditya Gudapati has been selected to receive a prestigious UT Dallas Undergraduate Research Scholar Award. In addition to a stipend, he has received funding from the university to go toward his research and travel. Congratulations Aditya!
First Paper Published
Congrats to Jenny Jiou, Aditya Gudapati, and former group member Krishnakanth Chiravuri, who just had their mini-review of “Chemistry of Confined Spaces” go out in the journal Current Organic Chemistry. Good work, guys!