Book Chapters
- Koeln, Justin; Keating, Bryan; Alleyne, Andrew; Price, Christopher; Rasmussen, Bryan. HVAC System Modeling and Control: Multi-zone Temperature Modeling and Control, Intelligent Building Control Systems, John Wen and Sandipan Mishra (ed.), Springer, 2018.
- Rasmussen, Bryan; Price, Christopher; Koeln, Justin; Keating, Bryan; Alleyne, Andrew. HVAC System Modeling and Control: Vapor Compression System Modeling and Control, Intelligent Building Control Systems, John Wen and Sandipan Mishra (ed.), Springer, 2018.
Journal Publications
- Raghuraman, Vignesh, and Koeln, Justin. Hierarchical MPC for coupled subsystems using adjustable tubes, Automatica, vol. 143, pp. 110435, 2022.
- Raghuraman, Vignesh; and Koeln, Justin. Set operations and order reductions for constrained zonotopes, Automatica, vol 139, pp. 110204, 2022.
- Leister, Daniel; Koeln, Justin. Nonlinear Hierarchical MPC With Application to Aircraft Fuel Thermal Management Systems, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2022.
- Jacob, Siefert; Bird, Trevor; Koeln, Justin; Jain, Neera; Pangborn, Herschel. Robust Successor and Precursor Sets of Hybrid Systems Using Hybrid Zonotopes, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 355-360, 2022.
- Raghuraman, Vignesh; Koeln, Justin. Set operations and order reductions for constrained zonotopes, Automatica, vol. 139, pp.110204, 2022.
- Jacob, Siefert; Leister Daniel; Koeln, Justin; and Herschel Pangborn. Discrete reachability analysis with bounded error sets, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol 6, pp. 1694-1699, 2021.
- Michelle, Chen; Muñoz Rojo, Miguel; Lian, Feifei; Koeln, Justin; Sood, Aditya; Bohaichuk, Stephanie; Neumann, Christopher; Garrow, Sarah; Goodson, Kenneth; Alleyne, Andrew; Pop, Eric. Graphene-based electromechanical thermal switches, 2D Materials, vol. 8, pp. 035055, 2021.
- Koeln, Justin; Raghuraman, Vignesh; Hencey, Brandon. Vertical Hierarchical MPC for Constrained Linear Systems, Automatica, vol. 113, pp.108817, 2020.
- Koeln, Justin; Pangborn, Herschel; Williams, Matthew; Kawamura, Malia; Alleyne, Andrew. Hierarchical Control of Aircraft Electro-Thermal Systems, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol. 28, pp. 1218-1232, 2019.
- Pangborn, Herschel; Koeln, Justin; Williams, Matthew; Alleyne, Andrew. Experimental Validation of Graph-based Hierarchical Control for Thermal Management, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 140, pp. 101016, 2017.
- Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Robust Hierarchical Model Predictive Control of Graph-based Power Flow Systems, Automatica, vol. 96, pp. 127-133, 2018.
- Williams, Matthew; Koeln, Justin; Pangborn, Herschel; Alleyne, Andrew. Dynamical Graph Models of Aircraft Electrical, Thermal, and Turbomachinery Components, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 140, 2017.
- Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Stability of Decentralized Model Predictive Control of Graph-based Power Flow Systems via Passivity, Automatica, vol. 82, pp. 29-34, 2017.
- Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Optimal Subcooling in Vapor Compression Systems via Extremum Seeking Control: Theory and Experiments, International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 43, pp. 14-25, 2014.
- Jain, Neera; Koeln, Justin; Sundaram, Shreyas; Alleyne, Andrew. Partially-Decentralized Control of Large-Scale Variable-Refrigerant-Flow Systems in Buildings, Journal of Process Control, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 798-819, 2014.
- McCarthy, Kevin; McCarthy Patrick; Wu, Ning; Alleyne, Andrew; Koeln, Justin; Patnaik, Soumya; Emo, Stephen; Cory, Joshua. Model Accuracy of Variable Fidelity Vapor Cycle System Simulations, SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-2140, 2014.
- Munro, Troy; Koeln, Justin; Fassmann, Andrew; Barnett, Robert; Ban, Heng. Phase Change Heat Transfer and Bubble Behavior Observed on Twisted Wire Heater Geometries in Microgravity, International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow, vol. 47, pp. 21-30, 2014.
- Koeln, Justin; Boulware, Jeffrey; Ban, Heng; Dennison, J.R. Observations on Braided Thin Wire Nucleate Boiling in Microgravity, International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 973-981, 2011.
Conference Publications
- Trevor, Bird; Jain, Neera; Pangborn, Herschel; Koeln, Justin. Set-based reachability and the explicit solution of linear MPC using hybrid Zonotopes, American Control Conference, 2022.
- Yejun, Lao; Rotea, Mario; Koeln, Justin; Sakib, Mohammad; Griffith, Todd. Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Offshore Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines, American Control Conference, 2022.
- Raghuraman, Vignesh; Koeln, Justin. Tube-based robust MPC with adjustable uncertainty sets using zonotopes, American Control Conference, 2021.
- Leister, Daniel ; Koeln, Justin. Nonlinear Hierarchical MPC for Maximizing Aircraft Thermal Endurance, Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2020.
- Wenqing, Wang; Koeln, Justin. Hierarchical Multi-Timescale Energy Management for Hybrid-Electric Aircraft, Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2020.
- Raghuraman, Vignesh; Renganathan, Venkatraman; Summers, Tyler; Koeln, Justin. Hierarchical MPC with Coordinating Terminal Costs, American Control Conference, 2020.
- Koeln, Justin; Hencey, Brandon. Constrained Hierarchical MPC via Zonotopic Waysets, American Control Conference, 2019.
- Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Two-Level Hierarchical Mission-Based Model Predictive Control, American Control Conference, 2018.
- Pangborn, Herschel; Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Passivity and Decentralized MPC of Switched Graph-Based Power Flow Systems, American Control Conference, 2018.
- Aksland, Christopher; Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. A Graph-based Approach for Dynamic Compressor Modeling in Vapor Compression Systems, Proc. of the Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2017.
- Pangborn, Herschel; Williams, Matthew; Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Graph-Based Hierarchical Control of Thermal Fluid Power Flow Systems, American Control Conference, 2017.
- Koeln, Justin; Williams, Matthew; Pangborn, Herschel; Alleyne, Andrew. Experimental Validation of Graph-based Modeling For Thermal Fluid Power Flow Systems, Proc. of the Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2016.
- Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Event-based Hierarchical Control of Power Flow in Vehicle Systems, Proc. of the 2016 American Control Conference, 2016.
- Koeln, Justin; Williams, Matthew; Alleyne, Andrew. Hierarchical Control of Multi-domain Power Flow in Mobile Systems – Part I: Framework Development and Demonstration, Proc. of the Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2015.
- Williams, Matthew; Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Hierarchical Control of Multi-domain Power Flow in Mobile Systems – Part II: Aircraft Application, Proc. of the Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2015.
- Keating, Bryan; Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Weiner Modeling of a Closed Loop Vapor Compression System for Extremum Seeking Controller Design, Proc. of the Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2015.
- Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Scalable Model Predictive Control for Multi-Evaporator Vapor Compression Systems. Proc. of the 2014 American Control Conference, 2014.
- Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Optimal Subcooling in Vapor Compression Systems via Extremum Seeking Control. Proc. of the 6th ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2013.
- Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew. Decentralized Controller Analysis and Design for Multi-Evaporator Vapor Compression Systems. Proc. of the 2013 American Control Conference, 2013.
- Koeln, Justin; Kania, Megan; Jain, Neera; Alleyne, Andrew. Experimental Load Emulation for Multi-Evaporator Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems. Proc. of the International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, 2012.
- Kania, Megan; Koeln, Justin; Alleyne, Andrew; McCarthy, Kevin; Wu, Ning; Patnaik, Soumya. A Dynamic Modeling Toolbox for Air Vehicle Vapor Cycle Systems. Proc. of the SAE Power Systems Conference, 2012.
- Koeln, Justin; Boulware, Jeffrey; Ban, Heng. Bubble Behavior in Nucleate Boiling Experiment Aboard the Space Shuttle. Proc. of the 2010 AIAA Intern. Student Conf. at the 48th AIAA Aerospace Sci. Meeting, 2010.
- Koeln, Justin. Thin Wire Nucleate Boiling of Water in Sustained Microgravity. Proc. of the 23rd Annual AIAA/USU Conf. on Small Satellites, SSC09-VIII-6, 2009.
- Koeln, Justin. Hierarchical Power Management in Vehicle Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL., 2016.
- Koeln, Justin. A Decentralized Control Design Approach to a Class of Large-Scale Systems. M.S. Thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL., 2013.
- Raghuraman, Vignesh. Set-Based Hierarchical Control for Multi-Timescale Energy Management. Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. Mech. Eng., The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., 2022
- Sakakini, Trent. Design and Validation of Switched Moving Boundary Modeling for Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage Systems. M.S. Thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX., 2023