
Molecular mechanisms controlling the biogenesis of the TGF-beta signal Vg1
P. C. Dave P. Dingal*, Adam Carte#, Tessa Montague#, Medel B. Lim Suan Jr., Alexander Schier*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2023; 120(43) e2307203120. doi:
*corresponding authors; #equal contribution
News Feature:

Regulation of Vg1 biogenesis during mesendoderm induction
P. C. Dave P. Dingal*, Adam Carte#, Tessa Montague#, Alexander Schier*. bioRxiv 2021.04.25.441333. doi:
*corresponding authors; #equal contribution

Engineering cell sensing and responses using a GPCR-coupled CRISPR-Cas system
N.H. Kipniss*, P. C. Dave P. Dingal*, T.R. Abbott, Y. Gao, H. Wang, A.A. Dominguez, L. Labanieh, L.S. Qi
Nature Communications 2017; 8, 2212. doi:
*equal contribution

Chimeric Proteins and Methods of Regulating Gene Expression
P. C. Dave P. Dingal, L. S. Qi.  United States Patent 9,856,497, filed January 10, 2017, and issued January 2, 2018.

Prior Research

Fractal heterogeneity in minimal matrix models of scars modulates stiff-niche stem-cell responses via nuclear exit of a mechanorepressor
Dingal PCDP, Bradshaw A, Cho S, Raab M, Buxboim A, Swift J, Discher DE.
Nature Materials  2015;14, 951-60.  doi:

Systems mechano-biology: tension-inhibited protein turnover is sufficient to physically control gene circuits
Dingal PCDP, Discher DE.
Biophysical Journal  2014;107(11):2734-2743.doi:
Highlighted in New and Notable.

Combining insoluble and soluble factors to steer stem cell fate
Dingal PCDP, Discher DE.
Nature Materials  2014;13, 532-537. doi:
Lead article of focus issue on cell culture.

Manipulating the mechanics of extracellular matrix to study effects on the nucleus and its structure
Xia Y, Cho S, Vashisth M, Ivanovska IL, Dingal PCDP, Discher DE.
Methods  2014;157, 3-14.

Cross-linked matrix rigidity and soluble retinoids synergize in nuclear lamin regulation of stem cell differentiation
Ivanovska IL, Swift J, Spinler K, Dingal PCDP, Cho S, Discher DE.
Molecular Biology of the Cell  2017; 28(14), 2010-2022.

Simple insoluble cues specify stem cell differentiation
Dingal PCDP, Wells RG, Discher DE.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  2014; 111, 18104-18105.

Material control of stem cell differentiation: challenges in nano-characterization
Dingal PCDP, Discher DE.
Current Opinion in Biotechnology  2014; 28, 46-50. Cover article.

Stress sensitivity and mechanotransduction during heart development
Majkut S, Dingal PCDP, Discher DE.
Current Biology  2014; 24, R495-R501.

Matrix elasticity regulates lamin-A,C phosphorylation and turnover with feedback to actomyosin Buxboim A, Swift J, Irianto J, Spinler KR, Dingal PCDP, Athirasala A, Kao Y-R, Cho S, Harada T, Shin J-W, Discher DE.
Current Biology  2014; 24, 1909-1917.

Nuclear lamin stiffness is a barrier to 3D migration, but softness can limit survival
Harada T, Swift J, Irianto J, Shin J-W, Spinler KR, Athirasala A, Diegmiller R, Dingal PCDP, Ivanovska IL, Discher DE.
Journal of Cell Biology  2014; 204, 669-682.

Contractile forces sustain and polarize hematopoiesis from stem and progenitor cells
Shin J-W, Buxboim A, Spinler KR, Swift J, Christian DA, Hunter CA, Léon C, Gachet C, Dingal PCDP, Ivanovska IL, Rehfeldt F, Chassis JA, Discher DE.
Cell Stem Cell   2014; 14, 81-93.

Nuclear lamin-A scales with tissue stiffness and enhances matrix- directed differentiation
Swift J, Ivanovska IL, Buxboim A, Harada T, Dingal PCDP, Pinter J, Pajerowski JD, Spinler KS, Shin JW, Tewari M, Rehfeldt F, Speicher DW, Discher DE
Science  2013; 341, 1240104-1 to 15.

Crawling from soft to stiff matrix polarizes the cytoskeleton and phosphoregulates myosin-II heavy chain
Raab M, Swift J, Dingal PCDP, Shah P, Shin JW, Discher DE.
Journal of Cell Biology  2012; 199, 669-683.