Journal Publications
33. Li Shan, Zongqi Guo, Deepak Monga, Dylan Boylan, and Xianming Dai, “Microchannel-Elevated Micromembrane for Sustainable Phase-Separation Condensation“, Joule, 7, 168-182 (2023).

32. Dylan Boylan, Deepak Monga, Li Shan, Zongqi Guo, and Xianming Dai, “Pushing the Limit of Beetle-Inspired Condensation on Biphilic Quasi-Liquid Surfaces“, Advanced Functional Materials, 33, 2211113 (2023).

31. Jyotirmoy Sarma, Deepak Monga, Zongqi Guo, Fangying Chen, and Xianming Dai, “Coarsening Droplets for Frosting Delay on Hydrophilic SLIPS”, Droplet, Accepted (2023).
30. Zongqi Guo, Dylan Boylan, Li Shan, and Xianming Dai, “Hydrophilic Reentrant SLIPS Enabled Flow Separation for Rapid Water Harvesting“, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (36) e2209662119 (2022). [Direct Submission]
Reported by UTD News, EurekAlert! AAAS, Smartech Energy, Inside Climate News, et al.

29. Zongqi Guo, Deepak Monga, Li Shan, Dylan Boylan, and Xianming Dai, “Coarsening-Induced Disappearing Droplets Contribute to Condensation“, Droplet, 1(2), 170-181 (2022).
A dedicated News by Prof. Nenad Miljkovic: The case of the coarsening‐induced disappearing droplets.
28. Deepak Monga, Zongqi Guo, Li Shan, Seyed Adib Taba, Jyotirmoy Sarma, and Xianming Dai, “Quasi-Liquid Surfaces for Sustainable High-Performance Steam Condensation“, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(11), 13932-13941 (2022).

27. Jyotirmoy Sarma, Lei Zhang, Zongqi Guo, and Xianming Dai, “Sustainable Icephobicity on Durable Quasi-Liquid Surface“, Chemical Engineering Journal, 431, 133475 (2021).

26. Zongqi Guo, Lei Zhang, Deepak Monga, Howard A. Stone, and Xianming Dai, “Hydrophilic Slippery Surface Enabled Coarsening Effect for Rapid Water Harvesting“, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2, 100387 (2021). Video
Reported by UTD News, WaterWorld, eScience, et al.
Highly cited paper of Cell Reports Physical Science in 2021.
25. Lei Zhang, Zongqi Guo, Jyotirmoy Sarma, Weiwei Zhao, and Xianming Dai, “Gradient Quasi-Liquid Surface Enabled Self-Propulsion of Highly Wetting Liquids“, Advanced Functional Materials, 31(13), 2008614 (2021). Video

24. Lei Zhang, Zongqi Guo, Jyotirmoy Sarma, and Xianming Dai, “Passive removal of highly wetting liquids and ice on quasi-liquid surfaces“, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(17), 20084-20095 (2020). Ultra-Durable.
23. Xianming Dai, Nan Sun, Steven O. Nielsen, Birgitt Boschitsch Stogin, Jing Wang, Shikuan Yang, and Tak-Sing Wong, “Hydrophilic Directional Slippery Rough Surfaces for Water Harvesting“, Science Advances 4(3), eaaq0919 (2018). [Video]
ESI Highly Cited Paper.
Highlighted by National Science Foundation Science360 as top story of the day.
Reported by New Scientist, ACS C&EN, Science Magazine, EurekAlert (AAAS), ZME Science, Science Daily, XINHUA NET.

22. Shikuan Yang, Xianming Dai, Birgitt Boschitsch Stogin, and Tak-Sing Wong, “Ultrasensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection in common fluids” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(2), 268-273 (2016). [Direct Submission]
ESI Highly Cited Paper.
Reported by Science Daily, Phys.Org, R & D Magazine, Nanowerk, E Science News.

21. Xianming Dai, Birgitt Boschitsch Stogin, Shikuan Yang, and Tak-Sing Wong, “Slippery Wenzel State“, ACS Nano 9(9), 9260-9267 (2015). [Video]
Selected as one of the JALA Ten 2016, due to its deep impact on how technology is used across a wide range of disciplines.
Reported by NSF Multimedia Galley, Science Daily, Phys.Org, Tech Times, Nanowerk, China Daily, People’s Daily, XinHua Net, Science and Technology Daily, Innovation Toronto, ChemEurope, Iran Daily, CCTV, et al.).

20. Jyotirmoy Sarma, Zongqi Guo, and Xianming Dai, “Bioinspired photocatalytic hedgehog coating for super liquid repellency“, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 5, 4174-4181 (2021).
19. Dineli T. S. Ranathunga, Alexandra Shamir, Xianming Dai, and Steven O. Nielsen, “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Water Condensation on Surfaces with Tunable Wettability“, Langmuir, 36(26), 7383-7391 (2020).
18. Karim Egab, Mohammed Alwazzan, Benli Peng, Saad K. Oudah, Zongqi Guo, Xianming Dai, Jamil Khan, and Chen Li, “Enhancing filmwise and dropwise condensation using a hybrid wettability contrast mechanism: circular patterns“, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 154, 119640 (2020).
17. Gaurav Kumar Sirohia, and Xianming Dai, “Designing air-independent slippery rough surfaces for condensation“, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 140, 777-785 (2019).
16. Tengfei Xiang, Yang Han, Zongqi Guo, Rong Wang, Shunli Zheng, Sheng Li, Cheng Li, and Xianming Dai, “Fabrication of inherent anticorrosion superhydrophobic surfaces on metals“, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6(4), 5598-5606 (2018).

15. Xianming Dai, Pengtao Wang, Fanghao Yang, Xiaochuan Li, Chen Li, “Decoupling the influence of surface structure and intrinsic wettability on boiling heat transfer“. Applied Physics Letters 112(25), 253901 (2018).

14. Fanghao Yang, Wenming Li, Xianming Dai, and Chen Li, “Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of HFE-7000 in Nanowire-Coated Microchannels“, Applied Thermal Engineering 93(25), 260-268 (2016).
13. Xianming Dai, Fanghao Yang, Ronggui Yang, Xinyu Huang, William A Rigdon, Xiaodong Li, and Chen Li, “Biphilic nanoporous surfaces enabled exceptional drag reduction and capillary evaporation enhancement”, Applied Physics Letters 105(19), 191611 (2014).

12. Fanghao Yang, Xianming Dai, Yoav Peles, Ping Cheng, Jamil Khan, and Chen Li, “Flow boiling phenomena in a single annular flow regime in microchannels (II): Reduced pressure drop and enhanced critical heat flux”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 68, 716-724 (2014).
11. Fanghao Yang, Xianming Dai, Yoav Peles, Ping Cheng, Jamil Khan, and Chen Li, “Flow boiling phenomena in a single annular flow regime in microchannels (I): Characterization of flow boiling heat transfer”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 68, 703-715 (2014) .
[ESI Highly Cited Paper in 2015]
10. Fanghao Yang, Xianming Dai, Yoav Peles, Ping Cheng, and Chen Li, “Can multiple flow boiling regimes be reduced into a single one in microchannels?”, Applied Physics Letters 103(4), 043122 (2013).

9. Xianming Dai, Xinyu Huang, Fanghao Yang, Xiaodong Li, Joshua Sightler, Yingchao Yang, and Chen Li, “Enhanced nucleate boiling on horizontal hydrophobic-hydrophilic carbon nanotube coatings”, Applied Physics Letters 102(16), 161605 (2013).
8. Xianming Dai, Mehdi Famouri, Aziz I Abdulagatov, Ronggui Yang, Yung-Cheng Lee, Steven M George, and Chen Li, “Capillary evaporation on micromembrane-enhanced microchannel wicks with atomic layer deposited silica”, Applied Physics Letters 103(15), 151602 (2013). Editor’s pick for November and December 2013. The journal selects 15 among 446 papers each month.
7. Xianming Dai, Fanghao Yang, Ronggui Yang, Yung-Cheng Lee, and Chen Li, “Micromembrane-enhanced capillary evaporation”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64, 1101-1108 (2013).

6. Xianming Dai, Fanghao Yang, Ruixian Fang, Tsegaye Yemame, Jamil A Khan, and Chen Li, “Enhanced single-and two-phase transport phenomena using flow separation in a microgap with copper woven mesh coatings”, Applied Thermal Engineering 54(1), 281-288 (2013).
5. Fanghao Yang, Xianming Dai, Chih-Jung Kuo, Yoav Peles, Jamil Khan, and Chen Li, “Enhanced flow boiling in microchannels by self-sustained high frequency two-phase oscillations”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 58(1), 402-412 (2013).
4. Fanghao Yang, Xianming Dai, and Chen Li, “High frequency microbubble-switched oscillations modulated by microfluidic transistors”, Applied Physics Letters 101(7), 073509 (2012).
3. Hanping Chen, Haiqing Sui, Xianhua Wang, Xianming Dai, and Haiping Yang, “Effects of temperature on the product property during multi-cogeneration based on waste tyre pyrolysis”, Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering 32 (23), 119 (2012).
2. Xianming Dai, Hanping Chen, Haiping Yang, Xianhua Wang, and Guangchang He, “Characteristic and combustion application of waste tire pyrolysis oil”, Renewable Energy 27(2), 16-19 (2009).
1. Jingai Shao, Hanping Chen, Xianming Dai, and Haiping Yang, “Research on the pyrolytic characteristics of sewage sludge from Hong Kong”, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology 37(5), 120-124 (2009).
Conference proceedings
5. Christopher Oshman, Qian Li, Wei Wang, Ching-Yi Lin, Li-Anne Liew, Aziz Adbulagatov, Ming Kong, Susan Song, Xianming Dai, and Ronggui Yang, “Flexible and conformal thermal ground planes”, Proc. 37th Annual Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (GOMACTech), March19-22, 2012, Las Vegas, NV.
4. Xianming Dai, Levey Tran, Fanghao Yang, Bo Shi, Ronggui Yang, YC Lee, and Chen Li, “Characterization of hybrid-wicked copper acetone heat pipes”, Proceedings of the ASME/JSME 2011 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference (AJTEC2011), March 13-17, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (ISI index)
3. Xianhua Wang, Hanping Chen, Haiping Yang, Xianming Dai, and Shihong Zhang, “Fast pyrolysis of agricultural wastes in a fluidized bed reactor”, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Xi’an, China, 2009, 719-725;
2. Hanping Chen, Yingqiang Shen, Xianhua Wang, Xianming Dai, Hongyan Xue, and Dechang Liu, “Advanced refractory and anti-wearing technology of cyclone separator in CFB boiler”, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Xi’an, China, 2009, 247-249.
1. Xianming Dai, Hanping Chen, and Deyuan Wang, “Economical research on biomass energy resource supply system”, International Conference on Biomass Energy Technology, Guangzhou, China, 2008, 2:510-515;
Book chapter
Xianming Dai, Mehdi Famouri, and Chen Li, “Multiscale Thermal Transport in Energy Systems”, edited by Yuewen Zhang and Ya-Ling He, Nava Science Publishers, Inc. NY, USA, 2016 (Invited).
5. L. Zhang, J. Sarma, Z. Guo, X. Dai, “A semiliquid surface with liquid and solid repellence”, US Patent 17/615,393, 2022.
4. Xianming Dai, Birgitt M. Boschitsch, and Tak Sing Wong, “Slippery rough surfaces”,WO2016172561 A1, 2016.
3. Chen Li, Fanghao Yang, Xianming Dai, and Yan Tong, “Enhanced flow boiling in microchannels by high frequency microbubble-excited and-modulated oscillations”, US 20140027005 A1, 2014.
2. Chen Li, Xinyu Huang, Xianming Dai, and Fanghao Yang, “Carbon nanotube enabled hydrophobic- hydrophilic composite interfaces and methods of their formation, US 20140037938 A1, 2013.
1. Chen Li, Fanghao Yang, Xianming Dai, and Yan Tong, “Microfluidic devices for the generation of nano-vapor bubbles and their methods of manufacture and use”, US 20140034132 A1, 2013.
International presentations
12. Xianming Dai, Nan Sun, Steven Nielsen, Birgitt Stogin, Jing Wang, Shikuan Yang, Tak Sing Wong, “Condensation on Hydrophilic Directional Slippery Rough Surfaces”, Boston, MA, November 28, 2017.
11. Xianming Dai, “Bioinspired Multifunctional Interfacial Materials for Energy Transport and Thermal Management”, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, May 19, 2016 (Invited).
10. Xianming Dai, Birgitt Boschitsch Stogin, Shikuan Yang, and Tak-Sing Wong, Condensation Heat Transfer on Bioinspired Slippery Surfaces, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, Texas, November 17, 2015.
9. Xianming Dai, Birgitt Boschitsch, Jing Wang, and Tak-Sing Wong, Slippery Rough Surfaces for Drag reduction, Princeton University, September 29, 2015 (ONR MURI meeting).
8. Xianming Dai, Enhanced Phase-Change Heat Transfer on Bioinspired Surfaces, Carnegie Mellon University, August 10, 2015.
7. Xianming Dai, Enhanced Phase-Change Heat Transfer on Advanced Surfaces, Advanced Cooling Technologies, June 22, 2015.
6. Xianming Dai, Advanced Materials Interfaces for Future Thermal-Fluid Engineering, Oak Ridge National Lab, April 27, 2015.
5. Xianming Dai, Micro/nano-engineered surfaces for enhanced boiling and evaporation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 24, 2013.
4. Xianming Dai, Aziz I. Abdulagatov, Fanghao Yang, Yung-Cheng Lee, Steven M. George, Ronggui Yang, Li-Anne Liew, and Chen Li, Enhanced capillary evaporation on biporous wicks using atomic layer deposition of silica, The ASME 2012 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 8-12, 2012, Puerto Rico, USA.
3. Xianming Dai, Fanghao Yang, Yung-Cheng Lee, Ronggui Yang, and Chen Li, Oscillating evaporation induced by microscale bi-porous structures, The ASME 2012 3rd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, March 3-6, 2012, Atlanta, GA, USA.
2. Xianming Dai, Fanghao Yang, Tsegaye Yemame, Ruixian Fang, Jamil Khan, and Chen Li, Enhanced flow boiling by fluid separation in microgap, The ASME 2012 3rd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, March 3-6, 2012, Atlanta, GA, USA.
1. Xianming Dai, Levey T. Tran, Fanghao Yang, Bo Shi, Ronggui Yang, Y.C. Lee, and Chen Li, Characterization of hybrid-wicked copper heat pipes, The ASME/JSME 2011 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference (AJTEC2011), March 13-17, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
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